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User:The Painting Pirate

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Rose Robin AKA The Painting Pirate born 1979. Nationality: British. A globetrotting, muralist painter, and humanitarian and marine conservationist specialising in technically perfect marine mammals and their habitat. Traveling from community to community often by foot, bicycle, or hitch-hiking. Teaching 'Free Expression' Workshops and painting inspiring murals for marine conservation. A quote from The Painting Pirates website: "I teach 'Free Expression' workshops in disadvantaged areas. Teaching children and adults to express themselves freely, after experiencing psychological trauma because of tragedy and hardship. Working with people who need help raising awareness of their plight and funds to help their community. So far I have worked in France, USA, Mexico, Belize, Canada and Sri Lanka. I film web series and documentaries and show them through free internet networking, to create awareness. I do not make money with the documentaries I make."

At the age of 8 Rose Robin's parents had a car accident. Her mother's back snapped and father's back was squashed. With rehabilitation over many years both parents were able to walk. For this reason Rose traveling from a young age living a quite unsettled life. At the age of 11 the family moved to France. Because of severe dyslexia and the language barrier, she received a home education and apprenticeship in the Arts - sculpture and painting and interior design with artists Alexandra Wintersteen Parsons school of art, and Ray Brown Head of the art department at UCLA. 2000 - 2003 - Atelier des Beaux Arts in Paris. 2003 - 2006 - The New York Studio School.

2008 Rose started giving art classes with APF - Association of the Paralysed of France. To view a video, please follow this link. She realised her future goal was to teach 'Free Expression' work shops and started to devise a plan to travel to the 3rd world. With no funds or budget she started by teaching around France, UK and the USA in underprivileged areas.

2009/10 Rose Robin filmed a documentary Film called the 'The Fairytale Experiment' about street artist around the USA, Which won two awards: An Indie film festival Award of Merit: Feature Documentary, An Accolade: Award of Merit: Feature Documentary.

The non profit 'The Painting Pirates Club' was created in 2011 in La Paz Baja California Mexico. Working with a community living in the Arroyo Concreto, or concrete river, who originate from main land Mexico, Senora. The Yaquis tribe, native Americans who fish and dive for pearls. They were adept at holding their breath and were a great profit to La Paz. They are the very same people and area of La Paz written about in the book 'The Pearl' by John Steinbeck. A quote from The Painting Pirates website: "I started 'The Painting Pirates Club' in October 2011 to provide the neighbourhood children and adults a means to express themselves freely through different forms of the visual arts. I felt the area needed to give active children healthy things to think about and hope for their future success in life. My overall goal is to teach them that they can make an income through art. That expression through art is good for them psychologically, physically, and economically. I believe that 'Art' is a grey area of discussion, a place that allows us to think. I am also showing latin American films and artistic documentaries in Spanish and teaching the kids to film and make their own documentaries so they can tell their personal stories."

In 2012 Rose Robin embarked on a 2 year hike across Mexico by Camper, foot, hitch hiking, and bicycle. She filmed a documentary series about her adventures and the communities she worked in which can be seen on her website. From Mexico she hopped over the boarder to Belize. She spent 1 year traveling through the pearl of the Caribbean working in communities and filming a documentary series about her work which you can see on her website. From Belize she headed to British Columbia Canada for one year, where she filmed and a documentary series which you can also see on her website.

In 2014 Rose traveled to Sri Lanka where she has joined forces with a Sri Lankan Organisation, ‘Ocean Heritage Trust’ (OHT), a group of scientific oceanic researchers from Sri Lanka. The OHT was founded by Roshan Abeywickrama, coral ecologist, whose ambition is to encourage a greater understanding in Sri Lanka about the ocean that surrounds it. He believes that an understanding of marine life will inspire love and appreciation for the ocean, then conservation will follow naturally. - See more at: http://www.nation.lk/edition/fine/people-and-events/item/38080-french-artist-rose-robin-joins-forces-with-sri-lankan-organization.html#sthash.cE9YZPAz.dpuf For the next year Rose Robin will be painting 'Oceanic Conservation' murals around Sri Lanka to inspire a love and appreciation of marine life and help the people of Sri Lanka learn to recognise the marine life their have in their waters. In corporation with Howard Martenstyn Director of the Centre for Research on Indian Ocean Marine Mammals. Dr. Jagath Weerasinghe head of the Art and Archeology University in Sri Lanka and is also a Founding Member & chairman of Theertha International Artist Collective.

Articles and TV

2015 - Nation news article 2015 - sunday observe 2015 - Sri Lanka news article