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User:The Divine Equation

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The Divine Equation and The Holy Temple is a comprehensive, science-based research that tackles specific segments of the Biblical narrative, which required the use of math, history, etymology, and also the construction of the physical model of Solomon's Temple - the First Temple of Jerusalem. The study has yielded controversial and surprising results that were compiled into the book "The Divine Equation and The Holy Temple" by Amir Tuchman. It exposes a series of startling discoveries at the center of which lies a previously unknown mathematical code encrypted into the Bible. That mysterious code or the ratio is '1.666666∞'or as (5/3 ) and (1⅔)-- titled by the author the "D-factor 1.666666∞" This puzzling code/factor was known to Noah, Moses, King Solomon, and Jesus. Noah was the first one to use it as a proportional ratio in the construction of the Ark (Noah's Ark). About 1200 years later, the same code was utilized by Moses, to build the Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle's Golden Menorah, and the Sacrificial Altar. After another 480 years, this code in combination with another encrypted key (called by the author the "Biblical sequence:" 5/3, 10/6, 15/9, 20/12, 25/15, 30/18...) was embedded into the Temple of Solomon. A 1000 years passed, and the same mysterious code has once again echoed through the mysterious parables spoken by Jesus to his disciples. Since then, however, the knowledge of the code appeared to have been completely forgotten, lost, or maybe even hidden. Intriguingly, 1500 years later, during the Renaissance, the ancient “Biblical Code” has once again reappeared, this time, in the form of musical frequency, and today, is a standard for tuning musical instruments. Moreover, this mystical code serves as an underlying factor for the modern economy and Stock Market. Nonetheless, the roots of this puzzling code '1.666666∞' go even deeper, for it rests within the very fundamental properties of matter, the building blocks of life itself, the psyche of humankind, and beyond.

By relying on a scientific approach, the research reveals the source of that ancient and enigmatic code, the "D-factor 1.666666∞" and the far-reaching consequences of understanding and implementing it.

A brief sampling of additional discoveries

The Temple's "Molten/Brazen Sea"

The Brazen Sea's geometry, its compass-based alignment, and its location in the Temple's court reveal that the feature wasn't just a reservoir to hold water for the ablution of the Temple's Priests, as traditionally believed, but was a device used for astronomical calculations and time tracking. Moreover, a mathematical examination shows that the Brazen Sea was build based on the principles of 'π' - (3.14) and the mysterious code '1.666666∞' Numerical Synchronicity

The research "The Divine Equation" reveals an intriguing numerical correlation between the geographical coordination of Jerusalem's Holy sites (latitude - 31°46′), the Biblical title of God (Shaddai - 314), the geometric principle of the Brazen Sea (- 3.14), and the universal constant ('π' - 3.14). Apparently, the key digits in all these features are the 3,1,4. The Initiated Ones

Based on the structural dimensions of Noah's Ark (300 × 50 × 30) cubits, the study exposes the names of the Ark's master builders and the puzzling fact that the proportions of the ancient vessel were compatible with the structural proportions of today's ocean-going cargo ships. The Temple's Menorah

The ten Menorahs where the source of light within the Temple building, and traditionally, they are seen as a representation of the Divine light or the Glory of the Divine Spirit. Nonetheless, besides the presence of a mysterious '1.666666∞' Amir Tuchman finds more unique properties hidden with the Menorah. In his research, he examines the semicircular geometry of the Menorah's branches and alludes to the presence of the Fibonacci sequence, Fractal geometry, and the 'wave propagation' symmetry that reflects natural phenomena found both in matter and energy. The physical properties of the ten Menorahs suggest that besides radiating with light the Menorahs could also radiate with subtle vibrating energy analogous to the musical frequencies, which could be experienced by the bystanders as spiritually uplifting or even divine. Moreover, the study correlates the Menorah's geometry with a Sky-Rainbow reflected in the water, maybe the water of the Great Flood. This correlation leads to further unexpected discoveries. Two Temples, the same secret

An unexpected development has led to stunning discoveries. The Holy Temple of Jerusalem and the Roman Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek share the same architectural secret, the enigmatic '1.666666∞.'