#bodyContent a[title="User:TheIrishWarden"] { background-color: #ff7700; color: green; } (talk) 17:43, 30 June 2012 (UTC)
#bodyContent a[title="User:TheIrishWarden"] { background-color: #ff7700; color:green; } (talk) 17:44, 30 June 2012 (UTC)
#bodyContent a[title="User:TheIrishWarden"] { background-color: #ff7700; color:green; } (talk) 17:46, 30 June 2012 (UTC)
Is this ok ? --DBigXray 18:20, 21 July 2012 (UTC)
Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud] (talk) 18:46, 21 July 2012 (UTC)
Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud] (talk) 18:47, 21 July 2012 (UTC)
as discussed on talk page--DBigXray 18:54, 21 July 2012 (UTC)
Copy paste the code below into Special:Preferences and please select the option "Treat signature as wikitext (without an automatic link)"--DBigXray 18:56, 21 July 2012 (UTC)
Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud
Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud White text on white background will not be visible
As you can see below this is a green text with white background. --DBigXray 19:20, 21 July 2012 (UTC)
Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud
Explanation of code
[edit]Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud
- background:#FFF is used to set the background of the image.
- font color="orange" will set the colour of the text.
- please read Wikipedia:Smurrayinchester's signature tutorial
- to use glow you can tweak the code
"text-shadow:0px 0px .3em LightSkyBlue;"
You can change the colour of the glow and change the numberical values based on your likeness.
My version
[edit]Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud
Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud
your Test area
[edit]test your signature below
Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud
Thєíríshwαrdєn - írísh αnd prσud Hows this one ? --DBigXray 20:57, 21 July 2012 (UTC)