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The Arab migrations to the Levant , known in Arabic as Bilād al-Shām , involved successive waves of migration and settlement by Arabian tribes from the Arabian Peninsula to the Levant region of West Asia, encompassing modern-day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Israel. Arabian migrants hailed from various parts of the Middle East, principally the Arabian Peninsula. Following the rise of the Rashidun Caliphate after Muhammad's death in 632 CE, and its expansion to the Levant, promting the settlement of Arabian Muslims.



Main articles: History of the Arabs , Old Arabic , Qedarites, Nabataeans , Osroene, , Palmyra , Emesene dynasty, Tanukhids ,

Pre-Islamic Conquest


The earliest known attestation of the Old Arabic language is found in the Levant, the earliest located in Bayir , Transjordan , dating to Iron Age in the 9th century BCE.[1] Assyrian and Ancient Greek records attest to the presence of Arabic-speaking peoples such as the Qedarites and Nabateans living in the desert peripheral areas such as the Syrian Desert , the Golan , the Negev , and Sinai in a broad area called "Arabia" , which included the Arabian Peninsula.[2][3]

In Classical Antiquity , multiple political entities in the Ancient Near East had a substantial Arab presence , such as the Achaemenid province of Arabia , the Nabatean Kingdom , later known as Provincia Arabia and Palaestina Salutaris , as well as the Palmyrene Empire. Trade relations between the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula also existed, with Meccan caravans traveling north, some include Muhmmad's grandfather Hashim , who according to Islamic tradition used to trade in Gaza , others being Bedouin raiders which reflected in both Talmudic and Patristic literature, with the latter recording Saracen raids against the desert monasteries of Palestine.

Muslim sources such as Al-Yaqubi depict the Ghassanids and Judham tribal federations as Byzantine-clients in the Levant , acting as a buffer state against the Sassanians under Byzantine tutelage, as well as encroaching Arabian tribes near the Limes Arabicus. The Ghassanids were able to establish a Vassal Kingdom under Byzantine authority with Jabiya located in eastern Golan, as the capital. The Banu Lakhm, who mingled with the Banu Judham and were based in the northern Euphrates, also had a particular presence in Palestine.

Centuries by the Early Muslim conquests, Arab presence in the Levant consisted of nomadic Bedouin tribes inhabiting the desert borderlands in the Negev andSyrian deserts west of the Euphrates, and the area around Palmyra  , as well as permanent settlements in areas such Petra, and Bostra .

Rashidun era (632–661 CE)


Main article: Muslim conquest of the Levant

The Rashidun Caliphate established after Muhmmad's death under Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab, rapidly expanded and conquered much of the Levant. Within three years, Syria-Palestine was under Muslim control. During the conquest a number of the Byzantine-Greek minority began to flee from Arabia and began settling in the towns of Syria right after the conquest. This settlement was however limited, primarily involving members of the original conquering armies. Additional tribesmen who immigrated mainly settled in abandoned parts of towns, rather than in rural areas or new camp cities, as happened in Iraq[4]. The numbers of Arabs who settled in the eastern provinces (Mashriq) is unknown . Bernard Lewis assumes that they were "a small minority among the native population" , which he estimated as a "Quarter of a million" in the first Hijri /Islamic century [5]. The total population of Syria-Palestine was 4 to 5 million in the 7th century[6] , with Palestine alone ranging from 1 to 4 million[7].

While the Muslims caused less destruction during their conquest than the Persians had few decades earlier, part of the Levant's urban population fled upon thier arrival. This emigration created vacancies that were later occupied by Arabian migrants. Both Muslim and Syrian sources provide evidence of noteworthy emigration.[8] Al-Baladhuri mentioned that the residents of Damascus have left[9] , as well as the inhabitants of the coastal cities such as Sidon, Arca, Byblos, Beirut have fled their towns[10].This may have also included the citizens of Emesa[11]. He also mentions that the Roman soliders of towns such as Damascus , Baldah, Jabalah and Antartus left after the capitulations[12].Others who didn't flee such as Antioch and Barbalissos were given the choice to remain and pay the poll tax (Jizyah) or leave , most of the later choosing to leave.[13]

Some archeological evidence suggests certain areas were depopulated, likely as considerable portion of its population fled[14] , especially in the coastal area[15]. An example of such is Caesarea whose size has been reduced by 80% in the 7th century , possibly due to emigration during the conquest.[16] (LAST STOPPED)Muslim sources state that the Muslims entered into agreements with residents of various towns and cities , which included conditions requiring the locals to vacate certain properties to accommodate the Muslim newcomers , as well as to relinquishing half of their homes and churches for use as living spaces and mosques. Fred Donner disputes the authenticity of some of these treaties and their details mentioned in Muslim sources are of uncertain, and assumed they may have been "systematizations of subsequent generations of legal scholars seeking to rationalize later taxation or legislative measures". The abandonment of urban properties—whether due to flight, voluntary evacuation, or dispossession—led to their gradual resettlement by Muslims.

The Muslim conquerors established a primary military base in Jabiyah, an encampment in eastern Golan that was previously the capital of the Ghassanids. According to one source, the initial Muslim force that arrived in Jabiyah comprised about 24,000 soldiers. However, following the plague of Amwas, only 4,000 remained. It remains uncertain whether the remaining troops perished due to the plague or if many had fled and could potentially return. The Ghassanids, who preferred to remain Christian, were asked to pay land and poll taxes. Their leader refused, asserting Arab exemption from such taxes, and Umar ultimately conceded. Jabiyah was ultimately disregarded as a settlement site, as new arrivals favored cities like Damascus, Homs, and Aleppo. Unlike in Iraq and Mesopotamia : those who came to the Levant settled in established urban centers, often occupying areas vacated during the conquest.

Some Muslims acquired land grants and residences in various cities of the Levant , according to Yaqut al-Hamawi .  Amr ibn al-As owned multiple properties in Damascus. Habib ibn Maslama al-Fihri also settled in Damascus, where he had a dwelling overlooking the Barada River. In Homs, a general allocated vacant areas among Muslims: "divided it (the city) up among the Muslims in lots (khitat), so that they might occupy them, and he settled them also in every place whose occupants had evacuated it and in every abandoned yard." Umar honored a promise made by the Prophet Muhammad to Tamim al-Dari, a Lakhmid Palestinian Christian who converted to Islam and joined Muhammad in Medina, becoming one of his companions which involved lands in Hebron and Bayt 'Aynun (and, according to some sources, Bethlehem), along with a bill of rights. Tamim seemingly served as the collector of land taxes (kharaj) in these areas. His descendants are reported to have continued residing there into the medieval period. Additionally : some locals chose to surrender their homes to the Muslims , and then resettled along the Orontes River. In Tiberias, following the battle of Fahl and the fall of Damascus, commanders and their cavalry have reportedly settled in the town and neighboring area. , and the reinforcements were scattered among the distributed the cities and villages in the along the Jordan River. In Jerusalem, 'Umar settled troops from Jabiya once the inhabitants concluded agreements. Under 'Umar and 'Uthman, tracts of land in 'Asqalan were allocated to Muslims.

Following the Muslim conquest, settlement in the countryside of the Levant occurred, though it was less documented than in urban areas. Muslim sources indicate that abandoned agricultural lands were allocated to Muslims, on the condition that they restore the land to productivity and pay a tithe ('ushr) on the produce. Some references suggest that at least some of the Arabian migrants had rural ties in Syria. For example, Saʽd ibn ʽUbadah, a leader of the Khazraj tribe, settled in Damascus but may have owned property in the Hauran. Mu'awiya, as governor, was directed by 'Uthman to settle Arab nomads (al-'arab) in unclaimed or vacant lands far from urban areas, placing tribes like Banu Tamim in Rabiya, and the tribes of Qays and Asad in regions such as al-Mazihin and al-Mudaibir (near Raqqa). However, settlement in rural areas appeared limited . Muawiya was instructed by Uthman to settle nomads in places far  from the cities and villages to let them use vacant lands. Fred Donner rejects that land may have been appropriated from Levantine peasantry to settle Arabians migrants , believing that the policy was similar to Iraq : maintaining the rural population on the land so as to provide a tax base. Instead settled lands were mostly already vacant , and that "very few" Syrian peasants had left compared to Urban dwellers in the cities and towns.

Umayyad era (661–750)


The Umayyad Caliphate, which succeeded the Rashidun in 661, established its center in Syria and designated Damascus as its capital, thereby transforming the region into a major metropolitan province. The Islamic leaders aimed to preserve the distinct identity and traditional lifestyle of the tribes, incorporating Islamic elements while preventing their assimilation into local populations. Most of them were soldiers, officials, townsmen, or Bedouins.

The Caliphate also enacted some polices of "population management" , including transfers and settlement. Starting in the early decades after the conquest, employed this practice both to populate newly conquered regions and to address demographic shifts. According to Al-Baladhuri : Mu'awiya settled Arab tribes and Persians in coastal Syria, and after the fall of Tripoli “made a dwelling- place for a large body of Jews". After the conquest of Balis, he filled the demographic gap with Arab tribes that had just converted to Islam. In the early 8th century, the city of Ramla was founded by the as the capital of Jund Filastin , which Al-Ya'qubi states was settled by people from Lydda , which was demolished after its completion.

Moshe Gil stated the Umayyad era was "undoubtedly the golden age of the Arab tribes who penetrated into Palestine with the Muslim conquest.", and stated that "These Arab tribes, both those who had formerly lived on the borders of Palestine and those who came to it within the framework of the Muslim army, were a separate entity of the population of the country" on account of a common Bedouin past.  He continues to quote Al Ya'qubi's account, describing a number of tribes in Jund Filastin, including the Pre-Islamic Lakhm, Judham, and the post-conquest 'Amilah, Kinda, Qays, and Kinana newcomers. The immigration was organized by the Caliphate , and that they were directed to new administrative centers acting as agents fostering Islamization and Arabization. Ehrlich bellives that Al-Yaqubi's description indicates that "although emigrating elites from principal cities left their luxurious properties behind, Muslim immigrants did not occupy them, an impression corroborated by archaeological findings."

According to Al-Ya'qubi, the 'Amila tribe settled in Jabal al-Jalil (modern-day south Lebanon and northern Israel), with nearby Tyre inhabited by people of various origins. The 'Amila became the dominant group in the region, which was named after them as Jabil Amil. Ehrlich remarks that local traditions believe that the tribe was already Shi'ite when settling in the 7th century.

Khirbet Abu Suwwana, an archaeological site in the northern Judaean Desert founded in the early 8th century was likely established by nomadic groups who penetrated the area after the Muslim conquest. Al-Tabari writes that Caliph Marwan I (r. 684–685) faced pressure to honor his promise to the Banu Kindah, allowing them to settle in the Balqa region of Transjordan.

In 742, an army led by Balj ibn Bishr was dispatched to Al-Andalus, with many of its soldiers originating from Syria. These soldiers later became settlers who received fiefs along the Mediterranean coast of Spain, adopting a model similar to that of Syria. Each of the Syrian military districts (junds) was allocated a corresponding Spanish region: the men of Damascus settled in Elvira, those from the Jordan in Malaga, Palestine in Sidonia, Hims in Seville, and Qinnasrin in Jaen. They formed an Arab warrior class referred to as Shāmi (Syrian). This designation helped differentiate them from the original settlers who had come with the initial Conquest.

Fatimid era (909–1171)


The Shi'ite Fatimid Caliphate moved or encouraged Shi'ite immigrants to settle in cities along the Levantine coastal plain, such as Tyre, as well as in Tiberias and its surrounding areas. However the Shi'ites never constituted a majority of the Muslims population , and have either mostly converted to Sunni Islam by the Mamluks , or emigrated.

Crusader era (1099–1187)


Sebastia was abandoned by its Samaritan community either during the Early Muslim period , or the Frankish conquest , becoming largely an Urban community centered in Nablus after many of the Samaritans in its hinterland had converted to Islam for social , religious , and economic reasons or settled to Nablus. Concurrently , There was penetration by a noteworthy number of Bedouins into abandoned areas , undergoing a process of sedentarization which was not opposed by the Crusaders , as they sought to raise the tax base. This settlement is bellived to "Explain the tribal nature of at least part of the rural society in the area".

Samaria was the only region in Palestine to have been mostly Islamized prior to the Crusades and Mamluk rule.



Islamization and Arabization


Main articles: Spread of Islam , Islam in Palestine , Islam in Syria , Islam in Lebanon , Arabization

The migration of Arabian tribes played a role in the Islamization and Arabization of the Holy Land by settling in abandoned areas over the centuries. within two centuries after the early Muslim conquest , the indigenous population adopted the Arabic Language , translating religious literature including the Bible into Arabic , and using it as a native language with Aramaic substratum and remnants. However , Arabization was not congruent to conversion to Islam.

The native population which didn't emigrate during or after the conquest and remained converted to Islam at different rates. Christian communities persisted in greater numbers, likely due to their larger size and better organization, while Jewish communities experienced a revival through immigration. In contrast, Samaritan immigration was minimal, and their presence dwindled over time.


  1. ^ Al-Jallad, Ahmad (2018). "The Earliest Stages of Arabic and its Linguistic Classification" , The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Linguistics. Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 9781315147062.
  2. ^ Resto, Jan (2002). The Arabs In Antiquity Their History From The Assyrians To The Umayyads. Routledge ,Taylor and Francis Group.
  3. ^ Eph’al, Israel (1982). The Ancient Arabs : Nomads on the Borders of the Fertile Crescent, 9th-5th Centuries B.C. Brill.
  4. ^ Donner, Fred (2014). The Early Islamic Conquests. p. 250. ISBN 9781400847877.
  5. ^ Lewis, Bernard (2002). The Arabs in History. Oxford University Press. p. 70. ISBN 9780192803108.
  6. ^ Levtzion, Nehemia (1990). Conversion to Islam in Syria and Palestine and the Survival of Christian Communities in "Conversion and Continuity Indigenous Christian Communities in Islamic Lands Eighth to Eighteenth Centuries". PONTIFICAL INSTITUTE OF MEDIAEVAL STUDIES. p. 289. ISBN 0-88844-809-0. At the end of the sixth century the population of the whole of Syria, including Palestine, is estimated at about four to five millions, whereas Palestine itself had a population of at least one million
  7. ^ Gideon, Avni (2014). The Byzantine–Islamic Transition in Palestine An Archaeological Approach. Oxford University Press. p. 36. ISBN 9780199684335. Population estimates for Palestine in the sixth century range from one to four million people {{cite book}}: line feed character in |quote= at position 71 (help)
  8. ^ Theodoropoulos, Panagiotis (2020). The Migration of Syrian and Palestinian Populations in the 7th Century: Movement of Individuals and Groups in the Mediterranean , in Migration Histories of the Medieval Afroeurasian Transition Zone". Brill. p. 266. ISBN 9789004425613. Arab and Syrian chronicles provide evidence for the migration caused by the Arab conquest. It needs to be emphasized that it is not always clear when our sources refer to the retreat of soldiers or the flight of citizens. It is highly possible, though, that even when only troops are mentioned, a number of civil- ians followed their retreat. {{cite book}}: line feed character in |quote= at position 72 (help)
  9. ^ Theodoropoulos 2020, p. 265."The citizens of Damascus were among the first to be recorded fleeing their hometown. Al-Baladhuri mentions that after the capitulation of the city “a great number of its inhabitants fled to Herakleios who was then at Antioch, leaving many vacant dwellings behind that were later occupied by the Muslims.”"
  10. ^ Theodoropoulos 2020, p. 265."The citizens of the coastal cities of Sidon, Arca (Irkah), Byblos (Jubail), and Beirut (Bierut) are recorded to have left their towns too."
  11. ^ Theodoropoulos 2020, p. 265-266."The citizens of Emesa (Hims) are also, albeit implicitly, reported to have left their city, since an Arab commander distributed to Arab Muslims the houses and land of those who had fled."
  12. ^ Theodoropoulos 2020, p. 266."Romans from littoral towns, such as Baldah, Jabalah (Gabala/Jableh) and Antartus (Tartus) also deserted their cities ahead of the arrival of the Arab army."
  13. ^ Theodoropoulos 2020, p. 266."When the city of Antioch capitulated, its inhabitants were given the choice either to stay and pay the poll tax or to leave, which is what some of them did.The same goes for the inhabitants of Barbalissos, who in their majority chose to leave for the Empire."
  14. ^ Theodoropoulos 2020, p. 266."Archeological evidence suggests that after the Arab conquest certain areas were depopulated, possibly because a considerable portion of its population fled."
  15. ^ Theodoropoulos 2020, p. 266."In fact, the entire littoral of the Levant seems to have been severely depopulated due to the departure of its inhabitants and perhaps the activity of the Byzantine navy."
  16. ^ Theodoropoulos 2020, p. 266."Archeological evidence suggests that after the Arab conquest certain areas were depopulated, possibly because a considerable portion of its population fled. Caesarea is a telling example, for its urban surface reduced by eighty per cent in the second half "