I am on Wikipedia intermittently in order to focus on my academic and professional pursuits and will be back again in a little bit. I apologize in advance if I don't get to your request or reply to your comment, talk page message, or otherwise. I still very much do see them in my emails though, so please know that although I am aware of what's happening in my circle, I won't necessarily have the time to log on and edit (but may be on intermittently--just not as often). Thanks for your understanding!
Wikipedia is no place for humour. Everything is very serious here and we are all terrifically important.
The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.
A setup for a standard Coptic Church. This church is nearly 35 years old.
An altar of a Coptic Church, with appropriate coverings, icon of the Pantocrator with Cherubim/Seraphim and Incorporeal beasts, and various other icons.
Hey, come on in! Glad you could make it. Just have a seat right over there, make yourself at home: →
Yeah, sure it's not the Throne of England or anything, but it'll do.
So, welcome to my user page! Clearly, you clicked on my name and found something intriguing. Well, I hope this piques your interest.