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Hello and welcome to my user page.

I am a student of English, Latin and educational sciences at the University of Freiburg.

Here is the user page of our instructor

Section 4


Der Grund, als Wahlwörter mehr oder weniger sinnvolle Wörter der deutschen Sprache zu wählen, häufig Komposita, also zusammengesetzte Substantive, und nicht etwa irgendwelche sinnlosen Zufallstexte, wie CIHJT UUHML, ist darin zu sehen, dass dem befugten Empfänger der Nachricht so signalisiert werden konnte, dass er den verschlüsselten Funkspruch fehlerfrei entschlüsselt hatte. Allerdings war vorgeschrieben, dass ein Wahlwort nicht in Zusammenhang mit dem eigentlichen Nachrichteninhalt des Funkspruchs stehen durfte. Und selbstverständlich durfte es auch nicht „gegen Zucht und Ordnung verstoßen“.[1]

Wahlwörter kamen auch in Zusammenhang mit anderen Chiffriermaschinen zum Einsatz, beispielsweise beim „Geheimschreiber“ Siemens & Halske T52.[2]

The reason for choosing more or less meaningful German words as Wahlwörter (often compound words, as in compound nouns) rather than any meaningless random texts, such as CIHJT UUHML, was to tell the authorized recipient he had decrypted the radio message without any errors. However, Wahlwörter had to be completely unrelated to the real content of the radio message, and were instructed to not “offend against discipline and order.”[1]

Wahlwörter were also used in conjunction with other ciphering machines, for example the „Geheimschreiber“ Siemens & Halske T52.[2]

Week Comment Time
Week 1 Setting up Wikipedia Account; translating Section 4 of the "Wahlwort" translation (but it did not save my translation --> I guess I did not press "Publish changes") 90 mins
Week 2 Translating Section 4 of the "Wahlwort" translation again; terminology is one of the main struggles and not having any background knowledge leads to difficulties in terms of understanding 90 mins
Week 3 Translating the "Funny World" text; some terminology is not easy to translate; collaborating with my peers helped a lot; links work really well 60 mins
Week 4 Translation of the text "Lerntagebuch" --> the text already exists in English, but it is completely different from the German version; I tried to get in contact with the author of the English version to ask him/her why the translations are different, but I did not get an answer and decided to work on another text 90 mins
Week 5 Started translation of Ulrike Auhagen; the terminology ("Umhabilitation") is one of the main struggles, but I feel myself learning so much about translating works in general. I am still waiting for an answer from the author of "Lerntagebuch" 45 mins
Week 6 "Ulrike Auhagen" text; the text is not very long, but for me as a German it is very difficult to explain special terms in English (some German terms do not exist in English); I feel myself learning so much about the Wikipedia platform 60 mins
Week 7 Trying to publish the "Ulrike Auhagen" translation, but it did not work; searching for articles was not easy 30 mins
Week 8 Publishing the "Ulrike Auhagen" translation; searching for articles which do not exist in English; working on the "Peter Kuhlmann" text 60 mins
Week 9 Working on the "Peter Kuhlmann" text; special terminology ("Sonderforschungsbereich") 45 mins
Week 10 Working on the "Verein Deutsche Sprache" translation with my peers; working on the "Peter Kuhlmann" text on my own; editing peers' translation 100 mins
Week 11 Working on the "Verein Deutsche Sprache" text on my own; I am never sure about the definite article (English vs. German) 100 mins
Week 12 Working on the "Verein Deutsche Sprache" translation with my peers helped a lot; special terminology --> we had to come up with only one term for the English translation of "Verein Deutsche Sprache"; we wrote an email to the association, but did not get an answer; translating the "Peter Kuhlmann" text 90 mins
Week 13 Working on the "Verein Deutsche Sprache" translation with my peers Example
Week 14 Example Example
Week 15 Example Example



Ulrike Auhagen


Ulrike Auhagen (* 21. November 1967 in Düsseldorf) ist eine deutsche Altphilologin.



Auhagen studierte Latein, Griechisch und Deutsch an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, wo sie das Erste Staatsexamen in diesen Fächern ablegte. Nach der Promotion im Fach Lateinische Philologie bei Eckard Lefèvre mit der Arbeit Der Monolog bei Ovid war sie ab 1993 an der Universität Freiburg (als wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, ab 1995 als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) im Sonderforschungsbereich 321 Übergänge und Spannungsfelder zwischen Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit beschäftigt und ab 1998 als Akademische Rätin tätig. Nach der Habilitation an der Universität Bielefeld 2007 (Habilitationsschrift: Die Hetäre in der griechischen und römischen Komödie) und der Umhabilitation nach Freiburg im Breisgau 2009 wurde sie dort 2012 zur außerplanmäßigen Professorin ernannt.

Schriften (Auswahl)

  • Der Monolog bei Ovid (= ScriptOralia. Band 119). Narr, Tübingen 1999, ISBN 3-8233-5429-9 (zugleich Dissertation, Freiburg 1997).
  • als Herausgeberin mit Eckart Schäfer und Eckard Lefèvre: Horaz und Celtis (= NeoLatina. Band 1). Narr, Tübingen 2000, ISBN 3-8233-5791-3.
  • als Herausgeberin mit Eckart Schäfer: Lotichius und die römischen Elegiker (= NeoLatina. Band 2). Narr, Tübingen 2001, ISBN 3-8233-5792-1.
  • als Herausgeberin: Studien zu Plautus’ Epidicus (= ScriptOralia. Band 125). Narr, Tübingen 2001, ISBN 3-8233-5435-3.
  • als Herausgeberin mit Stefan Faller und Florian Hurka: Lotichius und die römischen Elegiker (= NeoLatina. Band 9). Narr, Tübingen 2005, ISBN 3-8233-6142-2.
  • Die Hetäre in der griechischen und römischen Komödie (= Zetemata. Band 135). Beck, München 2009, ISBN 978-3-406-59320-8 (zugleich Habilitationsschrift, Bielefeld 2007).

Ulrike Auhagen


Ulrike Auhagen (born November 21, 1967 in Düsseldorf) is a German classical philologist.



Auhagen studied Latin, Greek and German at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Supervised by Eckard Lefèvre she gained her doctorate in Latin Philology (doctoral thesis: "Ovid's monologue"). Since 1993, Auhagen has worked at the University of Freiburg, first as a research assistant, since 1995 as a research associate, in the area "Transitions and tensions between orality and scribality". In addition, she has been a member of the "Academic Senate" since 1998. She became a professor at the University of Bielefeld in 2007 (postdoctoral thesis: "Hetaera in Greek and Roman comedies"). After her "Umhabilitation" in 2009 (the process when professors get their license to teach at another university) to Freiburg she became what is known as an "extraordinary professor" in 2012.

Verein Deutsche Sprache


Verein Deutsche Sprache e. V. (VDS), founded November 12, 1997 is a German language association based in Dortmund. According to the association itself,which is listed as a nonprofit association counts 36,000 members in more than 100 countries. Economist Walter Krämer has been chairman of the association since its foundation.

History and aims


The association was originally founded for the preservation of the German language (VWDS), later renamed to Verein Deutsche Sprache in April 2000. Aiming at preserving and promoting the German language as an independent cultural language, the association mainly focuses on eliminating “Denglisch”, but does not refuse to accept loanwords from English if they do not exist in German. “In my lectures I even use English words if the German counterparts exist, depending on which word is shorter”, admitted Walter Krämer. According to the language guidelines of the association, they do not demand that the German language is completely isolated from English. The German language is, like many other European languages, a hybrid language and thus benefits from words and phrases from other languages. 



The club magazine Sprachnachrichten (a word play involving Language Messages and Voice Messages) has been published in the reformed spelling of German since autumn 2008. According to the association, spelling rules are not very important for the German language, but anglicisms are the main problem, because they alter the articulation and orthography to a greater extent than misspelling.



Because of persistently unconsidered criticism, mainly addressing the leadership of chairman Walter Krämer, the group based in Bautzen left the association at the end of 2005 followed by 50 members of the group in Hannover in 2006. They founded the associations "Sprachrettungsklub Bautzen/Oberlausitz e. V. " (English: "Save our language club") and "Aktion Deutsche Sprache e. V.". The Bautzener Sprachrettungsklub is a member of the VDS again, but it is still an independent association.



The members (approximately 36,000 members in September 2015), with more than half of them being foreign members (4220 in Africa), come from all social classes. On the management level academics dominate. Many members of the association are celebrities, such as Bastian Sick (Author of Zwiebelfisch/onion fish), Dieter Hallervorden, Reinhard Mey, Ottmar Hitzfeld and Antje Vollmer. In 2005 Mühlhausen/Thuringia became the first city to join the association. Later, the cities Gotha, Landshut, Merseburg, Paderborn, Rastatt, Rudolstadt, Schneverdingen, Trossingen and Wunstorf and the district of Sömmerda became members of the association.



Regional groups


The association is organized into numerous independent regional groups. They send delegates to an annual assembly, which elects the commitee of eleven delegates. The association can be found on all continents but not in Austria and Switzerland because there are independent language associations active in these countries that work together with the VDS. The club has a branch in Denmark sicne 2011. Initiatives of regional groups: Since 2004, the Cologne group, which is also particularly involved with the Cologne dialect, has awarded the Lehrer-Welsch-Sprachpreis (Welsh Teaching Language Prize), which the Cologne group Wise Guys received in 2006. Other award winners are the well known chidlren program The Sendung mit der Maus the program with the mouse (2009) and the Cologne music group Höhner (2011). The regional group Hamburg annually awards the Elbschwanorden.


Funny World


Funny-World ist ein Freizeitpark in Kappel-Grafenhausen direkt an der elsässischen Grenze.



Er liegt in Baden-Württemberg, 7 Minuten vom Europa-Park Rust entfernt, verbunden mit einer kostenlosen Auto- und Personenfähre von Rhinau im Elsass nach Kappel-Grafenhausen. Direkt neben dem Freizeitpark liegt auch eines der größten Naturschutzgebiete in Baden-Württemberg, Taubergießen.



Der Park wurde im Jahr 1999 von den Brüdern Markus und Michael Schludecker gegründet und verfügt über mehr als 50 Attraktionen. Seit 2009 wird der Namenszusatz Mexikopark verwendet, da die Attraktionen und die Gastronomie seitdem im mexikanischen Stil gestaltet sind.



Der Park ist spezialisiert auf Familien mit Kindern von 2 bis 12 Jahren. Das Konzept des Freizeitparks ist die Selbstbedienung der Fahrgeschäfte. Zur Unterbringung von privaten und geschäftlichen Besuchern wurde die Gaststätte Taubergießen-Tenne renoviert und drei klimatisierten Räume im mexikanischen Hazienda-Stil eingerichtet, die sich für Veranstaltungen wie Hochzeiten, Privatfeiern, Vereinsfeste sowie Tagungen und Seminare nutzen lassen.[3]

Funny World


Funny-World is a theme park in Kappel-Grafenhausen, directly next to the Alsatian border.



Funny World is located in Baden-Württemberg, seven minutes away from the Europa-Park in Rust, and can be reached by car and passenger ferry from Rhinau in Alsace to Kappel-Grafenhausen. Next to the theme park is one of the largest natural reserves in Baden-Württemberg, the Taubergießen.



The park was founded in 1999 by the brothers Markus and Michael Schludecker and is home to more than 50 attractions. As a result of the park's Mexican-themed attractions and catering, it has been known colloquially since 2009 as "Mexikopark."

Target Group


The park's target demographic is families with children from the ages of 2 to 12. All of the rides are self-service, and no attendants supervise the attractions. The restaurant Taubergießen-Tenne has been renovated with the aim of accommodating private and business visitors. Three rooms in the Mexican hacienda style can be used for weddings, private parties, festivals, conferences and workshops.

  1. ^ a b OKM: Der Schlüssel M – Verfahren M Allgemein. Berlin 1940, S. 9.
  2. ^ a b Bengt Beckman: Arne Beurling und Hitlers Geheimschreiber. Springer-Verlag 2006, ISBN 3-540-31290-0, S. 180.
  3. ^ Funny World gibt sich mexikanisch. Badische Zeitung, abgerufen am 14. Juni 2013.