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Benefits in Policy:

In addition to benefits provided by infrastructural elements of Complete Streets, the development of Complete Streets policy encourages facilitation of community inclusiveness and educational opportunities as well as establishes a context sensitive approach in design and implementation of transportation improvements (Workbook). At a total of 899 currently enacted Complete Streets policy documents within U.S, states and territories, the 82 Complete Streets policies passed and enacted in communities in 2015 have been analyzed by The National Complete Streets Coalition in collaboration with Smart Growth America under a policy grading-rubric consisting of comprehensive elements. (best policy) In this analysis the Coalition found that community outreach and context sensitivity were important characteristics included throughout the documented examples and were waited considerably in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of examined policies. (Best Policy) Complete Streets implementation is complimentary in making sure transportation projects fit within their context in that implementation goals provided within policy align with context sensitive solutions such as instructing municipalities to include public meetings, maintained communication with stake-holders, and street transportation use classification. (The Institute of Transportation Engineers) Additionally, community outreach that is promoted and achieved through educational opportunities of Complete Streets principles helps establish community social connectivity and encourages participation in active transportation modes.(best policy) In 2003, The Partnership for Active Communities established a 5-year plan to bring together multidisciplinary organizations with the goal of moving toward Complete Streets and improving transportation facilities in the Sacramento, CA area. Inter-organizational partnerships and a comprehensive communication plan within the effort lead to awareness of safety issues associated active transportation methods along under-designed infrastructure. Educational opportunities within the project helped solidify connectivity among community members and organizations while working to remedy transportation issues with influence in policy changes. (Partnership)


Policy Workbook: https://www.smartgrowthamerica.org/app/legacy/documents/cs-local-policy-workbook.pdf


Best Policy: https://www.smartgrowthamerica.org/app/legacy/documents/best-cs-policies-of-2015.pdf


ITE: http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?sid=67985105-5519-4252-a9fa-978f3ea5f7cc%40sessionmgr107&vid=0&hid=115&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=501249777&db=asf


Partnership moves community: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749379709005698
