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User:Talrias/Manual of Style (browsing methods)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This page is a style guide for Wikipedia. The consensus of many editors formed the conventions described here. Wikipedia articles should heed these rules. Feel free to update this page as needed, but please use the discussion page to propose major changes.

In Wikipedia, there are certain methods of browsing through articles which are acceptable. Browsing methods not given explicit approval below are a criminal offence and those caught using deviant browsing methods may face a maximum penalty of 3 years' jail sentence and/or £10 000 fine.

Permitted methods


This is a list of permitted methods of browsing Wikipedia. If you like, you can add a userbox showing how you browse Wikipedia:

I am proud to read Wikipedia in an Approved Manner(tm)!

Just read the damn article


The only way you may use Wikipedia is to click an external link to an article, read it from start to finish, then close your browser and log off. How come we have to explain this to you people!?


When you get to the "see also" section of the article, you may click on not more than one link to another related article. This will contain information on a subject closely linked to the one you just reading. Once you have read this successive article, you may either:

  • Click a "see also" link on that article;
  • Go back to the article you were previously reading, and go to another "see also" link.
  • Close your browser and log off

Prohibited methods


Methods listed below are so egregrious that they deserve a special mention. If you browse Wikipedia through one of these ways, please add the following userbox to your user page - help turn yourself in, for a Better Wikipedia(r).

i BroWSE wiKIpedIA iN A baNNED WAy lol!


Clicking on links unrelated to an article is forbidden. These links are in the article by mistake and should be removed immediately. Following these links to irrelevant articles is going off on a tangent and is incredibly damaging. Wikipedians and casual readers following these links should seek medical assistance, due to the possible sidetracking which may occur. Instead, please do not click on links and read the entire article.

Note: people who say they browse this way are almost certainly lying.

Seeking help


A number of Wikipedians have volunteered to help out those who use deviant browsing methods. Please speak to them if you have any trouble with browsing Wikipedia in one of the designated manners. A list is provided below: