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TallyCast is a researcher, writer, blogger and podcaster. TallyCast's work focuses on building community.

Quotes that speak for me


"Wherever you go, there you are" Carl Franz - The People's Guide to Mexico

"It is the duty of the future to be dangerous" Alfred North Whitehead

Books I recommend reading


A Vagabond Journey Around the World - Harry A. Franck [PDF version of the book

A Pattern Language Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, and Murray Silverstein [PDF version of the book

The Night Bookmobile - Audrey Niffenegger [1]


Articles I've expanded:

Wiki Pages

Wikipedia Articles I'm Intrigued By: Articles I Reference Frequently: Interesting Wiki-related stuff:

Current version of The TallyCast

Previous version of The TallyCast

TallyCast Twitter feed

TallyCast Facebook page