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MORE sandbox stuff


erm... ok? There's not much to say... (DO NOT clear out this page as it WILL be reverted. Ok?)

even more


Mah sandbox

and more



yet more

You really want me to say more?

Off the end of the line!

Oh all right. Enough said.

I'm not quoting anything.

[1] for testing.
Copy the following tags for color: <font color=red></font>

Chapter 2


... Barack Obama - gonna get attacked.

Dumb times


I'm Mike D and I get respect, your cash and your jewelery is what I expect.

^was counteracted by a crossout and a All your base are belong to us.



Blah blah blah yad--- (Data unavailable) LOL! Only kidding...

Chaptah Thwree - The Daily Blah


The weather


Today-Sunny with a few clouds

Tomorrow-Huge storms, earthquakes and tidal waves

Day after tomorrow-Explosion

-End of time-

Don't believe it.

News headlines




Sport news




'OMG!!!', the star said when it hit. END.

Classified ads



This user uses Windows XP.
This user plays Dance Dance Revolution.

This user prefers to play games on a PC.
AYBThis user knows that
"all your base are belong to us."

< parody :P

This user wields the ultimate power!

YES I PLAY SOME GAMES TOO!!! just accept it ok?

This user is a cat lover.

< uh huh

YThis user prefers Yahoo over Google.G

<for Google is BLAH

The future's bright, the ISP's Orange
This user contributes using a laptop.
This user contributes with a computer based on the Intel Pentium III microprocessor.
This user still remembers these.
This user clicks on Random article way too often.
~~~~Tailsic signs their posts and thinks you should too!
Tailsic/Sandbox thinks the image policy is GODDAMNED UNFAIR!!!
This user is an astronomer. Not an astrologer.
This user misses Pluto.:-(
This User is Having None of this God Business.

User:Mizu onna sango15/Userboxes/Americanhumor

This user is interested in
VThis user is a Vegetarian.
ORGThis user would rather eat
organic food
than tampered-with food
This user passed GO!
(…so where is my $200?)
1138This user is being transferred to cell block 1138...
NPThis user used to play Neopets until the site was completely changed.
Today's motto...

It is evident that if a man practices a compassionate affection for animals, he is all the more disposed to feel compassion for his fellowmen.

Nominate one today!

This user is standing behind you.
This user thinks an explorer can't be better than a fox!
@This user does not wish to disclose their email or screen name.



Do you want a sandbox of your own??? Simply place this into your... er, something:


...and just go!!

Can't afford it? Then visit the Sandbox HQ here!