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Bison-rex (Bison rex) is a rare hybrid animal that is the result of an accidental crossbreeding between a bison (Bison bison) and a tyrannosaurus rex (Tyrannosaurus rex). It is a large, bipedal, carnivorous creature with a massive head, powerful jaws, short arms, and a long tail. It also has a shaggy coat of fur, a hump on its back, and horns on its forehead. It is the only known living member of the subfamily Bisoninae, which includes extinct genera such as Bisontherium and Bison latifrons.

Bison-rex was first discovered in 2021 by a team of paleontologists and geneticists who were studying the DNA of fossilized dinosaur bones in Montana. They found traces of bison DNA in some of the samples, which suggested that a bison had somehow mated with a t-rex in the past. They then used gene editing techniques to recreate the hybrid in a laboratory, using a female bisonas a surrogate parent. The resulting offspring was named bison-rex, after its two ancestors.

Artists depiction of a Bison-Rex in it's natural habitat

Bison-rex is currently kept in a secure facility in Wyoming, where it is monitored and studied by scientists. It is estimated to weigh about 8 tons and measure 12 meters in length. It has an estimated lifespan of about 20 years, and reaches sexual maturity at 10 years. It is a solitary and territorial animal, and prefers open grasslands as its habitat. It feeds on large herbivorous mammals, such as deer, elk, and moose, and can run at speeds of up to 40 km/h. It communicates with low-pitched roars and grunts, and uses its horns and teeth as weapons.

Bison-rex is considered to be an endangered species, as there is only one living specimen in existence. There are plans to create more bison-rex individuals using artificial insemination or cloning, but the ethical and ecological implications of such actions are still debated. Bison-rex is also a subject of public interest and controversy, as some people view it as a scientific marvel, while others see it as a potential threat or an unnatural abomination.



The rampage was a tragic and horrific event that occurred on April 15, 2021, when the bison-rex escaped from its enclosure at the Wyoming Research Facility and attacked the nearby town of Laramie. It was the first and only recorded case of a bison-rex in the wild, and the deadliest animal attack in U.S. history.

The rampage lasted for about three hours, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., during which the bison-rex killed at least 20 people and injured more than 50. It also destroyed several buildings, cars, and power lines, causing an estimated $50 million in damages. It caused panic and chaos among the residents, who tried to flee or hide from the beast. The authorities declared a state of emergency, and deployed the police, the military, and the animal control to deal with the situation.

The bison-rex was eventually located and neutralized by a sniper from a helicopter, who shot it in the head with a high-caliber rifle. The bison-rex’s body was then taken by the authorities for further examination and disposal. The rampage was widely covered by the media, and sparked a public outcry and a legal investigation against the Wyoming Research Facility and its staff.

The rampage had a lasting impact on the town and the world, as it raised questions and concerns about the ethics and risks of genetic engineering, and the regulation and security of such experiments. It also sparked a debate and a controversy about the creation and preservation of hybrid animals, and the rights and responsibilities of their creators and caretakers.

The rampage was also a source of inspiration and fascination for some people, who viewed the bison-rex as a scientific marvel, a mythical creature, or a symbol of nature’s wrath. Some people created and shared various forms of media, such as books, movies, games, and art, featuring the bison-rex and its rampage. Some people even claimed to have seen or encountered the bison-rex or its offspring, despite the lack of evidence or credibility.

The rampage remains a vivid and painful memory for the survivors and the witnesses, who still suffer from the trauma and the loss caused by the bison-rex. It also remains a mystery and a challenge for the scientists and the authorities, who still try to understand and prevent the occurrence of such events in the future. It also remains a legend and a myth for the public, who still wonder and speculate about the bison-rex and its rampage.