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Hi! Due to my profession as a magician, I have a big interest in magic-related matters.

Funny descriptions[edit]

  • "Throughout the trick the magician will confuse the audience with exaggerated and unusual hand movements designed to disguise the simplicity of the trick." From Chinese linking rings

Gosh, had it only been as simple as that, my life would been much easier :-)

  • However, you have convinced me that magicians probably suffer from a range of disorders, such as uncontrollable envy, covetousness, greed, jealousy and spite. snip I probably should have also included anxiety, paranoia and OC disorder in the list. snip The more I thought about what could motivate individuals to pursue such an unusual line of work, the more I came to believe that this industry must be a seething cauldron of unfulfilled dreams, dashed hopes and delusions of grandeur that can only result in frequent acting out and other psychological manifestations. I would also assume that magicians work infrequently, giving them enormous spare time to reflect on their presumed failings relative to other participants in their industry. This must create enormous stress for those trying to get ahead, or even survive in such an industry.

Said by the guy currently editing the article on me  :-)

  • Offensive behaviour by user TStone
    User TStone: Nobody cares about "history" or "origins" for tricks, really. We want to know the details.

A guy who reverted several hours of work. So, what is the definition of "rip-off site"?

All opinions expressed on this page are not my own, but belong to a dwarf named Glod who control my thoughts through radiowaves and very bad porn.