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Steven H. VanderLeest

Steven H. VanderLeest in Vancouver, BC, Canada on 25 June 2011

Steven H. VanderLeest holds a Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and M.S.E.E. from Michigan Technological University. He is a Technical Fellow at The Boeing Company and also a partner at squishLogic LLC (an iPhone apps development company). Formerly, Principal Engineer for Multicore Solutions at Rapita Systems, Vice-President of Research & Development at DornerWorks Ltd. (an engineering design services company specializing in safety-critical electronics and software for avionics and medical instruments), and former Professor of Engineering at Calvin College (specializing in electrical & computer engineering),

VanderLeest has consulted with a number of high-tech companies in the area of mixed-criticality avionics, multicore assurance, computer performance evaluation, digital design, high integrity software engineering, web development, custom computer chip design, and safety-critical electronics. Dr. VanderLeest has publications spanning technical areas such as multicore interference, the seL4 microkernel, Xen hypervisor, I/O performance measurement and Agile safety-critical design methodologies, technology philosophy topics such as technological justice, and on technology education topics such as design methods and entrepreneurship (see Google Scholar or for a complete list, see his Curriculum Vitae). His recent book, titled "A Christian Field Guide to Technology", co-authored with Derek Schuurman and Ethan Brue, was published by InterVarsity Press in 2021. His blog Faithful Technology covers topics that connect technology and Christian faith.

VanderLeest served as the first president of the Christian Engineering Society, as Chair of the Liberal Education/Engineering & Society (LEES) Division and also the Multidisciplinary Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education. He is also a member of the IEEE.