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User:Suzanne Dickson/Curriculum Vitae

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Suzanne L Dickson(born 18 April 1966, Edinburgh, UK) is Professor in Neuroendocrinology, at the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology at the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, where she leads a group working on the Neurobiology of Appetite, foscusing especially on ghrelin. This work explores mechanism and neurocircuitry underpinning behaviours that control food intake. She also holds the position of Honorary Professor at the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, UK. She is current Secretary and member of the Executive Committee of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology.



Dickson received her BSc (Honours) in Pharmacology from the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Edinburgh in 1988, followed by a PhD in Neuroendocrinology at the University of Cambridge UK (1993), under the supervision of Professor Gareth Leng. During her PhD she was affiliated to Robinson College in Cambridge. After a brief post-doc at The Baraham Institute, she was appointed to a tenured position as Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology at Kings College London. Then, in 1996, she was appointed to a tenured position as Lecturer in at the Physiology Departmentat the University of Cambridge, UK. During her She was also a fellow of Peterhouse (1996-2003).

Her work with gut-brain signalling began in the early 1990s when she discovered that growth hormone secretagogues (now recognised as ghrelin mimetics) act in the brain, activating cells in the arcuate nucleus that include the growth hormone-releasing hormone neurones that control pituitary growth hormone release and the orexigenic neuropeptide Y neurones. She is also engaged in research exploring the reward system in feeding behaviours, including those regulated by gut hormones.

Academic activities


Dickson has coordinated 3 European Union projects, namely GHSandAgeing in the 5th Framework, DIABESITY in the 6th Framework and NeuroFAST in the 7th Framework programmes. She is Chair of the Programme Committee for the International Congress for Neuroendocrinology (ICN2020 in Glasgow). She is Chair of the ECNP Nutrition Network and also Chair of the Committee for the ECNP workshop on Neuropsychopharmacology for Early Career Scientists in Europe. She regularly serves as grant referee for the EC as well as for the Swedish Research Council for Medicine. She has edited a book (proceeds to the British society for Neuroendocrinology), in the series Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology, The Neuroendocrinology of Appetite, and is receiving Editor for Neuroendocrinology as well as a Special issue of Neuroscience (in 2019).



See Updated web page[1].

  1. ^ "Publications". University of Gothenburg.