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SurlyEngineer (si/rlee en/jin/eer) is an American-born Engineer and Computer Scientist who has been editing Wikipedia for around five years. He is fluent in English, Spanish, C++, Java, PHP, and dabbles in Python. He mostly contributes to articles in the technical fields, although has taken to lively discussions on talk pages about controversial subjects and writing in the third person. He prefers sans-serif fonts and justified text.

This user is a computer scientist.
C++This user can program in C++.
C++-4This user is an expert C++ programmer.
JavaThis user can program in Java.
Java-4This user is an expert Java programmer.
PHPThis user can code PHP.
PHP-3This user is an advanced PHP programmer.
This user can program in Python.
py-2This user is an intermediate Python programmer.
This user contributes with a computer based on the Intel Core i7 microprocessor.
This user is interested in law.
CMThis user is an expert in classical mechanics.
Boeing 777-31H, Emirates JP452808This user is interested in aviation.