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About Me

I'm a first year college student with very wide interests and hobbies. Some of my favorite subjects to take part in as well as follow are modern Video Games, different types of media consumption from the increasingly popular Japanese Anime genre to different genres of movies with my favorites being Horror and Comedy. Most of my interest however has been consumed by competitive online gaming where I can spend my free time away from work and school to instead try and improve at whatever game I might be playing at the time. My favorite Video Games to play as of right now have been the popular MMO-FPS game Destiny 2 published by Bungie and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege published by Ubisoft. I hope in the future I can either go on to compete in tournaments or go a different route and learn enough about computers and game designs to work at a publishing studio and develop my own game.

My Wikipedia Interests

I enjoy Learning about and Researching the process of designing Video Games as well as the backstory of the creators that created the ideas or even coded popular games or even the Developer Studios as a whole. I've played video games my entire life so it's only natural that I take a large interest in what goes on behind the scenes when creating something that hundreds of millions of people will eventually be able to access and play for their own enjoyment. My personal favorite studios that have a very interesting background are Riot Games and Bungie due to their large and admissible contributions to the culture of video games as a whole to even paving the way for E-sports to go mainstream and consist of not just professional play but even creating the opportunities for many gamers to make their name and compete in collegiate esports leagues[1]. With E-sports growing in popularity and colleges beginning to draft teams to compete against other colleges it would be a dream to one day compete against other top players on a stage in a tournament centered around video games.

Article Evaluation

Ever since I was younger, I've shown a large yet ever-growing interest in video games. I've always had an aptitude for competitive games where I'm able to train myself by practicing muscle memory and other skills to better prepare and adapt to going against other players to improve my global ranking and become the best. Due to my interest in competitive gaming, I've found myself mostly playing a lesser-known game known as “OSU!”. “OSU!” is a rhythm game created by a singular developer known as Dean Herbert who works under the alias Peppy. The game itself was released in 2007 and features four core game modes with the most popular being OSU! Standard. This game involves moving your cursor with a mouse to circles that appear rhythmically to the song that is playing, requiring you to tap your keyboard along to the beat. When I visited the OSU! article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: The structuring when giving a basic explanation of OSU!’s core game modes, the failure to mention OSU!’s various collaborations with musicians from all over the world causing the article to feel incomplete and open ended, and the lack of depth when describing the history of OSU! and its player base that may be due to the lack of updates being made to the article as well as the low population that would be interested in editing this article.. When talking about the core game modes being OSU!Standard, OSU!Mania, OSU!Taiko and OSU!Catch, there are only two to three sentences used to encapsulate and describe a game that players have been dedicating themselves to perfecting for decades. The paragraph for the Gameplay is very fragmented and shoves a lot of information that could be much more fleshed out and expanded upon into only a few sentences that work to cover each mode as if they were one. While each mode is available in the same game, I believe each mode to represent their own game due to the unique gameplay loops that vary between them. I was sorely disappointed to find that there was little to no mention of all the various songs and genres of music that players get to listen to and enjoy throughout their OSU! Experience. The only mention of anything specific on the topic of music in OSU! was in the sentence that read, “game levels that are played to songs of different lengths, ranging from "TV size" anime openings to "marathons" surpassing 7 minutes”. When someone who has never played the game reads this, they would never guess that OSU! has become a platform for small creators all over the world to share their music that could belong to any genre ranging from EDM, Rock and even pop songs from many foreign countries.The song catalog from the game is so large that it would be almost impossible for someone who has never played the game to never have heard or even liked a song that can be found in OSU!. OSU!’s player base is a very important part of the game due to the fact that every level and every map was created by another player. The game is completely free to play and is only able to exist due to the fact that all of the gameplay is a curated experience hand crafted by other players looking to improve and add to the games ever expanding catalog of songs and maps to play. The only mention of players who have achieved something outstanding in the community was the loose addition of an old global record for a score and a recent record that was set just the other week. It feels that many players' feats and achievements were left out due to the fact that maybe the writer was uninterested in them despite the fact that the entire community may know many of these scores and look up to the players that set them. The article was made for OSU! Clearly shows that the game is cared for enough where someone would go out of their way to write an article explaining the basics of the game for someone who would be looking to learn more. My problem with the article is that it appears too basic, I feel that a lot of information was left out that if added the article may entice more players to download and play the game for themselves. While the article may not turn people away from the game, I believe it can be edited to serve as a better information base to pre-existing players, players looking to get into the game and even someone who just wants to learn a bit more on what the game is about as well as the history and backstory of OSU!.


  1. ^ a b Mussel, Jessica. "For the love of games: Esports at MSU". ComArtSci. MSU. Retrieved 25 September 2023.