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Score test


  \clef "treble_8"
  \key e \minor
  \time 3/4
  \tempo "Presto" 4 = 180
  \repeat volta 2 {
  <b' g' e' e,>4 g16 b e' r <a' fis' d' d >8\staccato r
  <g' e' c' a,>4 <c'>8 <e'>8 <fis'>8 r8
  <fis' d' a d> (g') (fis') (e') d' e'
  <e, g b e'>4. g8 <b e'> r
  <c g c' e'>4. <d b fis'>8 <e b g'>8 r8
  <d a d' fis'>4 (e'16) (fis'16) (e'8) d'4
  <e, g b e'> b g
  e2 r4
\addlyrics {
  This _ _ _ looks nice, _ _ but things_don't seem to match _ _
  Not a big deal, I'll see what I'll do

©2016 Øyvind A. Holm