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User:Stuart Newmanite/University of York Conservative and Unionist Association draft

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The University of York Conservative and Unionist Association, known more commonly as the York Tories, is a student conservative association founded in 1963 and based at the University of York. While it is independent from the national Conservative Party, it is affiliated and does share some events. It is affiliated with the University of York Students' Union.



Under Harvey Proctor's long stint leading the Association, the dynamic political landscape became apparent. He recalls that the focus of events were speakers, with as many as eight a term visiting York. Event were held in Derwent College dining room, with a decision always being made in advance whether an event was going to be a dinner or a riot. On occasions the police had to be present to ensure that the speaker could enter the hall. When Patrick Wall was speaking, students stormed the platform and the police had to support the porters in escorting him off the premises. Surprisingly, the university attacked the Association for summoning the police, and threatened to stop them from holding meetings. At a more peaceful meeting, always enjoying a ploughman's lunch, the association accidently offended the Jewish Sir Keith Joseph by being completely unaware that there was pork in the soup! When more peaceful events were opposed, alarm clock were brought to suddenly ring out unexpectedly.

The association became closely connected to Radio 270, making political broadcasts and advertisements on it. Accusations that MPs invited to join them had been participating in illegal broadcasts saw the event mentioned in Parliament

https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/1980-11-12/debates/8fab7fa4-dd56-4294-8e75-8eb02acaec1a/OppositionParties(FinancialAssistance)?highlight=%22university%20of%20york%22%20conservative#contribution-1f0e5a08-16c6-4a20-8262-5d1c63f76614 - Interesting comment against York graduates becoming MPs

During these opposed events, disruption tactics were employed, The highlight of this period was without a doubt the appearance of Enoch Powell on three occasions, just years after the 'River's of Blood Speech' so very much a current character. When a dinner was being held with him as the speaker, several hotels were booked on police advice, so that protesters would be unable to know which location the event would be held.

At some point in the history, Rodney James was treasurer. We was said to be a housemate of Tony Backs, the Labour MP, who was at York 1964-1967. If so, he was probably on committee around the same time. - https://advance.lexis.com/document/?pdmfid=1519360&crid=78b31b12-1794-4ad1-b8d8-af5aab808bcc&pddocfullpath=%2Fshared%2Fdocument%2Fnews%2Furn%3AcontentItem%3A419H-3490-00YK-10HH-00000-00&pdcontentcomponentid=10939&pdteaserkey=sr0&pditab=allpods&ecomp=twmyk&earg=sr0&prid=ea492d09-9daa-4aaa-893f-8af0d1cd229e (Times 28 March 1985)

https://www-newspapers-com.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/image/259832662/?terms=%22University%20of%20York%22%20%22Conservative%22&match=1 - Internal division over a clash with the university. The Guardian 9th June 1970

In 1971 cuts in the national budget were used as an excuse by the university to attempt to remove the association's grant, while six socialist societies, as well as the general Socialist Federation, were to have their grants maintained. Luckily, resistance to this was successful, with the matter being raised in the Commons. - https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/1971-10-20/debates/8d263b39-937b-4c28-b415-3af799ea536c/Education(StudentUnionsFunds)?highlight=%22york%20university%22%20association#contribution-e09417f7-98ad-41f6-8da0-953efebd2ca9

In June 1971, Sir Gerald Nabarro was addressing the association when the registration plate of his car, NAB 1, was stolen, before being auctioned off for the Pakistan Disaster Fund. It was then bought by conservatives at the University of Sussex. Birmingham Evening Mail 11 Jun 1971, Fri · Page 1 - https://www-newspapers-com.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/image/854476886/?terms=%22University%20of%20York%22%20%22Conservative%22&match=1

Member broke into Tony Blairs office. https://go.gale.com/ps/retrieve.do?tabID=Newspapers&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&searchResultsType=SingleTab&hitCount=328&searchType=AdvancedSearchForm&currentPosition=124&docId=GALE%7CEE1861072982&docType=Article&sort=Pub+Date+Forward+Chron&contentSegment=ZDMH-MOD1&prodId=DMHA&pageNum=7&contentSet=GALE%7CEE1861072982&searchId=R6&userGroupName=uniyork&inPS=true

Letter by chairman. https://go.gale.com/ps/retrieve.do?tabID=Newspapers&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&searchResultsType=SingleTab&hitCount=328&searchType=AdvancedSearchForm&currentPosition=149&docId=GALE%7CEE1860457201&docType=Letter+to+the+editor&sort=Pub+Date+Forward+Chron&contentSegment=ZDMH-MOD1&prodId=DMHA&pageNum=8&contentSet=GALE%7CEE1860457201&searchId=R6&userGroupName=uniyork&inPS=true

Campus Tories publicity in the 1980s defended apartheid. - https://ystv.co.uk/watch/video/1722/

Shortly after the Conservative victory in the 1992 general election, the vengeful Labour Group proposed a motion that 'The Campus Tories smell of wee and poo and should be banned from using any Student Union facilities'. The York Tories planned to support this motion when it came forward to a UGM on the basis that if passed, the SU would be in breach of it's own constitution, which would be grounds for the Tories to sue the union. Ben Drake, the YUSU president for 1992-1993, used a procedural motion to refer the motion to a meeting between the societies in the car park after the UGM. - https://ystv.co.uk/watch/video/1722/

Jonathan Purle - "I do remember 1993 and the Trots holding an emergency UGM to discuss occupying Central Hall. The LibDem YUSU president and deputy used all their powers of niceness to try and persuade the meeting attendees to vote against occupation...so we used all our powers of procedural trickery to get called to speak, and all of our powers of aggravation to wind-up the crowd: "since 1979, this Government has defeated the dockers, the miners twice and the Argentinians. Now we are going to defeat you." That had them simmering quite nicely. With the motion to occupy then passing with an unexpectedly large majority, I wandered over to the Goodricke phone boxes and dialled 999. The rozzers arrived complete with dogs just as the trots got into Central Hall. There was only one arrest, but it set the tone nicely for their pathetic occupation - with only a few dozen hardcore trots taking part. The next morning, we went to Hes Hall to see the Registrar and demand the admin grow a pair, and they went to Court...Our subsequent posters read "Occupy to win? They lost." Of course, we had to get YUSU to print them for us." - https://www.facebook.com/SOSYork/posts/205683413519635 (comments)

In 1993, after Maastricht, YTs in an UGM called for her execution. Reported in the Sunday People with a photo of her captioned "Currie: 'Ringleader'".

In 1994, the first York Tories website was compiled by Jonathan Purle. - The old FB GP 'Well done Alex. It seems to work very nicely on all devices. I put the first York Tories website together in '94. The University had just decided to close its experimental 'gopher' site and go with this new fang-dangled web thingy. Things seem to have moved on a bit since then.'

In 1996 the website of the association was hacked to include explicit images and fictional accounts of meetings, as well as verbally attacking the Conservative Party. Consequently the Conservative Central Party launched an investigation to establish just how these changes occurred.[1]

Created drinking songs website - https://ukpressonline.co.uk/ukpressonline/getDocument/DMir_2002_08_27_014?fileType=PDF&#search=%22conservative%20university%20of%20york%22

2001 AGM held in December. Voting by proxy allowed. https://web.archive.org/web/20030515071752/http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~socs35/minutes/agm.html

Details of chairs. History for the time. https://web.archive.org/web/20080116030305/http://www-users.york.ac.uk:80/~socs35/alumni.html

Press and Publicity Officer created EGM 26 June 2002.https://web.archive.org/web/20030901164612/http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~socs35/minutes/egm_june.html

Mid 2010s website https://web.archive.org/web/20071217191417/http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~socs35/honorary.html

In 2009, chairman Ralph Buckle wrote an article for Nouse encouraging support for UKIP, for which they were expelled from the Conservative Party. Internal division then developed over speculation over who was responsible for later anonymous leaks to campus media offering more insight on the controversy. In response, several committee members resigned. In the 2009 AGM, two second years ran, but were beaten by RON. Christopher Etheridge, treasurer of two years, won the second round, promising to hold the position only as an interim chair (presumably a third year so unable to hold it for the full period of office), promising to hold an EGM to replace themself in the Spring Term.

2012 Christmas Ball was attended by a total of 7 chairmen, according to the Instagram. Who they are would be great to know

Support for Philip Hammond - https://mobile.twitter.com/itvnews/status/1046791457863061506

Our place in the media once again - https://nouse.co.uk/articles/2013/04/13/york-tory-members-behind-pro-thatcher-anthems-rise-in-uk-singles-charts

In 2015, on the final night of The Willow being open, Tommy Fong was presented with an association tie in thanks for all of the tory socials held there over the years. - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10207284836029086&set=g.163728800313744

On 15th March 2018 Liz Truss, the then Chief Secretary to the Treasury, was the speaker at a York Tories event. After hearing Truss give a speech at Alcuin College, some of those gathered then walked to Heslington Hall, which was under occupation by student activists as a part of UoY Occupy.[2] This occupation was in support of staff strikes occurring at the time.[3] The York Tories had been originally invited, but then invited along Truss as well, who accepted.[2] However, the activists complained that the rejection of an individual discussion showed that her attendance was less about discussing the grievances behind the protest, and instead provided an option to 'show off' to the conservative attendees.[4] Friction arose over the request that 20 people maximum were in a room at any one time.[2][5] The York Tories also challenged a claim made after the event by UoY Occupy that '20 men in suits storming into a room'.[2][6] In the excitement of the moment, Liz Truss accidently left with Stephen Boakes' umbrella, the editor-in-chief on The York Politics Review, after it was borrowed earlier in the event. However, the umbrella was later returned.[3]

A social was held on 31st January 2020 to celebrate the British exit from the European Union.[7]

Led counter-boycott - https://www.thejc.com/news/all/york-students-feeling-unsafe-after-boycott-vote-1.66514

Autumn Term 2021 offered a new start to the association, with the slow withdrawal of restrictions being closely hounded by societies, struggling to enjoy themselves at long last. With this in mind, the first Pint and Policy of the year, hidden away in Alcuin East Wing, was a victory in itself for the association. Concerns were raised when the lights of the recording equipment began to flash in Cade's welcome speech, but assurances were later made that no actual recording was made. As yet another old guard began to appreciate that their lectures might become worth prioritising, a fresh generation of conservatives rose. Fustrated over the last two years of suppression and seperation, they all shared the same sub-conscious desire to speak proudly with deisregard for consequences (too clsoe to the prescriptive words of Tam), but also an appreciate of the minutire, and a determinating to hold it up. It was the makings of a very active committee.

The 2021 AGM proved to be exciting for all of those in attendance, with both Oscar Cullan and Sophie Howard. The result; a resounding vote for RON. Eventually the fog cleared and Sophie emerged as the victor.

The 2021 Christmas Dinner was a considerable affair, with successive COVID-affected years boosting attendance. Jamie Wallis and Matt Vickers were the speakers, and the location was to be the Oak Room in the Principle Hotel. All went well, until hours before the dinner was set to begin, Jamie Wallis claimed that he would be unable to attend as snow had blocked his train. Rapid fingers and minds checked the online systems, and discover that, true enough, the line in question was genuinely down. Later that evening, Wallis would crash his car into a lamppost while wearing a leather skirt, then take off to hide in his fathers house to be discovered by the police. The lengths that MPs go to to avoid association with the dreaded York Tories is genuinely staggering.

Thankfully Matt Vickers proved more than capable in satisfying the York Tories. Following a rousing speech, laden with 'Getting Brexit Done'-esque remarks, the party headed on to Flares. While those in attendance have been sworn to secrecy, it remains undoubtable that Matt was the personification of the charitable conservative that night.

With honest determination, Sophie led the association onwards. However, problems began to develop, and murmurings began within the membership as to whether she she was the stuff of leadership. Her commitment to Saffron, the Events Officer, was questioned. Events lacked variety, and while the Rugby RUles Socail was hit, there were only so many pub crawls that members would tolerate. The problem was, this cohort was a friend group, with all the complexities and outleirs that one expects, which suited a stable society well. The problem was how to deal the different individuals holding their own events. Was this exclusionary behaviour? Was it mutiny? Was it carelus fun? it was certainly chaos. The society event to mark the Platinum jubilee had an attendance of 3, while a friendly BBQ (where unfotunatley all the attendents were members), had 6. It was a very difficult round of palour games with plotting and shreiks filling the air.

The Summer Ball was, it is fair to say, a fiasco. Turnout was shockinlygood, a cool. Buffet service? In the Lounge? Under Central Hall? Besides an extra box of cake being inexplicity delivered, all was not well. Things got worse over the summer, with the bizzare idea to host Desmond Swayne. A dinner two weeks into autumn term was a poor idea, since to just brough the internal conflicts straight to the top. Yusu concern was entirly proportianal and balanced. So why did it blow up? Anemail was sent to the associatio, asking for clarification. Thomas drafted an email that adressed all of the concerns, then came down with a cold. No one knew of the email to send until it was too late. And to this day the email remains in the drafts, along with two from Cade, lacking a recipient, badgering alumni to renew their membership. Freshers turned up, saw the gothic anarchy, and showed a clean pair of heels. The few who perseered where therefore strong reliable pillars. But the intake was not reasuring. Thomas Cox openly admits that his single surpose as chair was to remove Saffron from committee, in order to provide breathing space for the new chair (well tipped as being OPS) to take hold of a stable, if leaky vessle. The ability of the next committee to go from strength to strength, working together as still that 2021 cohort, silenced the death knolls. The sacrifice of the 2022 Christmas Ball was a apinful blow, but a nessesity. All of 7 tickets were sold, not helped by members insistance that freshers do not buy tickets. On these grounds Saffron was smoothly VONCed, with Will Nyss stylishly exiting at the same time to the Jeremy Clarkson 'Oh no' meme. Probably not a world, first, but there is the chance, As tends to be the case, events came to a head simultaneously. Before a committee meeting,

Hull on lunchbox, holden on BBC

The autumn 2022 fox hunt saw a valiant attempt by a skeleton committee team. Low turnout saw some committee members assigned to be hunters, and despite tactical choices to delay the hunters with hindering committee members, they were caught at the Guy Fawkes Inn with half-pints to go. This defeat was blamed on one executive member, who at the time that the hunters burst in, had locked himself in the toilets with most of a pint sitting on the table.

The Spring Term 2023 fox hunt succeeded in breaking the now concerning precedent of committee defeats, with the last victory being [when?]. Despite valiant efforts by James Rice as hounds master to maintain an aggressive pace were scuppered by that cat-like entity, the Fresher. When two of them disappeared without finishing their pints, Henry Smith found himself charging around Piccadilly trying in vain to find them, before heroically finishing their pints with Liam O'Connell. This delay gave committee all the time they needed to finish their pints, and be munching away on fresh flapjacks in the Guy Fawkes by the time the remains of the hunters fell in.

That terms Hagueathon, saw Andrew Preston, Henry Smith, and Jacob Boneham, all give it a serious attempt, with various other members floating around. Henry's duty to be welfare office soon ended when he surpassed the 5 pint mark, reaching the heralded 14 pints in around 7 hours. In that time Jacob had reached a respectable 10, before deciding to finish. Henry helped to escort Jacob back to Anne Lister College, then decided to return to Constantine College anyway. By now his achievement had caught up with him, and Oliver Peter Smith had to enlist the support of a bus driver to get Henry going in the right direction. The next morning, Henry work up in the toilets off the Constantine Forum, with no recollection of how he got there. While Henry had not climbed Clifford and sung the National Anthem, the speed with which he reached 14 pints, and his support for Jacob, saw the decision that he should be awarded a medal anyway. At 23:05 Andrew topped of his attempt with a 15th pint. Shortly afterwards James Rice, at the time entertaining his York, had to be consulted as to when a 'tactical chunder' resulted in disqualification, who needed to pass on the request to Sam Cade for the response to carry authority. Those who were left then ceremoniously trooped to Clifford's to bear witness to another successful completion of the Hagueathon. Details are shaky, so cannot be confidently recorded, but it is certain that the official requirements were met. Shockingly, Andrew reported being awake in time for 12:15 Mass at the Chaplaincy. Notable incidents include Samuel Lane napping peacefully in the corner of a room in the Old Bank while Henry collapsed in another, a table of drinks getting bullered in the Burns Hotel, and six pages of minutes, encompassing the whole event, being stoically kept by Amy Wydenbach.

Spring Term 2023 saw the first Spring Term Dinner held. The failure of the 2022 Christmas Ball to sell more than 7 tickets was one of the deepest troughs in the societies history, with great efforts having to be exhausted minimising the financial impact of the failed event. Coupled with low but consistent turnout to events, the Spring Dinner was viewed by the committee as something of a tactical withdrawal, with a lack of faith that the event would be much of a success. Instead, it was intended to be more of a dry run, preparing them to organise successful Summer and Christmas Balls.

However, the considerable efforts all went to to fulfil their assigned task paid off magnificently. 27 tickets were sold, with Keane Duncan and Kevin Hollinrake secured as speakers. With profits into the triple figures, sights could be set on impressive balls for the rest of the year, as the society deserved to enjoy. The nearest incident to a hiccup was when one excited committee member volleyed a rugby ball across the dining room. This narrowly missed Sam Cade's port glass, much to his relief, but this did not stop him from giving the committee member a piece of his mind. It was noted that the three awards: Committee's Committee Member, Chairman's Committee Member, and Best Fresher, all went to the three individuals who attempted the Hagueathon properly. It can therefore be seen that the values of determination, level headedness, and self-control required in the Hagueathon are also the making of proper York Tories! The evening ended with a large black tie horde trotting around the streets, struggling to find an establishment that could take them all, and suited all members. Ultimately, as with all good student evenings, they ended up at Postern Gate Wetherspoons.

Spring Term's Port and Policy saw a change in location. Complaints among the members about the bizarreness of wearing black tie only to attend a Derwent seminar room was losing whatever bohemian charm it had once had, so a new location was sought. Attempts to secure Heslington Hall met with a hard shoulder from the university, so attention turned to private venues. Ultimately, Heslington Meeting Room was secured, and proved to be an enjoyable venue. The relative location of the Deramore Arms was also appreciated.

Summer Term began with the surprise resignation of Joshua as treasurer, which was quickly filled by an EGM and added Jacob Boneham to the committee. Henry's speech included the memorable quip 'When I join the committee, I was given one piece of advice by my predecessor, Xander ' "Sit at the back and drink". I think you can agree that I have done just that. Take the Hagueathon, which I finished in just 7 hours, then passed out in the 'Old Bank'. I have helped the committee as much as I could. There is nothing I could have done more. Well, maybe drink'. Amendments saw a new logo adopted and the rather jumbled title of Publicity, Social Media, and Computing Officer, harking back to years of committee evolutions, replaced with Communications Officer. The Pint and Policy saw a surprisingly high turnout of 17, where Xander made his last of many intellectually stretching motions, arguing “This House Believes that Conservatism is a futile ideology”. Much to his surprise, his intellectual weight proved more convincing that the difficult concept and it was passed.

As the term advanced, the inevitable stress of the exams period took it's toll. The committee determinedly plodded on, and arrangements for the Summer Ball continued to take shape. The predictable concern over numbers was soon resolved and 3? tickets were successfully sold. The threat of rail strikes became a reality, with Newcastle and Northumbria being cut off, and Mark Logan, secured as a speaker, was stranded. Committee brainstormed to ensure that Timothy Cho, the star guest could make it. Ellis even offered a camp bed in his house in needs must, but ultimately a bus and taxi combinational proved suitable. The Dean Court Hotel proved highly popular, as did the £100 bar tab. Charlotte Milligan, the local association chair, felt the need to shoot daggers at Henry Smith and James Clay when they dashed off during the started to scoop up the remains of the tab, claiming committee privilege. The talk itself was one of the best the the association had held in recent years. The wearing party rhetoric and the wonders of the governments transparent achievements was replaced with a powerful and honest plea to appreciate the value of free speech and democracy, and the preserve it at all costs. Some local association members openly confessed to being made to cry by Timothy's words.

James R reminiscence 11/5/2023

"Before covid in Alcuin, George Cockshaw had loads of port, said anyone who is Chinese deserves covid and to die, threw up in loo and never seen again.

There was a guy who did a nazi salute on the 66, went through YUSU as students complained, had to kick him out officially. Unofficially, he carried on . Really fucking weird,

Sam McUin was team captain on University challenge. Was the staffer for Jamie Wallace. Always used to insist that he will never get a job for anyone less than a cabinet minister, ended up working for the MP with the smallest, most irrelevant majority.

In autumn term round world bar crawl, EFW got lowest score ever, -86. Attributed to French vodka. "

EFW reminiscence 16/5/2023

On the Rugby Rules bar crawl, two members spooned in Weatherspoons, to meet the challenge to get a spoon in 'Spoon, with the type of spoon not being specified, so counted.




Detail under Harvey Proctor - https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/10/16/harvey-proctor-cottonrose-ltd-and-the-conservative-party/

Newspaper links. How to access?: https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/search/results/1950-01-01/1999-12-31?basicsearch=york%20conservative%20university&somesearch=york%20conservative%20university&retrievecountrycounts=false&sortorder=score&page=0


Old website https://web.archive.org/web/20071217191423/http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~socs35/index.html (with old constitution)

More mentions of the association - https://www.facebook.com/profile/1261856368/search/?q=uycua

Possible old member - https://www.facebook.com/alexanderrennie?comment_id=Y29tbWVudDoxMDIwMzQ5Mjc2MTQ2MDY0MV8xMDIwMzQ5NjIwNTI2NjczNA%3D%3D


Tried to do some digging, but didn't find much. Harvey included Michael Brown. Also included Christine Hamilton, who got a job from an MP coming to speak at York. There is a woman who is/used to be a councillor in Chelsea, daughter of Alan Glyn. Mary Weal. Brompton and Handstown. Vanessa married a Neil Jones, heavily involved in politics, he stood in Stoke-on-Trent, now divorced, were in Reading for 25 years. Nick Davis is a friend on Facebook. Lives in Greater Manchester. Adam is a friend on Facebook. lives in California. Gawain Towler when he arrived, legend that he was the most recent tory to have been on the SU committee for LGB. Wrote 'The Sprout' in Brussels, ended up working for Nigel Farage, still with Reform UK. Adam is a Georgie. he had just left, working at the IEA, went of to Nigeria with his wife, but might be back now. Purle was a character. Got into a whole load of rows with the university as they didn't give him his dissertation, something about him not paying them some money that he owed them or submitting a piece of work. He made mincemeat out of them from knowing the rules better than them. The association gained its libertarian streak in this period. They were all Eurosceptics, not fan of Major, and did little with the actual party. Purle was a councillor in Maidstone, Kent, now back in Norfolk. Robert is interesting, originally from Rochdale. Quite the anarco-libertarian, his family were all IRA sympathisers. Mid 90s was a really crap time for the Conservatives. Weekly meeting at a curry house on Fishergate called norgaharn, went to after the meeting. Caused trouble at UGMs. Purle was behind the idea of a bigot officer to take the piss out of political correctness officers, the conservatives are a minority and deserve representation etc. Matthew was from Bristol, seemed normal. Isaby met him at a conference for young conservatives before he came up to York. He asked Matthew what sort of speakers they normally got up, and was disappointed to hear that they struggled to get even Yorkshire MPs. Under the next, became Internal Vice Chairman, decided to engage more with the party to get more speakers. ???? now works for the conservatives local group. Paul was chair, but Isaby became the driving force. 1997 election was coming up. Was deputy editor of York Vision. Resigned from that in 1997 to stand in SU External Vice President. There had been loads of resignations from the SU. Elections earlier in the year were the last year where slates were allowed. In 1997 David Disney (now Ministry of Defence), I, and Stallas all stood on a joint ticket with no opposition, but were subject to the most vicious VONC campaign. Lost again, but there was also a campaign for education from Stuart Hamson and Georgina Hill, but could have been Spring, but resigned from the party, but managed to get in. Hill was from Northumberland gentry, daughter of a baronet. She joined the Tories, could have been an Ordinary Officer the year I joined, not an active member. Isaby didn't have a strong intake in his year as chairman. He got MPs up: Towlet, David Davis, Bercow. Engaging with the local party. Shadow cabinet members going on tour were snagged. Nigel Evans came to speak. As External Vice-Chairman during the General Election campaign, Isaby got the Association doing campaigning. Tradition of the phall existed. Isaby tried to make the association more mainstream. Next intake included Gareth Knight, who has all of Isaby's historic records. Became a tory party agent. Gareth became Internal-Vice Chairman. ivs was Giles French, from Pudsey, Yorkshire. I did most of the ivc. now c exec of for assoc banks. Stuart Anderson was my year, got more active in second and third year. was on, but no idea, Jonath Rowing was Press and Publicity. Bizzarely not friends on Facebook. After university became gay. Craig Rowley, housemates of stallasback was around a bit. I became Chairman in February 1998. Controversial as heir apparent from External Vice-Chairman work, but some of us were on finance, rules etc committee of Student Union. Joke motions to take the piss. everyone expected me, but I was going to spend my 3rd year in Germany, but lots that I wanted to do. Both eds stood against. Georgina has been kicked out of the party, now an independent councillor in Northampton. I join the inaugural Conservative National Youth committee. Won Annual General Meeting by one vote. Jackie Williams, my successor, was the year below me, got married to Mark O'Brians, hung around. Trouble with the police. Most controversy was in the last week. I'd organised Anne Witcombe to come up. Managed to fill a 200 lecture theatre. Door Safe were employed to remove protesters. Organised a press conference immediately before. My crowing glory. After the event, organised dinner at her hotel, hand picked who would be there, few committee who had been helpful, started the idea of a Leeds-York pub crawl with Leeds Tories who were there. Georgina annoyed at not being invited. Threw a pint over me. She coordinated to send pizzas and curries to our house at the same time, filling a cul-de-sac, got blacklisted. Got a friend to send me death threats. She tried to VONC me, but the meeting decided to vote of censure. Nouse made it the headline 'What's the story campus tory?' Freshers Fair 1997 the guy who had been Internal Vice-Chairman to Stallabrass, john paul nellist from Rochdale, didn't like the libertarian stance. He created Centre Right Independent Students, but never heard of again. An attempt to challenge the Campus Tories. ?????????? supported him. Famous moment summer 1996 where someone hacked our website, the party didn't realise some of the content was real. Tradition that the outgoing president stood as Student Union president, Georgina having none of it. The year before on the slate I had been a candidate. Spending a lot of hols. Jacqui replaced me, but she ended up resigning and Knight took over. Stuart Lennon, two years above, was around. Toby Stanway was an active member, posh, now lives in switch. Phil Witcherley went from Liberal Democrats to us. George Thatcher was 2 year/1 year above. Became Student Union Treasurer. Was Treasurer at Wentworth College. Nick is now in the navy. marrie cathie morrisons, a member at the time. nicola bates was around that time. duncan flin came soon after richard price worked for ulp then came. joint venture with leeds. Gareth Williams did a post grad at York. weekly meeting, often a member doing a presenation. mondays was the day. Got into tory lunch at Derwent bar. lefties on campus held a rent strike on rises that was ludicrously low. Uni increased rent to cover more manageable. Student Union protested outside Heslington Hall, we organised counter rent, back admin, higher rent for better rooms. Fear campaign that it would cause bailiffs and you would be black listed for jobs. Only 21 participated, 22/23 went to tory curry. Stephanie Gray went out with John Bercow, could help to get hold of her. Gareth Williams was friend will hill, hellraisers. Socialist Workers lover the Liverpool dockers, striking for some reason. They were brought to a General Meeting, where he challenged said that

When Blunket was Education Secretary, 'Isn't it a case of the blind leading the blind?' from Georgina Hill.

The thing that i specifically did was bring down successive generations of York Tories to London, created the Heslington Group in London above ???? of marchess pub in London. Ran from 2002-2009. Attendance included Liz Truss, my now boss, as a punter. Chloe Smith was never a York tory, Eurosceptic image of the York Tories scared her off. pursey was a contemporary, but never involve. Michelle might have been a member, but

Frank Young during 2001 election, egg thrown at john groganon campus

frank went out with morrisons before toms, so don't mention him as alleged to made her preg and forced to have an abortion

christmas dinner was not so formal. no summer events, but had a cheese and wind thing on hess green, but the crocket set ended in the lake, as did the socialist workers party.

libertarian guard went on guard missions to help bring don the state. police involved. guard mission. quasi paramilitary.

Baroness Charlotte Owens was a member

love to see how it goes, more than happy to help more, proofread.



Socials are held twice a week and include a variety of events, such as external speakers, debate nights, themed pub crawls and film nights.[8] Port and Policy, a black tie event, is held once a term, with Pint and Policy also being a regular event.[9]

The annual Christmas Ball is a black tie event held at the Principal York, during the event the new committee is sworn in.[10] A summer ball is also held annually, with speakers invited to attend both events.[8]

The Diners Club is a social event hosted by the York Conservative Association, who sometimes invite the York Tories to attend. - https://m.facebook.com/yorktories/photos/a.168002103247723/2006029872778261/?type=3&source=54


Close relationships with other Northern university conservative associations such as the Durham University Conservative Society, Newcastle University Conservative Society, and Northumbria University Conservative Society.[11]

The York Tories assist the York Conservative Association with campaigning.[12] In order to coordinate such actions there is a Campaigns Officer on the committee, whose role it is to liaison with the party on a local and national level.[13]


In 2014 the Dorothy Watson Award for campaigning was awarded to the association by the City of York Conservative Association. https://www.facebook.com/Yorkconservatives/photos/a.356963577690062/636511983068552/ In 2022 the Ellis Holden, the External Affairs Officer of the association, was individually awarded the award in recognition of his persistent and regular campaigning across York.



Elected Committee





Not quite relevant, but old York? https://trakt.tv/shows/picture-this-bbc/seasons/3/episodes/2



The Phall Challenge sees the chairman attempt to eat a Phall curry in order to be be fully recognised in their position.[14]

The Hagueathon is a drinking challenge is held twice a year.[8][15] While this social has been copied by other university conservative associations, it originated from the York Tories.[16] It attempts to emulate the supposed achievements of former foreign secretary William Hague as a teenager by trying to consume 14 pints of alcohol or 10 large glasses of wine in under 12 hours.[17] Those who complete the challenge are awarded a plastic medal at the top of Clifford's Tower.[18][19] This is where the social traditionally concludes with the singing of the national anthem.[20] Not only is Hague aware that this social is in his honour, but he is said to have an honourary certificate to recognise his achievement.[21] While it is organised by the York Tories, attendance by other university political societies has happened.[22][23] In 2016 one Tory achieved the rare honour of a 'Double-Hagueathon'.https://issuu.com/visionarchive/docs/issue_258

[Source for it being a bar chase crawl in the first line] The fox hunting social was a regular event, but following protests against the social by other societies at the university in 2013, the fox hunting social was not held again until 2019. As an alternative, in 2016 a badger hunt social was held, but the same principal of a themed bar crawl chase was followed, with the 'badgers' chased through various York bars.[24] The committee members took the role of the foxes while other members dressed up as farmers. This system of designation was continued when the fox hunt returned in 2019.[25] The 2020 social was held in memory of Sir Roger Scruton, who had been the honorary president.[26]



http://dictionary.sensagent.com/University_of_York_Conservative_and_Unionist_Association/en-en/ - Also look through colleges to see if I can add anything to wiki








The 2014 Hagueathon was criticised for encouraging binge drinking after three young people drowned in rivers around York that year. The association defended itself on the grounds that drinking is not compulsory.[27] In an attempt to avoid similar controversy, a Hagueathon held later in the year was done so in secret.[28]

Earliest mention is 2007 - https://web.archive.org/web/20070516185857/http://www-users.york.ac.uk:80/~socs35/committee.html

Fox hunting


In 2013 the Fox Hunting social had to be abandoned due to backlash against the theme and fears of members safety.[29] The annual event saw men encouraged to dress as hunters and women to dress as foxes, with the hunters 'hunting' the foxes across various York bars, but was accused of being sexist and ignoring animal rights.[30][31] The University of York Vegetarian and Vegan Society encouraged members to turn up to the event to protest against it, as well as bringing red paint.[32] The association was concerned that members would be attacked with this red paint, as well as deodorant, food dye and chloroform.[30] Members of the Tories' committee also rejected the accusation of sexism on the basis that the dress code was voluntary, and in previous events a majority of attendees were women. Threats were also made by members of the University of York Feminists.[32] The chairman of VegSoc rejected that individual's views reflect those of VegSoc or FemSoc, but ultimately supported the cancellation of the event. Ultimately the social was planned to go ahead following discussions between YUSU officers and members of the York Tories which reached a compromise, but pressure from the national press forced the event to be permanently cancelled.[30]


The social was resurrected in 2019, but in 2020 fresh complaints were made, now with the added weight of being attacked by the Conservative Party, claiming that it 'does not represent our Young Conservatives Movement'. Internal concerns were also raised about whether the event would scare off potential new members.[26]

The League Against Cruel Sports raised protests against a plan for a Badger Culling social in 2016. While the charity admitted that it was probably intended as a 'harmless joke', the then recent controversy over 1,400 badgers being wrongly culled for tuberculosis made the theme a sensitive issue. In their defence, the society insisted that the social was merely to provide a 'fun and inclusive social environment'.[33] The chairman argued that most of the society did not actually support culling. The social went ahead, with committee members playing the part of badgers and members pursuing them in country attire as farmers. The University of York insisted that it did not endorse any societies events.[31]






In 2017, controversy arose when the society attempted to invite the Conservative MP Philipp Davies to give a talk. Opposition centred around past statements of his being labelled as 'misogynistic'. In response to backlash on social media, the society stated 'We are pleased to further the cause of two of the cornerstones of our nation: freedom of speech and freedom of expression.'[34] Some students reported that they would take the opportunity provided by this event to challenge Davies on his views.[35] These then led to further discussion over whether the society was fundamentally misogynistic. https://nouse.co.uk/2016/11/29/york-tories-accused-of-a-culture-of-sexism-by-old-committee-member/

In 2022 it was announced that a new formal, the Mighty Oak Dinner, was to be held, with Sir Desmond Swayne attending.((https://www.facebook.com/yorktories/posts/464793435686650)) The BAME Network Committee within YUSU protested against this speaker, stating 'Swayne has a history of racist actions and statements', particularly highlighting how this could be perceived as offensive by BAME students. ((https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-dT43M0qM/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D)) The York Tories refused to back down, defending the invitation as being based on Swayne's 'long parliamentary career'. The York Tories also pointed out that, contrary to claims, the event was not going to be held on University property, but outside of city limits, which the university recognised restricted even further what action was available for them to take.[36]

https://twit ter.com/MattRxgan/status/1582775576124743690?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

List of chairmen


1963 - 1964

1964 - 1965

1965 - 1966 - Barry Tyrall/Tyrrell

1966 - 1967 - John Smith

1967 - 1968 - Harvey Proctor

1968 - 1969 - Harvey Proctor

1969 - 1970 - Johnathan Denby

1970 - 1971 - Michael Young - https://snaccooperative.org/ark:/99166/w6bm6jdd

https://www-newspapers-com.wikipedialibrary.idm.oclc.org/image/829658559/?terms=%22University%20of%20York%22%20%22Conservative%22&match=1 - Just a mention. The Daily Telegraph 15 Oct 1971, Fri · Page 9

1971 - 1972 - Alan Armitage (https://borthcat.york.ac.uk/index.php/you-3-6 confirms was chairman)

1972 - 1973

1973 - 1974

1974 - 1975 - Moray Patterson (might be someone between Moray and Nic)

1975 - 1976 - Nic Clay

1976 - 1977 - Nigel Axelrad

1977 - 1978 - Geordie Hayward

1978 - 1979

1979 - 1980 - Paul Goodman (approx)

1980 - 1981

1981 - 1982

1982 - Steve Clarke

1982 - 1983 - Rosalind Thackray

1983 - May 1984 - Colin Stonelake

May 1984 - January 1985 - David Glanfield

January 1985 - 1985 - Simon Caldwell

1985 - 1986 - Craig Lanham

1986 - February 1987 -

February 1987 - 1987(?) - Rachel Venables

1987 - 1988

November 1988 - January 1989 - Vanessa Jones

January 1989 - November 1990 - Nick Davis

November 1990 - February 1992 - Adam Chacksfield

February 1992 - November 1992 - Gawain Towler

November 1992 - February 1993 - Stephanie Gray

February 1993 - January 1994 - Adam Myers

January 1994 - January 1995 - Jonathan Purle http s://twitter.com/JamesRice21/status/1458585292638666755/photo/2 (comment)

January 1995 - February 1996 - Andrew Roberts

February 1996 - February 1997 - Matthew Stallabrass

February 1997 - February 1998 - Paul McCannah

February 1998 - February 1999 - Jonathan Isaby https://mobile.twitter.com/isaby/status/789903592421548032?fbclid=IwAR2NbS4FaZfBhA1BWO3Ofe7Jt8HCMUJ-B7rStkfPiDv5iOqK6VbVHH47g5s

February 1999 - October 1999 - Jacqui Williams

October 1999 - February 2000 - Gareth Knight

February 2000 - December 2000 - Stuart Lennon

December 2000 - December 2001 - Nick Toms

December 2001 - December 2002 - Richard Price

December 2002 - December 2003 - James Ratcliffe Deputy Head at Bootham

December 2003 - December 2004 - David Sammels don't know what happened to him

December 2004 - February 2005 - James Ratcliffe

February 2005 - December 2005 - Nick Reeves no way of contacting him. for a long time went out with babs normile, from essex. sexiest thing to happen to the yt for a long time

December 2005 - May 2006 - Alex Rose

May 2006 - December 2006 - Michael Rutherford his other half, husband, rob mac, was a

December 2006 - December 2007 - Julia Heaton now newhouse, hamish, odd-ball. she was aristocratic. now getting near to gov to

December 2007 - December 2008 - Matthew Kilburn worked for a libertainan think tank in london.

December 2008 - May 2009 - Ralph Buckle he worked for various think tanks. he was cont, wrote an editorial saying to vote ukip

May 2009 - December 2009 - Anna Appleton now claydon. origionally stuart lennon helped run hes group. handed it on to anna.

December 2010 - February 2010 - Christopher Etheridge

February 2010 - December 2010 - Felix Bungay

January 2011 - December 2011 - Jon Ward

January 2012 - December 2012 - Phil Downs

January 2013 - December 2013 - Dan Hawkridge

January 2014 - December 2014 - Calum Stewart

January 2015 - November 2015 - Keane Duncan

November 2015 - November 2016 - Bethany Wright

November 2016 - January 2018 - Arthur Reynolds

January 2018 - December 2018 - Robert Ward and Gus Walter

December 2018 - November 2019 - Jacob Groet

November 2019 - November 2020 - Harry Baldwin

November 2020 - November 2021 - Sam Cade

November 2021 - May 2022 - Sophie Howard

May 2022 - November 2022 - Thomas Cox

November 2022 - December 2023 - Oliver Peter Smith

December 2023 - March 2024 - Milo Morrod

March 2024 - Present - Henry Smith



Committee ending in 1967


Chairman - John Smith

Secretary - Edna Smith

1967 committee


Chairman - Harvey Proctor

Treasurer - Emma

1968 committee


Chairman - Harvey Proctor

Secretary - Emma

Social Secretary - Christine Holman (later Hamilton)

1971 committee


Chairman - Michael Young

Vice-Chairman - Michael Brown

Treasurer - Alan Armitage ('the late')

Secretary - Christine Holman (later Hamilton)

Social Secretary - ????

1978 committee


Vice-Chairman - P. Richard Hubbard

1982 committee


Chairman - Steve Clarke (later Rosalind Thackray)

1984 committee


Chairman - David Glanfield (later Simon Caldwell)

Vice-Chairmen - Rosemary Ponton and Jon Green

Secretary - Simon Caldwell (replaced by ????)

Treasurer - Dave Bull

Press and Publicity - Pete Young

Local Affairs - Nick Driver

External Affairs - Steve Bowen

Social Secretary - Julian Bartlett

Ordinary Members - Simon Flory and Colin Stonelake

1987 committee


President - Rachel Venables

Treasurer - Charles Elliott

Internal Vice-President - Richard Crofts

???? - Simon Nayyar

1988-early 1990s - Barry Macleod-Cullinane was Vice-Chairman of York’s Conservative Students and was active with Nick Davis, John Purle, Adam Chacksfield, Adam Myers and on into the time of Jonathan Isaby.

Early 1990s, Andrew Hull was vice-chairman for two years. Before Purle was chair.

1996 committee


Chairman - Matthew Stallabrass

Internal Vice-Chairman - John Paul Nellist from Rochdale (I've got the name only roughly)

Ordinary Officer - Georgina Hill (maybe, and even then I might have her in the wrong period)

1997 committee


Chairman - Paul McCannah

External Vice-Chairman - Jonathan Isaby

1998 committee


Chairman - Jonathan Isaby

Internal Vice-Chairman - Gareth Knight (contact him to clarify)

External Vice-Chairman - Giles French (contact him to clarify)

Press and Publicity Officer - Jonathan Rowing (contact him to clarify)

1999 committee


Chairman - Jacqui Williams (later Gareth Knight)

2001 committee


Chairman - Nick Toms

Secretary - Duncan Flynn (secretary for 2000-2001, so probably here)

Nicola Bates (a member, maybe on committee as Flynn was very supportive of her)

Webmaster - Gavin Peachey

2002 committee (from the start)


Chairman - Richard Price

External Vice-Chairman - David Tait

Internal Vice-Chairman - Iain Lindley

Treasurer - Larry Fisher

Secretary - Katherine Morrison

Publicity officer - Nicholas Holzpfel

Events Co-ordinator - Emma Newton

Webmaster - James Ratcliffe

Ordinary officers - Richard Robeson, Nicholas Cuff, and Christopher Payne

2003 committee


Chairman - James Ratcliffe

External Vice-Chairman -

Internal Vice-Chairman - Christopher Payne (guess)

Treasurer -

Secretary -

Press Officer - Iain Lindley

Publicity officer -

Events Co-ordinator - Amy Millband (guess)

Webmaster -

Ordinary officers -

Melissa Bean, Helen Damianou, James Elliott, Thomas Hughes, Bronwen Noble, Thomas Parry, David Sammels, John Westall

2004 committee


Chairman - David Sammels

External Vice-Chairman - Bronwen Noble or Barbara Normile (guess)

Internal Vice-Chairman - Christopher Davis

Treasurer - Rory Broomfield (guess)

Secretary - Philip Purdy

Press Officer -

Publicity officer - Caroline Herring (guess)

Events Co-ordinator - Andrew Taylor (guess)

Computing Co-ordinator - Rosemary Kingston

Ordinary Officers - Thomas Hughes (resigned January 2004) and Robert Johnson (resigned January 2004)

Starting committee:

Miss Danusia Borucka Miss , Mr Gareth McDonna, Miss Bronwen Noble, Miss Barbara Normile

2005 committee


Chairman - Nick Reeves

External Vice-Chairman

Internal Vice-Chairman



Publicity Officer

Press Officer

Campaigns Officer - Jon Harrison at some point

Events Co-ordinator

Computing Co-ordinator

Ordinary Officers - Jon Harrison at some point (maybe the previous committee. Just before Campaigns)

Dan Milway, somewhere above

2006 committee


Chairman - Alex Rose later Michael Rutherford

External Vice-Chairman - Andrew Wells

Internal Vice-Chairman - Tom Crockett

Treasurer - Julia Heaton

Secretary - Alan Yonge

Publicity Officer - David Ievins

Campaigns Coordinator - Michael Rutherford

Events Coordinator - Kimberly Datnow

Computing Coordinator - Charlie Dyson

Ordinary Officers - James Copeland, Dan Milway, and Seb Pattinson

2007 committee


Chairman - Julia Heaton (daughter of a baronate)

External Vice-Chairman - Simon Darby

Internal Vice-Chairman - John Wilson

Treasurer - Thomas Merry

Secretary - Chloe Charlton

Press - Jonathan Kerridge-Phipps

Publicity - Oliver Blair

Campaigns - James McGowan

Events - Andrew Wells

Computing - Charlie Dyson


Rutherford was campaigns, then chair, brief interim as EVC

2008 committee


Chairman - Matthew Kilburn

Treasurer - Christopher Etheridge

2009 committee (random accumulations)


Chairman - Ralph Buckle (later Anna Appleton)

External Vice-Chairman - Paul Giannaros

Treasurer - Christopher Etheridge

Secretary - Hedley Mellor

Publicity officer - Chris Southeran

2010 committee (random accumalations)


Chairman (Interim-chair) - Christopher Etheridge (later Felix Bungay as Chairman)

External Vice-Chairman - Chris Southeran (later Christopher Etheridge as Interim-External Vice-Chairman)

Internal Vice-Chairman - Sarah Megarity

Treasurer - Miles Sinclair

Secretary - Jonathan Ward

Campaigns Officer - Dean Hickey

Events Officer - Tom Bradley

Press Officer - Felix Bungay

Publicity Officer - Jon Waghorn

Computing Officer - Lloyd Sparkes

Ordinary Officers - Will Barr, Alice Longhurst and Matt Bailey

2011 committee (in Aug 2011)


Chairman - Jon Ward

External Vice-Chairman - Daniel Murphy

Internal Vice-Chairman - Catherine Latham

Treasurer - Sophie Walker

Secretary - Iain Milne

Campaigns Officer - Tom Byrne

Events Officer - Victoria Snedker (vonc held on 21/6/2011. Unknown result) (vacant in August, shared by OOs)

Press and Publicity Officer - Thomas Smith

Computing Officer - Chris Rowell

Ordinary Officer - Rachael Burrell

Ordinary Officer - Phil Downs

Ordinary Officer - Matthew Kilcoyne

2012 committee (start of 2012) (any changes by the end?)


Chairman - Phil Downs

External Vice-Chairman - Daniel Murphy

Internal Vice-Chairman - Matthew Kilcoyne

Treasurer - Joey Cuthbertson

Secretary - Leon Morris

Press Officer - Thomas Smith

Publicity Officer - Sarah Ralphs (usually, but not necessarily, amalgamated with Press)

Events Officer - Nicola Banks and Daniel Hawkridge

Computing Officer - Joe Blake

Campaigns Officer - Tomasz Ciesla

Ordinary Officer - Zviad Aslanikashvili, Rachael Burrell, and Sophie Walker

Catherine Lewis became an OO in an EGM in 20/1/2012 and was Acting Secretary in Oct

2013 committee


Chairman - Dan Hawkridge

External Vice-Chairman - Sarah Ralphs

Internal Vice-Chairman - Joe Blake

Treasurer - Joey Cuthbertson

Secretary - Catherine Lewis

Press and Publicity Officer - Ellie Murray (position vacant at end of 2013. Why?)

Campaigns Officer - Rosie Peat (Ellie Murray at the end of 2013)

Events Officer - Calum Stewart

Computing Officer - Mathew Hawkridge (is it Matthew?)

Ordinary Officer - Sushi Phillips (position vacant at end of 2013. Why?)

Ordinary Officer - Andrew Brades

Ordinary Officer - Jamie Monteith-Mann

2014 committee


Chairman - Calum Stewart

External Vice-Chairman - Annabel Shaw

Internal Vice-Chairman - Harry Wilkinson

Treasurer - Jordan Hennessy

Secretary - Huw Davies

Publicity and Social Media Officer - Jack Braund

Campaigns Officer - Dan Hill

Events Officer - Keane Duncan

Events Officer - Pearse McAteer

Computing Officer - Jamie Monteith-Mann, later Hugo Graham by the end of 2014

Ordinary Officer - Andrew Brades, Matthew Dent, and Nick Attwooll

2015 committee


Chairman - Keane Duncan

External Vice-Chairman - Bethany Wright

Internal Vice-Chairman - Oliver Wilson

Treasurer - Jordan Hennessy

Secretary - Huw Davies

Publicity and Social Media Officer - Jack Braund

Campaigns - Juan Donado Díez resigned May 2015, but no replacement?

Campaigns - Cameron Smith

Events Officer - Matthew Dent

Events Officer - Becky Wells resigned Sept 2015, but no replacement?

Computing Officer - Charlie Reddin

Ordinary Officer - Tamsin Allsopp, Eve Rimington, and Annabel Shaw

2016 committee


Chairman - Bethany Wright

External Vice Chairman - Jack Merrett

Internal Vice Chairman - William Barnes

Treasurer - Jordan Hennessy (later Sam Daley after an EGM on 10/6/2016)

Secretary - Eve Rimington

Publicity and Social Media Officer - Sam Daley (later Arthur Reynolds after an EGM on 10/6/2016)

Campaigns Officer - Stefan Schuller

Events Officer - Tamsin Allsopp (later Matthew Dent after an EGM on 29/4/2016)

Computing Officer - Alex Burn

Ordinary Officer - James Eyermann, Charlie Parkin, and Arthur Reynolds (later Sophie Whittingham after an EGM on 10/6/2016)

2017 committee


Chairman - Arthur Reynolds

External Vice Chairman - Callum Jones

Internal Vice Chairman - James Eyermann

Treasurer - Sam Daley (later Robert Ward)

Secretary - Niall Hegarty

Publicity and Social Media Officer - Robert Ward (later Elliot Banks)

Campaigns Officer - Samuel Andrews

Events Officer - Lauren Proctor

Ordinary Officer - Jonathan van Kuijk, Annie Boyle (later Gus Walters), and Bethany Wright (later Uday Maudgil)

2018 committee (as of November 2018 supercommittee) (order of positions?)


Chairman - Robert Ward and Gus Alexavier (or Gus Walter)

External Vice-Chair - Vanessa Mwanga or Samuel McEwan

Internal Vice Chair - Samuel Andrews or Vanessa Mwanga

Treasurer - Suraaj Suri

Secretary - ???

Campaigns Officer - Samuel Linley

Publicity and Social Media Officer - Thomas Seston

Post-Graduate Officer - Jeremy Hutton

Ordinary Officer - Samantha Wilson and Gabriel Lipworth

2019 committee


Chairman - Jacob Groet

External Vice-Chairman - George Coxshall

Internal Vice-Chairman - Jacob Fieret (later Ben Cunnah after an EGM on 20/2/2019)

Treasurer - Alexander Sielicki-MacIver (later Francesca Sellers after an EGM on 20/2/2019)

Secretary - Henry Townsend

Publicity and Social Media Officer - Tom Seston (later Henry Dixon-Clegg after an EGM on 17/4/2019)

Campaigns Officer - Robin Willoughby (later Alfie Thomlinson after an EGM on 16/10/2019)

Events Officer - Isabelle Baldwin

Computing Officer - Francesca Sellers (later Ethan Harvey after an EGM on 20/2/2019)

Post-Graduate Officer - Sam Linley (later Samuel Andrews after an EGM on 16/10/2019)

Ordinary Officer - Henry Dixon-Clegg (later Flavio Sansa after an EGM on 17/4/2019) and Jacob Keay (later Ben Cunnah after a Secret Ballot at the end of a committee meeting on 30/1/2019) (later Josh Walker after an EGM on 20/2/2019)

Post-Graduate Officer - Samuel McEwan (Documents at the end of 2019 have Samuel as PGO, but no mention of how or when that he was elected. Not in minutes, so maybe from a past committee)

2020 committee (order of positions?)


Chairman - Harry Baldwin

External Vice-Chair - Adam Chinnery (later Richard Foster after an EGM on 11/2/2020) (Adam got VONCed or threatened with being VONCed)

Internal Vice-Chair - Oliver Davey

Treasurer - William Jeffery

Secretary - Samuel Cade

Events Officer - Ben Cunnah (later James Rice after an EGM on 5/2/2020) (Him and Dickton Clegg both stood for their positions to stops Izzy Baldwin standing and then resigned two week in to the next term)

Campaigns Officer - Alfie Tomlinson

Publicity and Social Media Officer - Henry Dixon-Clegg. Position renamed Publicity, Social Media and Computing Officer and Kevin Sheung elected during an EGM on 5/2/2020)

Post Graduate Officer - George Shaw (position removed during an EGM on 2/10/2020)

Computing Officer - Kevin Sheung (position removed during an EGM on 5/2/2020)

Ordinary Officer - Ainan Ali and Fae Hicks (later Joseph Mawer after an EGM on 5/2/2020) (she just resigned? James R will check)

2021 committee (correct order of positions) (were there any changes by the end?)


Chairman - Samuel Cade

External Vice-Chairman - David Hintze

Internal Vice-Chairman - Joe Mawer

Treasurer - William Jeffrey

Secretary - Richard Foster

Publicity, Social Media and Computing Officer - Frank Roberts

Campaigns Officer - Harry Baldwin

Events Officer - James Rice

Women’s and Equalities Officer - Sophie Howard

Ordinary Member - Dylan Laugharne and Emily Williams

2022 committee (starting committee with all changes)


Chairman - Sophie Howard (later Thomas Cox after an EGM on 11/5/2022)

External Vice-Chairman - Richard Jones

Internal Vice-Chairman - Thomas Cox (later James Clay after an EGM on 11/5/2022)

Treasurer - Oliver Peter Smith

Secretary - Amy Wydenbach

Campaigns Officer - Ellis Holden

Events Officer - Saffron Sims-Brydon (later Andrew Preston after an EGM on 26/10/2022)

Publicity, Social Media, and Computing Officer - Will Nyss (later Milo Morrod after an EGM on 26/10/2022)

Ordinary Officer - Xander West and Ethan Fowler Wright

2023 committee (starting committee with all changes in the right order)


Chairman - Oliver Peter Smith

Vice-Chairman - James Clay

Treasurer - Joshua Zucker (later Henry Smith after an EGM on 26/4/2023)

Secretary - Amy Wydenbach

Publicity, Social Media and Computing Officer (Communications Officer after an EGM on 26/4/2023) - Milo Morrod

External Affairs Officer - Ellis Holden

Events Officer - Andrew Preston

Ordinary Officer - Henry Smith (later Jacob Boneham after an EGM on 26/4/2023

2024 committee


Chairman – Milo Morrod (later Henry Smith after an EGM on 13/3/2024)

Vice-Chairman – Dylan Cassap

Treasurer – Henry Smith (later Jeremy Hehir after an EGM on 20/3/2024)

Secretary – Jacob Boneham

Communications Officer – Emily Hope

External Affairs Officer – Ceri Lloyd (later Elle-Rose Waters after an EGM on 13/3/2024)

Events Officer – Jeremy Hehir (later Emily Hope after an EGM on 20/3/2024)

Ordinary Officer – Edward Perry (later Tom Lindley after an EGM on 27/9/2024)


  1. ^ "Hacker adds porn and mockery to Major's Internet message". The Times. 19 August 1996. p. 2.
  2. ^ a b c d "Statement on the visit of Elizabeth Truss MP". Facebook. Retrieved 14 August 2022.
  3. ^ a b Boakes, Stephen (26 March 2018). ""Liz Truss stole my umbrella!?" -The story of when Elizabeth Truss came to York". York Politics Review. Retrieved 14 August 2022.
  4. ^ Abbas, Hamzah (15 March 2018). "Tory MP Liz Truss 'not interested in a genuine conversation' during visit to Hes Hall occupiers". The Tab. Retrieved 14 August 2022.
  5. ^ @UoYOccupy (15 March 2018). "Delighted to have been visited by the uni's Conservative society just now. Sorry we couldn't fit you all in but we were keen to abide by the request made to us by management that we don't allow more than 20 people in at one time due to fire safety (1/)" (Tweet). Retrieved 14 August 2022 – via Twitter.
  6. ^ @UoYOccupy (15 March 2018). "However, we feel that 20 men in suits storming into a room while filming us is more a play to intimidate us than engage in a meaningful conversation. (3/3)" (Tweet). Retrieved 14 August 2022 – via Twitter.
  7. ^ "Brexit Celebration". The York Tories. Archived from the original on 2 May 2022. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  8. ^ a b c "About". The York Tories. Archived from the original on 2 May 2022. Retrieved 7 April 2022.
  9. ^ "Conservative & Unionist Association (York Tories)". University of York Students' Union. Archived from the original on 29 November 2022. Retrieved 2 May 2022.
  10. ^ https://sums-data-public.sums.su/YU/activity_constitutions/60/ac_constitution_60_e87580_Conservative%20and%20Unionist%20Association%20(York%20Tories)%20Constitution%2020.21.pdf#page=6
  11. ^ Clark, Joshua (25 February 2022). "Northumbria and Newcastle Universities Conservative Societies Primrose Dinner with Michael Gove". IR&Politics@NorthumbriaUni. Retrieved 2 May 2022.
  12. ^ "The York Tories - Home". The York Tories. Archived from the original on 1 November 2020. Retrieved 2 May 2022.
  13. ^ https://sums-data-public.sums.su/YU/activity_constitutions/60/ac_constitution_60_e87580_Conservative%20and%20Unionist%20Association%20(York%20Tories)%20Constitution%2020.21.pdf#page=5
  14. ^ Rimington, Eve (18 January 2018). "Week 3: Success in golf depends less on strength of body than upon strength of mind and character". York Tories. Archived from the original on 10 February 2017.
  15. ^ Wilson, Oliver (13 November 2015). "Weekly Blues - Dispatches from the Conservative". Nouse. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  16. ^ "Tory 'Hagueathon' drinking event in York branded 'irresponsible'". York Press. 3 May 2014. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  17. ^ "Tory 'Hagueathon' drinking event in York branded 'irresponsible'". York Press. 3 May 2014. Retrieved 7 April 2022.
  18. ^ Lyons, James (5 March 2013). "Anger over uni's Hague beer binge". Daily Mirror.
  19. ^ "Young Tories' silence over controversial Hagueathon drinking event". The Northern Echo. 5 May 2014. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  20. ^ "Winter Hagueathon". allevents.in. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  21. ^ Steerpike (5 March 2013). "William Hague's beery legacy | The Spectator". The Spectator. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  22. ^ Wilson, Oliver (16 November 2015). "Weekly Blues - Dispatches from the Conservative Frontline". Nouse. Retrieved 2022-10-09.
  23. ^ "Socials". York Tories. Archived from the original on 21 October 2016.
  24. ^ Gevertz, Jack (4 February 2016). "I went on the notorious Tory student 'Badger Culling Social' to investigate whether it was 'vile' or harmless student fun". Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  25. ^ Maitland-Jones, Michael (12 February 2019). "Changes made as York Tories' fox hunting social returns". Nouse. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
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