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Yuksporite from the Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia, 4 cm across
(repeating unit)
Strunz classification8/F.35-40 or 9.DG.95
Dana classification66.3.1.5
Crystal systemMonoclinic 2/m
Formula mass2,546.97 g
ColorBrownish pink to rose-red to straw-yellow
Crystal habitFibrous, scaly or lamellar
Mohs scale hardness4½ to 5
LusterVitreous, silky
StreakNearly white to white
Specific gravity3.05
Optical propertiesBiaxial
Refractive indexNx = 1.644, Nz = 1.660
PleochroismX pale rose-yellow, Y, Z rose-yellow
Other characteristicsBarely detectable radioactivity

Yuksporite is a rare inosilicate mineral with double width, unbranched chains, and the complicated chemical formula

  • K4(Ca,Na)14Sr2Mn(Ti,Nb)4(O,OH)4(Si6O17)2(Si2O7)3(H2O,OH)3[1]

It contains the relatively rare elements strontium Sr, titanium Ti and niobium Nb, as well as the commoner metallic elements potassium K, calcium Ca, sodium Na and manganese Mn. As with all silicates, it contains groups of linked silicon Si and oxygen O atoms, as well as some associated water molecules H2O.
Yuksporite is a member of the umbite group that has just two known members, umbite, K2ZrSi3O9.H2O, and yuksporite[3].
It was first reported in 1922, from nepheline syenite occurrences in the Kola Peninsula, Russia, and named by Alexander Fersman for the locality, near Mount Yukspor[6].

Unit Cell


Yuksporite was originally thought to be orthorhombic, space group unknown[2][3][5]. In 2004, however, the structure was solved using synchrotron radiation and found to be monoclinic 2/m with space group P21/m[7][4]. The monoclinic unit cell has two formula units per cell (Z = 2)[4] and side lengths a = 7.126 Å, b = 24.913 Å and c = 17.075 Å, with the angle β between the a and c axes equal to 101.89°[7].



The mineral is brownish pink, rose pink or yellowish in color, with a silky to vitreous luster and a nearly white streak. It occurs in semi-transparent fibrous, scaly or lamellar aggregates up to 10 cm across[2].



Yuksporite is a biaxial mineral, but most authors do not specify whether it is (+) or (-); the Handbook of Mineralogy[5] gives it as (+). All agree, however, that the refractive indices are Nx = 1.644 and Nz = 1.660 (with Ny unspecified), which are larger than those for quartz, but similar to those for tourmaline. Yuksporite shows pleochroism, with X pale rose-yellow, and Y, Z rose-yellow. It has a hardness of 4½ to 5, between fluorite and apatite, and specific gravity 3.05, similar to fluorite. It exhibits barely detectable radioactivity[4].

Occurrence and Associations


The type locality is the Hackman Valley, Yukspor Mt, Khibiny Massif, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern Region, Russia[3], and type material is conserved at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, catalogue number 25847[5]. The only occurrences reported by Mindat.org are in Russia. At the Khibiny massif it occurs in veins in nepheline syenite associated with titanite, pectolite, astrophyllite, biotite and aegirine[6]. At the Murun massif in the Sakha Republic it is associated with aegirine, kalsilite, potassic feldspar, titanite, lamprophyllite, wadeite and tausonite[5].

Yuksporite from Russia


  1. ^ a b http://rruff.info/ima
  2. ^ a b c Gaines et al (1997) Dana’s New Mineralogy Eighth Edition. Wiley
  3. ^ a b c d http://www.mindat.org/min-4378.html
  4. ^ a b c d http://www.webmineral.com/data/Yuksporite.shtml
  5. ^ a b c d e http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org
  6. ^ a b Schairer (1927) American Mineralogist 12:58, summarising Fersman (1923) Transactions of the Northern Scientific and Economic Expedition 16:16 to 73
  7. ^ a b Krivovichev, Yakovenchuk, Armbruster, Dobelin, Pattison, Weber and Depmeier (2004) American Mineralogist 89:1561
