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Straal is a member of Mensa International.

Normally he doesn't add new pages, but tidies up or enhances existing ones he finds lying around...

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Village weaver
The village weaver (Ploceus cucullatus) is a species of bird in the family Ploceidae. It is found in much of sub-Saharan Africa and has been introduced to some islands in the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean. Village weavers forage and roost in large groups, often with other weaver species. In some areas, they move periodically along fixed routes. The birds look for food on the ground, but also look up to search vegetation and trees. Village weavers nest in colonies and are very active during the breeding season. Birds fly in and leave again constantly, making significant noise. Colonies can contain as many as 150 nests, but eight to a hundred nests in a single tree are usual. This male village weaver was photographed in Kakum National Park, Ghana.Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp

His contributions so far:

30 June 2010

14 July 2006

27 September 2005

17 September 2005

14 September 2005

8 September 2005

6 September 2005

2 September 2005

25 August 2005

24 August 2005

11 August 2005

25 May 2005

4 May 2005

9 April 2005

8 April 2005

7 April 2005

17 March 2005

Some signatures:
~~~|[[User_Talk:Straal|☺]] ~~~~~
Straal| 23:15, Jul 8, 2004 (UTC)


Straal 23:15, Jul 8, 2004 (UTC)

23:15, Jul 8, 2004 (UTC)