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User:StephanVCornell/Antimicrobial resistance/Bibliography

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Proving Source Validity + Planing Revision To Article


Stephan Volynets

Source 1:


Gerard D. Wright titled "Bacterial resistance to antibiotics: Enzymatic degradation and modification"

Wright, Gerard D. "Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics: Enzymatic Degradation and Modification." _Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews_, vol. 57, no. 10, 2005, pp. 1451-1470. _ScienceDirect_, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addr.2005.04.002](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addr.2005.04.002).

Covered Topics:


1. Acquired Resistance: 


    - Mutation: The article discusses how resistance enzymes can evolve as a result of exposure to antibiotics, implying a role for mutation in developing these resistance mechanisms, although it doesn't focus specifically on mutations.

    - Horizontal Gene Transfer: The mechanisms like conjugation, transformation, or transduction are not explicitly detailed, but the article implies that resistance traits can spread among bacteria, which is typically facilitated by these processes.

2. Enzymatic Strategies for Antibiotic Inactivation:   


    - This is a central theme of the article, covering various enzymatic mechanisms that bacteria employ to deactivate antibiotics. This includes hydrolysis (e.g., beta-lactamases breaking down beta-lactams), group transfer mechanisms (e.g., phosphorylation, acylation), and others that modify the antibiotic molecule, making it ineffective.


1. Factors Contributing to the Development of Resistance:


    - While not a focus, the article does mention the impact of antibiotic use and possibly misuse as it discusses the evolutionary pressure on bacteria to develop and spread resistance mechanisms.

2. Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance:


    - The article discusses potential strategies to overcome resistance, such as developing new approaches to anti-infective therapy by understanding the molecular mechanisms, structures, and evolutionary paths of resistance enzymes.

3. Detection and Monitoring:


    - The article does not explicitly cover traditional methods or advances in genetic sequencing and bioinformatics related to detecting antibiotic resistance.

4. Future Directions:


    - It touches on the evolution of resistance mechanisms and the need for new research to address the challenges posed by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which could be aligned with discussions on future directions in combating resistance.

Not Covered

1. Intrinsic Resistance:

    - Natural resistance mechanisms inherent to certain bacteria without acquired modifications are not the focus of this article



Given this information, the article is highly relevant to sections of my Wikipedia article on acquired resistance mechanisms and the enzymatic strategies bacteria use. It will be a valuable source for these sections, but you will need additional sources for complete coverage, especially for topics like intrinsic resistance, detailed detection methods, and comprehensive public health strategies.

Source 2:


The article titled "Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance: The Most Critical Pathogens" by Giuseppe Mancuso and colleagues provides a comprehensive review that is highly relevant to your Wikipedia article on antibiotic resistance mechanisms. Here’s an assessment of its coverage based on the key topics im interested in.

Mancuso G, Midiri A, Gerace E, Biondo C. Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance: The Most Critical Pathogens. _Pathogens_. 2021; 10 (10): 1310. https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens10101310

Coverage Assessment:


1. Intrinsic and Acquired Resistance:


    - Intrinsic Resistance: The article discusses natural resistance, including intrinsic resistance due to inherent characteristics of bacterial species, which makes it highly relevant.

    - Acquired Resistance: It thoroughly covers acquired resistance, including mutation and horizontal gene transfer (conjugation, transformation, transduction), which are crucial mechanisms.

2. Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance:


    - The review provides a detailed examination of the mechanisms by which bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, such as decreased drug uptake, drug target alteration, drug inactivation, and activation of efflux pumps. This directly addresses your interest in understanding different resistance mechanisms.

3. Factors Contributing to the Development of Resistance


    - The article discusses the overuse and misuse of antibiotics and other socioeconomic factors that contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance, providing a broader context that enriches the understanding of how resistance develops and spreads.

4. Detection and Monitoring:   


    - While it does not specifically detail methods for detection and monitoring of resistance, the focus on the mechanisms and factors influencing resistance provides foundational knowledge that supports discussions on these topics.

5. Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance:


    - It discusses the need for new antimicrobial drugs and strategies to tackle drug-resistant bacteria, aligning well with your interest in current and future strategies to combat antibiotic resistance.

6. Future Directions:


    - The article hints at the necessity for future research and the development of new strategies to manage and mitigate antibiotic resistance, making it a valuable source for discussions on future directions in your Wikipedia article.



This source is excellent for my Wikipedia article because it not only covers the specifics of antibiotic resistance mechanisms but also provides a broader context by discussing critical pathogens, the impact of antibiotic resistance on global health, and the need for new strategies to address this growing problem. It will help provide depth to sections on both the mechanisms of resistance and the broader implications of this issue, including public health strategies and future research directions.

Source 3:


Baran A, Kwiatkowska A, Potocki L. Antibiotics and Bacterial Resistance—A Short Story of an Endless Arms Race. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(6):5777. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24065777

The source "Antibiotics and Bacterial Resistance—A Short Story of an Endless Arms Endless Arms Race" by Aleksandra Baran et al. provides a detailed examination of the mechanisms of antibiotic actions and the various strategies bacteria use to resist these drugs. Here's an assessment of its coverage:

Coverage Assessment

  1. Intrinsic and Acquired Resistance:
    • The source covers both intrinsic and acquired resistance, explaining how bacteria naturally possess some resistance traits and how they can acquire additional resistance through genetic changes and horizontal gene transfer.
  2. Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance:
    • It provides an in-depth discussion of the various resistance mechanisms, including changes to drug targets, alterations in cell wall permeability, antibiotic inactivation, and efflux pumps. This aligns well with your article's focus on understanding different resistance mechanisms.
  3. Factors Contributing to the Development of Resistance:
    • The source discusses factors such as the overuse of antibiotics and environmental pressures that accelerate the development of resistance, which would enrich the context of how resistance spreads in your article.
  4. Detection and Monitoring:
    • Although not a central focus, the source briefly touches on the global challenges and health threats posed by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which indirectly relates to the need for monitoring and detection.
  5. Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance:
    • It mentions current strategies, including the development of new drugs and alternative therapies such as nanomedicine-based approaches. This could be particularly useful for sections of your article dealing with future directions and new technologies in combating resistance.
  6. Future Directions:
    • The article outlines some future strategies and innovations in tackling antibiotic resistance, including nanotechnology and new drug development, which are crucial for discussing prospective solutions in your article.



This source is highly relevant and beneficial for your Wikipedia article on antibiotic resistance mechanisms. It thoroughly addresses the mechanisms of action of antibiotics, the development of resistance, and includes discussions on both current and future strategies to counteract resistance. It offers a comprehensive view that will support a detailed and nuanced article.

You will be compiling your bibliography and creating an outline of the changes you will make in this sandbox.


  • Baran, Aleksandra; Kwiatkowska, Agnieszka; Potocki, Leszek (2023-06-01). "Antibiotics and Bacterial ResistanceA Short Story of an Endless Arms Race". International Journal of Molecular Sciences. This is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which makes it a reliable source. It provides an extensive review of antibiotic resistance mechanisms, making it highly useful for establishing notability on the topic.
  • Mancuso, Giuseppe; Midiri, Angelina; Gerace, Enrico; Biondo, Carmelo (2021-10-10). "Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance: The Most Critical Pathogens". Pathogens. This article is published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, ensuring its reliability. It thoroughly explores the critical issue of bacterial antibiotic resistance, contributing significantly to the topic’s notability.
  • Wright, Gerard D. (2005-05-05). "Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics: Enzymatic Degradation and Modification". Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 1451-1470. Published in a peer-reviewed journal, this source is reliable and offers in-depth analysis on how bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics, which is essential for understanding and establishing the notability of antibiotic resistance mechanisms.



Outline of proposed changes

To enhance and update the Wikipedia article on "Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)," the following plan outlines how to integrate new information and refine existing content based on the sources we discussed previously. This plan aims to address content gaps, ensure accuracy, and improve the article's structure and readability.

1. Introduction Section

  • Current Content Review: Confirm that the introduction effectively sets the stage for the discussion on AMR.
  • Proposed Changes:
    • Add a brief history of AMR based on "Antibiotics and Bacterial Resistance—A Short Story of an Endless Arms Race," emphasizing the evolutionary battle between microbes and antimicrobials.
    • Incorporate recent global impact statistics from "Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance: The Most Critical Pathogens" to highlight the urgency of addressing AMR.

2. Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance

  • Current Content Review: Verify that all described mechanisms are up-to-date and correctly explained.
  • Proposed Changes:
    • Elaborate on specific mechanisms using detailed examples from all sources, focusing on genetic mutations and horizontal gene transfer.
    • Add new illustrations or diagrams from "Antibiotics and Bacterial Resistance" to visually represent these mechanisms.

3. Global Impact and Statistics

  • Current Content Review: Update any outdated statistics with the most recent data.
  • Proposed Changes:
    • Integrate new statistics from "Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance" about the death toll and economic burden of AMR.
    • Discuss projections for future impacts, using predictions from global health organizations as mentioned in the sources.

4. Prevention and Management Strategies

  • Current Content Review: Assess the completeness and accuracy of current prevention strategies.
  • Proposed Changes:
    • Expand on the role of narrow-spectrum antibiotics and the importance of antimicrobial stewardship programs as preventive measures.
    • Introduce new strategies from recent research, including the use of advanced diagnostics to reduce inappropriate antimicrobial use.

5. Future Directions and Research

  • Current Content Review: Check for speculative or unsupported future directions.
  • Proposed Changes:
    • Outline potential breakthroughs and areas needing further research, such as novel antimicrobial agents and vaccines, drawing from all sources.
    • Emphasize interdisciplinary approaches involving genetics and nanotechnology to combat resistance.

6. Structural and Readability Improvements

  • Current Content Review: Ensure logical organization and flow.
  • Proposed Changes:
    • Reorganize the article to improve coherence, ensuring each section smoothly transitions into the next.
    • Introduce subheadings for major topics and ensure paragraphs are concise and focused on a single idea.

7. Updating References and Citations

  • Proposed Changes:
    • Thoroughly update references to include all new sources and ensure proper citation format is followed according to Wikipedia guidelines.
    • Remove outdated or irrelevant references and replace them with current literature.

8. Removal of Outdated or Incorrect Information

  • Proposed Changes:
    • Identify and remove or update any factual inaccuracies or outdated data throughout the article.
    • Ensure all content reflects the most recent understanding of AMR and its implications.

This plan aims to comprehensively update the "Antimicrobial Resistance" article, making it a current, informative, and well-organized resource that effectively educates and informs its readers about this critical public health issue.