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Jørgen Fredsøe is a hydraulic engineer born in Randers, Denmark 1947.

Jørgen Fredsøe

Academic life

He has a M.Sc. in 1971 and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering in 1974, Technical University of Denmark. In 1984 he got the Dr. Tech. title with the Thesis: Sediment Transport in Currents and Waves, also at the Technical University of Denmark. He joined the faculty in Civil Engineering from 1974, and became a full professor in 1985. In 1979 he was visiting researcher at Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, Iowa City, USA.[1][2][3]



Coastal Dynamic Award, 2005. Karl Emil Hilgard Prize (best paper awards, ASCE: American Society Civil Engineers), 1992 and 2005.



The research covers six main topics:

Invited review papers[2][34][35]. Research papers[1]


  • The Mechanics of Scour in the Marin Environment[36]
  • Hydrodynamics Around Cylindrical Structures[37]
  • Mechanics of Coastal Sediment Transport[38]
  • Hydromechanics[39]

Other research activities

  • Coordinator of SASME-Surf and swash zone mechanics (EU-funded) and several frame reseach programs financed by Danish Technical Research Council.
  • Chairman (with prof. Seminara) for Euromech 215 "Sediment transport in the Marin and Fluvial Environment" and (with Prof. Foti) Euromech 251 "Sea Wave Boundary Layer"


  • Member of the Council, the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV) 1996-2000.
  • Institute Director ISVA, DTU (Technical University of Denmark) 1996-2000.
  • Next to his university job, he worked as a consultant for many Danish Consulting companies, especially DHI and LICengineering Ltd both specialized in Hydraulic Engineering. In addition he has worked for the Danish Coastal Authority, for the World Bank (China and Bangladesh) and for public authorities in US, Ireland and Iceland. Latest he had a two-year employment 2017-2020 in India (related to Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers).


  1. ^ a b Fredsøe, Jørgen. "GoogleScolar citations of Jørgen Fredsøe".
  2. ^ a b Engelund, F. A.; Fredsøe, J (1982). "Sediment ripples and dunes". Annual review of Fluid Mechanics. 14: 13-37.
  3. ^ Fredsøe, J (1979). "Unsteady flow in straigt alluvial streams: Modifications of individual dumes". Journal Fluid Mechanics. 91 (3): 497-512.
  4. ^ Fredsøe, J (1974). "On the development of dunes in erodible channels". J. Fluid Mech. 64: 1-16.
  5. ^ Fredsøe, J (1982). "Shape ans), 1992 and 2005d Dimensions of Stationary Dunes in Rivers". ASCE, J. Hydr. Div. HY8: 932-947.
  6. ^ Tjerry, Søren; Fredsøe, Jørgen (2005). "Calculation of dune morphology". J. Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 110.F4.
  7. ^ Niemann, S. L.; Fredsøe, J; Jacobsen, N. G. (2010). "Sand dunes in steady flow at low Froude numbers: Dune height evolution and flow resistance". Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 137 (I): 5-14.
  8. ^ Fredsøe, J (1978). "Meandering and Braiding of Rivers". J. Fluid Mech. 84 (4): 609-624.
  9. ^ Fredsøe, J (1979). "Sedimentation of river navigation channels". ASCE. 104, HY2: 223-236.
  10. ^ Fredsøe, J (1979). "Natural Backfilling of Pipeline Trenches". J. of Petroleum Technology. 31 No 10: 1223-1230.
  11. ^ Jensen, J. H.; Fredsøe, J (2001). "Sediment transport and backfilling of trenches in oscillatory flow". J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and ocean Engineering, ASCE. 127 (5): 272-281.
  12. ^ Engelund, F. A.; Fredsøe, J (1976). "A Sediment Transport Model for Straight Alluvial Channels". Nordic Hydrology. 7 No 5: 293-306.
  13. ^ Fredsøe, J (1984). "The turbulent boundary layer in combined wave-current motion". J. of Hydro Eng., ASCE. 110 N0 8: 1103-1120.
  14. ^ Fredsøe, J; Andersen, O. H.; Silberg, S (1985). "Distribution of suspended sediment in large waves". J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE. 111 No 6: 1041-1059.
  15. ^ Deigaard, R; Fredsøe, J; Hedegaard, I. B. (1986). "Suspende sediment in the surf zone". J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE. 112 No 1: 115-118.
  16. ^ Kaergaard, K; Fredsoe, J (2013). "Numerical modelling of shoreline undulations part 1: Constant wave climate". Coastal Engineering. 75: 64-76.
  17. ^ Jacobsen, N. G.; Fredsoe, J (2014). "Formation and development of a breaker bar under regular waves. Part 2: Sediment transport and morphology". Coastal Engineering. 88: 55-68.
  18. ^ Jacobsen, N. G.; Fredsoe, J (2014). "Cross-shore redistribution of nourished sand near a breaker bar". J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. 140 (2): 125-134.
  19. ^ Kristensen, S. E.; Drønen, N; Deigaard, R; Fredsoe, J (2013). "Hybrid morphological modelling of shoreline response to a detached breakwater". Coastal Engineering. 71: 13-27.
  20. ^ Jensen, B. L.; Sumer, B. M.; Fredsøe, J (1989). "Turbulent oscillatory boundary layers at high Reynolds numbers". J. of Fluid Mechanics. 206: 265-297.
  21. ^ Lodahl, C. R.; Sumer, B. M.; Fredsøe, J (1998). "Turbulent combined oscillatory flow and current in a pipe". J. of Fluid Mech. 373: 313-384.
  22. ^ Fredsøe, J; Andersen, K. H.; Sumer, B. M. (1999). "Waves plus current over a ripple-covered bed". Coastal Engineering. 38 (4): 177-221.
  23. ^ Fredsøe, J; Sumer, B. M.; Kozakiewicz, A (2003). "Effect of generated turbulence on wave boundary layer". Coastal Engineering. 49 (3): 155-183.
  24. ^ Carstensen, Stefan; Sumer, B. Mutlu; Fredsoe, Jorgen (2010). "Coherent structures in wave boundary layers. Part 1: Oscillatory motion". J. of Fluid Mechanics. 646: 207-231.
  25. ^ Sumer, B. M.; Fredsøe, J (1990). "Scour below pipelines in waves". J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE. 116 No 3: 307-323.
  26. ^ Sumer, B. M.; Fredsøe, J; Christiansen, N (1992). "Scour around vertical pile in Waves". J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE. 118 No 1: 15-31.
  27. ^ Roulund, A; Sumer, B. M.; Fredsøe, J (2005). "Numerical and experimental investigation of flow and scour around a circular pile". J. of Fluid Mechanics. 534: 351-401.
  28. ^ Bavkal, C; Sumer, B. M.; Fuhrman, D. R.; Jacobsen, N. G.; Fredsøe, J (2017). "Numerical simulation of scour and backfilling processes around a circular pile in waves". Coastal Engineering. 122: 87-107.
  29. ^ Fredsøe, J; Hansen, E. A. (1987). "Lift forces on pipelines in steady flow". J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE. 113 No 2: 139-155.
  30. ^ Fredsøe, J; Sumer, B. M.; Andersen, J; Hansen, E. A. (1987). "Transverse vibrations of a cylinder very close to a plain wall". ASME, JOMAE. 109 No 1: 52-60.
  31. ^ Sumer, B. M.; Fredsøe, J (1988). "Transverse vibrations of an elastically mounted cylinder exposed to an oscillating flow". ASME, JOMAE. 110: 387-394.
  32. ^ Sumer, B. M.; Mao, Y; Fredsøe, J (1988). "Interaction between vibrating pipe and erodible bed". J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE. 114 No 1: 81-92.
  33. ^ Kozakiewicz, A; Sumer, B. M.; Fredsøe, J (1992). "Spanwise correlation on a vibrating cylinder near a wall in oscillatory flows". J. of Fluids and Structures. 6 No 3: 371-392.
  34. ^ Engelund, F. A.; Fredsøe, J (1982). "Hydraulic Theory of Alluvial Rivers". Advances in Hydroscience. 13: 187-215.
  35. ^ Fredsøe, J (2016). "Pipeline-seabed interaction". J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE. 142 (6) (03116002).
  36. ^ Sumer, B. M.; Fredsøe, J (2002). The Mechanics of Scour in the Marin Environment. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering. Vol. 17. World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-02-4930-4.
  37. ^ Sumer, B. M.; Fredsøe, J (2006). Hydrodynamics around cylindrical structures. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering. Vol. 26. World Scientific. ISBN 978-981-270-039-1.
  38. ^ Fredsøe, J; Deigaard, R (1992). Mechanics of Coastal Sediment Transport. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering. Vol. 3. World Scientific. ISBN 981-02-0841-3.
  39. ^ Fredsøe, J (1991). Hydrdynamics. Den private Ingeniørfond. Reseach Gate. ISBN 87-7381-054-1.