[edit]Parade of Nations at the opening ceremony of 2036 Summer Olympics (which will be held in Atatürk Olympic Stadium) if Istanbul selected as the host city.
[edit]candidate host city | |
entered first as the originator of the Olympics, followed by Refugee Olympic Team | |
only participated at the Paralympics | |
currently banned from the Olympics by IOC until an undetermined time, but joined as a part of Individual Neutral Athletes |
Nation | Turkish name |
Afghanistan | Afganistan |
Albania | Arnavutluk |
Algeria | Cezayir |
American Samoa | Amerikan Samoası |
Andorra | Andorra |
Angola | Angola |
Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua ve Barbuda |
Argentina | Arjantin |
Armenia | Ermenistan |
Aruba | Aruba |
Australia | Avustralya |
Austria | Avusturya |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaycan |
Bahamas | Bahamalar |
Bahrain | Bahreyn |
Bangladesh | Bangladeş |
Barbados | Barbados |
Belarus | Beyaz Rusya |
Belgium | Belçika |
Belize | Belize |
Benin | Benin |
Bermuda | Bermuda |
Bhutan | Butan |
Bolivia | Bolivya |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosna Hersek |
Botswana | Botsvana |
Brazil | Brezilya |
British Virgin Islands | Britanya Virjin Adaları |
Brunei Darussalam | Brunei Sultanlığı |
Bulgaria | Bulgaristan |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | Burundi |
Cambodia | Kamboçya |
Cameroon | Kamerun |
Canada | Kanada |
Cape Verde | Yeşil Burun |
Cayman Islands | Cayman Adaları |
Central African Republic | Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti |
Chad | Çad |
Chile | Şili |
China | Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti |
Chinese Taipei | Taipei, Çin |
Colombia | Kolombiya |
Comoros | Komorlar |
Congo | Kongo |
D. R. Congo | Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti |
Cook Islands | Cook Adaları |
Costa Rica | Kosta Rika |
Ivory Coast | Fildişi Sahili |
Croatia | Hırvatistan |
Cuba | Kuba |
Cyprus | Kıbrıs |
Czechia[CZ] | Çekya |
Denmark | Danimarka |
Djibouti | Cibuti |
Dominica | Dominika |
Dominican Republic | Dominik Cumhuriyeti |
Ecuador | Ekvador |
Egypt | Mısır |
El Salvador | El Salvador |
Equatorial Guinea | Ekvator Ginesi |
Eritrea | Eritre |
Estonia | Estonya |
Eswatini | Esvatini |
Ethiopia | Etiyopya |
Fiji | Fiji |
Finland | Finlandiya |
France | Fransa |
Gabon | Gabon |
The Gambia | Gambiya |
Georgia | Gürcistan |
Germany | Almanya |
Ghana | Gana |
Great Britain | Büyük Britanya |
Greece | Yunanistan |
Grenada | Grenada |
Guam | Guam |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Guinea | Gine |
Guinea-Bissau | Gine-Bissau |
Guyana | Guyana |
Haiti | Haiti |
Honduras | Honduras |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong, Çin |
Hungary | Macaristan |
Iceland | İzlanda |
India | Hindistan |
Indonesia | Endonezya |
Iran | İran İslam Cumhuriyeti |
Iraq | Irak |
Ireland | İrlanda |
Israel | İsrail |
Italy | İtalya |
Jamaica | Jamaika |
Japan | Japonya |
Jordan | Ürdün |
Kazakhstan | Kazakistan |
Kenya | Kenya |
Kiribati | Kiribati |
North Korea | Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti, Kore |
South Korea | Kore Cumhuriyeti |
Kosovo | Kosova |
Kuwait | Kuveyt |
Kyrgyzstan | Kırgızistan |
Lao P. D. R. | Lao Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti |
Latvia | Letonya |
Lebanon | Lübnan |
Lesotho | Lesotho |
Liberia | Liberya |
Libya | Libya |
Liechtenstein | Lihtenştayn |
Lithuania | Litvanya |
Luxembourg | Lüksemburg |
Macau | Makao |
Madagascar | Madagaskar |
Malawi | Malavi |
Malaysia | Malezya |
Maldives | Maldivler |
Mali | Mali |
Malta | Malta |
Marshall Islands | Marşal Adaları |
Mauritania | Moritanya |
Mauritius | Mauritius |
Mexico | Meksika |
Federated States of Micronesia | Mikronezya Federal Devletleri |
Maldives | Moldova Cumhuriyeti |
Monaco | Monako |
Mongolia | Moğolistan |
Montenegro | Karadağ |
Morocco | Fas |
Mozambique | Mozambik |
Myanmar | Myanmar |
Namibia | Namibya |
Nauru | Nauru |
Nepal | Nepal |
Netherlands | Hollanda |
New Zealand | Yeni Zelanda |
Nicaragua | Nikaragua |
Niger | Nijer |
Nigeria | Nijerya |
North Macedonia | Kuzey Makedonya |
Norway | Norveç |
Oman | Umman |
Pakistan | Pakistan |
Palau | Palau |
Palestine | Filistin |
Panama | Panama |
Papua New Guinea | Papua Yeni Gine |
Paraguay | Paraguay |
Peru | Peru |
Philippines | Filipinler |
Poland | Polonya |
Portugal | Portekiz |
Puerto Rico | Porto Riko |
Qatar | Katar |
Refugee Olympic Team | Mülteci Olimpiyat Takımı |
Romania | Romanya |
Russia | Rusya |
Rwanda | Ruanda |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Kitts ve Nevis |
Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saint Vincent ve Grenadinler |
Samoa | Samoa |
San Marino | San Marino |
São Tomé and Príncipe | São Tomé ve Príncipe |
Saudi Arabia | Suudi Arabistan |
Senegal | Senegal |
Serbia | Sırbistan |
Seychelles | Seyşeller |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
Singapore | Singapur |
Slovakia | Slovakya |
Slovenia | Slovenya |
Solomon Islands | Solomon Adaları |
Somalia | Somali |
South Africa | Güney Afrika |
Spain | İspanya |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
Sudan | Sudan |
South Sudan | Güney Sudan |
Suriname | Surinam |
Sweden | İsveç |
Switzerland | İsviçre |
Syria | Suriye Arap Cumhuriyeti |
Tajikistan | Tacikistan |
Tanzania | Tanzanya Birleşik Cumhuriyeti |
Thailand | Tayland |
East Timor | Doğu Timor Demokratik Cumhuriyeti |
Togo | Togo |
Tonga | Tonga |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad ve Tobago |
Tunisia | Tunus |
Turkiye[H] | Türkiye |
Turkmenistan | Türkmenistan |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
Uganda | Uganda |
Ukraine | Ukrayna |
United Arab Emirates | Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri |
United States | Amerika Birleşik Devletleri |
Uruguay | Uruguay |
Uzbekistan | Özbekistan |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
Venezuela | Venezuela |
Vietnam | Vietnam |
Virgin Islands | Virjin Adaları (ABD) |
Yemen | Yemen |
Zambia | Zambiya |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabve |
- Notes
AFC Champions League Elite
[edit]Rank | Member association | Slots | ||
League stage | Play-off | |||
Region | AFC | |||
— | Turkey | 3 | 0 | |
1 | 1 | Saudi Arabia | 2 | 1 |
2 | 4 | Qatar | 2 | 1 |
3 | 5 | Iran | 2 | 1 |
4 | 6 | United Arab Emirates | 1 (+1 ACL) | 0 |
5 | 9 | Uzbekistan | 1 | 0 |
Total | Participating associations: 6 | 11 | 3 | |
14 |
- Color key
Final member of the debut group | |
Contestant eliminated in the final episode | |
Contestant eliminated in third elimination round | |
Contestant eliminated in second elimination round | |
Contestant eliminated in first elimination round | |
Left the show | |
Team Rhythm | |
Team Groove | |
Team Beat |
Company | Name | Age | Team |
No.1 Entertainment | An Yul (안율)[a] |
14 | Beat |
Bill Entertainment (빌엔터테인먼트) |
Ayumu (아유무) |
20 | Rhythm |
Woollim Entertainment (울림엔터테인먼트) |
Bae Jaeho (배재호)[b] |
16 | Groove |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Cha Woongki (차웅기)[c][d] |
22 | Beat |
Bill Entertainment (빌엔터테인먼트) |
Chih En (简志恩 / 즈언) |
17 | Beat |
CAT'S EYE Okinawa | Daisuke (다이스케) |
15 | Rhythm |
STARON Entertainment (스타온 엔터테인먼트) |
Eito (金田栄人 / 에이토) |
20 | Rhythm |
I.E.One Entertainment (缔壹娱乐) |
He Junjin (何俊锦 / 허쥔진) |
19 | Groove |
CAT'S EYE Okinawa | Hiroto (히로토) |
21 | Groove |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
James (เจมส์ / 제임스) |
20 | Groove |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Jang Kyungho (장경호)[d] |
23 | Groove |
Top Class Entertainment (TOP CLASS 娱乐) |
Jiang Fan (姜帆 / 지앙판)[e] |
19 | Beat |
Top Class Entertainment (TOP CLASS 娱乐) |
Jin Ziming (晋子铭 / 진즈밍)[e] |
17 | Rhythm |
SBTown | JL (제이엘)[f] |
20 | Rhythm |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Kairi (今井 魁里 / 카이리)[g] |
21 | Beat |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Kang Junhyuk (강준혁) |
17 | Beat |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Kenta (豊田賢太 / 켄타) |
22 | Groove |
Eighty6 | Keum Jinho (금진호)[b] |
23 | Beat |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Kim Daeyun (김대윤) |
22 | Groove |
STARON Entertainment (스타온 엔터테인먼트) |
Kim Dongyun (김동윤) |
16 | Beat |
PocketDol Studio (포켓돌스튜디오) |
Kim Gi-joong (김기중)[h] |
23 | Groove |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Kim Hyotae (김효태) |
20 | Beat |
FirstOne Entertainment (퍼스트원엔터테인먼트) |
Kim Joohyoung (김주형)[i] |
21 | Groove |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Koo Hanseo (구한서)[j] |
22 | Beat |
PI Corporation (피아이코퍼레이션) |
Kwon Heejun (권희준) |
23 | Rhythm |
Top Class Entertainment (TOP CLASS 娱乐) |
Li Zhinuo (李知诺 / 리쯔누오)[e] |
20 | Rhythm |
I.E.One Entertainment (缔壹娱乐) |
Li Zhiwei (李致伟 / 리쯔웨이) |
22 | Groove |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Mac (สิริ ไชยกุล / 맥) |
17 | Rhythm |
Blossom Entertainment (블러썸 엔터테인먼트) |
Nam Doyoon (남도윤) |
15 | Beat |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Park Han (박한) |
21 | Groove |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Park Jihun (박지훈) |
18 | Beat |
Bill Entertainment (빌엔터테인먼트) |
Park Juwon (박주원) |
18 | Rhythm |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Park Yeonjun (박연준) |
17 | Beat |
TOV Entertainment (TOV 엔터테인먼트) |
Royce (张子胤 / 로이스) |
23 | Rhythm |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Seo Jeongwoo (서정우) |
23 | Groove |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Sirin (สิริน เรืองวรรณ / 시린) |
16 | Rhythm |
EVA Entertainment (EVA 엔터테인먼트) |
Steven (스티븐)[k] |
24 | Rhythm |
Top Class Entertainment (TOP CLASS 娱乐) |
Xie Yuxin (解雨鑫 / 시웨이신)[e] |
19 | Rhythm |
Individual Trainee (개인연습생) |
Yeo Gangdong (여강동) |
17 | Groove |
SME Japan (日本SME) |
Yuito (榎本 唯人 / 유이토)[l] |
16 | Beat |
Bill Entertainment (빌엔터테인먼트) |
Zen Zen (กิตติกวิน สายสังวร / 젠젠) |
15 | Groove |
Well Entertainment | Zhang Shuaibo (张帅博 / 장 슈아이 보)[c][m] |
22 | Rhythm |
- ^ An Yul was a contestant on Voice King, Korea's Next K-pop Star and Burning Trotman.
- ^ a b Bae Jaeho and Keum Jinho were contestants on Fantasy Boys.
- ^ a b Cha Woongki and Zhang Shuaibo were contestants on Boys Planet.
- ^ a b Cha Woongki and Jang Kyungho were contestants on World Klass and members of TO1.
- ^ a b c d Jiang Fan, Jin Ziming, Li Zhinuo and Xie Yuxin are members of TOPTEENS.
- ^ JL is member of Pluus.
- ^ Kairi is a former member of TFN.
- ^ Kim Gi-joong is a former member of the boy groups IM and UNB and was contestant on The Unit: Idol Rebooting Project and Wild Idol.
- ^ Kim Joo-hyoung is member of "NINE.i".
- ^ Koo Hanseo was a contestant on Under Nineteen.
- ^ Steven is a member of Luminous and was a contestant on Produce X 101.
- ^ Yuito was a contestant on Nizi Project 2.
- ^ Zhang Shuaibo was a contestant on Youth With You 3.