== st.muertay ==
A name referencing past relations with this user's mother (both of which remain unnamed for confidentiality). Muertay is a purposeful misspelling of the basic Spanish word Muerte - meaning "Death" in English. Unknowingly, as much of this user's life decisions have been made, this user began referencing His mother as "Me Muertay", after hearing the words somewhere and connecting the similar sounds of "Muertay" and "Mother". "Me" was originally assumed as a purposeful grammatical error resembling the dialect of a child, i.e; "That's me bottle!", "Me Toy, gimme!" The author began spelling it this way on cards for birthdays and holidays, or what have you.
Eventually this user's mother asked Him if he knew the meaning of this word. Naturally enjoying the feeling of using a word assumed to be fabricated, the author was taken aback and queried as to what this said meaning was? This user's mother was a self-prescribed student at the local community college in Westminster, Maryland, United States, and new fully-well this entire time her child had been casually referring to her as "My Death" (If you haven't made that connection already). Finally forced to admit her quasi-distress at the title, she told her child, your "Humble Narrator" (A Clockwork Orange). Needless to say this user did apologize and the term "Me Muertay" became humorous and caught on.
There came a day, eventually, when the author was confronted with the need to set-up an email address for more professional ends. This was in the period of Google's hayday and introduction of Gmail, so the author decided to start a new with this new email system and decided the user's address should be personal, but either odd enough or common enough to avoid not being read into and judged. And so begins this humans period as st.muertay.
Now, chances are that you are judging and exclaiming, "Dear Jesus (Hashem, Father, Jehovah, etc.)! What an egocentric author is this! He refers to himself as The Saint of Death." Unfortunately, you would not be incorrect to feel this way and judge accordingly, however; here is His explanation entitled My Cold, Dead Body.
I was born when I died
And that is to say nothing,
Because when my ball of life
Ejaculated from a womb,
I had thought.
The moment I became my human self
Was a period of deep depression.
A period continuing on, for what feels like eternity,
And is proportionately nothing
And everything; But, these thoughts-
Shaping and constructing the world around me-
Shaping and constructing the prison fences around me
And building towers
Equipped with guards and searchlights
To watch my cold dead body walk in circles
Are my romance.
The words in this poem reference The Holocaust, Buddhism/ Taoism, Dostoevsky, and The Microphones/ Mount Eerie respectively - relating to the user's past and previous endeavors. This author wishes to sanctify death amidst this age of Hebraic Religon in a way that has only been equaled by The Egyptians and Greek/ Roman warriors. Silly - yes - but sincere nevertheless.
Without the fear of death, complete control cannot exist and this should be an exciting idea for humanity to at least explore if not subscribe to.
--St.muertay (talk) 22:16, 20 April 2008 (UTC)