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Yes I understand that the manner in which I conduct myself is unacceptable. I might be difficult to listen to, I might have too much to say, I might clog things up a *wee* bit.

But generally I am correct. And if saner, more intelligent people would listen to me, my ideas could be put into real use. And this would result in improvement to Wikipedia.

That is my goal. I make all comments from that standpoint of this single conviction: Wikipedia should serve the people who come to it for information. It should be transparent to them. It should be relevant to them. All of our work and any of our effort is only for their convenience.

If what we do does not make the search for information more convenient for our users, then we have failed, our work was useless, and we should endeavor to learn from the mistake that our work was, that we not make it again.

Fullmetal Alchemist


If you have come to this page because of my comment on the FMA talk page, this section is for you! I will not rehash my argument here. However, if you followed the entirety of the section in which that comment was placed, then please, leave me a little message regarding what you thought of my comment.

If your input has no value, I will not bother to let you know. If it does, I make the promise to use it to improve, and I will thank you for your help the next time I log on.

Last login


St.York 10:07, 19 May 2007 (UTC)