User:SportsAddicted/Sports biographies/Badminton
Badminton biography improvement
[edit]- This is a selection of biographies related to sports people which are either checked, improved or created by me or links to articles which still has to be created by me or someone else.
- Please make me aware of articles related to sports people that has to be checked on my talk page and I will add them here and will visit them.
- Also when you think an article deserves another status, please make me aware of this as well on my talk page.
- If you want to help me out, you can go here.
[edit]Pablo Abian
Ibrahim Adamu
Chetan Anand, Disambiguation: Chetan Anand (badminton player)
Michael Andrey
Songpol Anukritayawan
[edit]Golam Reza Bagheri
Elie Balligand
Bao Chunlai
Mike Beres
Robert Blair, Disambiguation: Robert Blair (badminton)
Ruud Bosch
Christian Bösiger
Watson Briggs
Chris Bruil
Ifraimu Bulus Jimkan
[edit]Cai Yun
Chan Chong Ming
Chan Yan Kit
Chen Hong
Chen Jin, Disambiguation: Chen Jin (badminton)
Choong Tan Fook
Wouter Claes
Anthony Clark, Disambiguation: Anthony Clark (badminton)
José Antonio Crespo
Adam Cwalina
[edit]Jens Eriksen
Nicolas Escartin Ara
Juan Jose Espinosa
Scott Evans, Disambiguation: Scott Evans (badminton player)
[edit]Rafael Fernandez
Mathew Fogarty
David T. Forbes
Jan Frohlich
Fu Haifeng
Michael Fuchs, Disambiguation: Michael Fuchs (badminton player)
[edit]Luluk Hadiyanto
Han Sang-Hoon
Muhammad Hafiz Hashim
Taufik Hidayat
Kristof Hopp
Hsieh Yu-Hsing
Hu Chung-Shyan
Matthew Hughes, Disambiguation: Matthew Hughes (badminton player)
Henri Hurskainen
Hwang Ji-Man
[edit]Ali Kaya
Erwin Kehlhoffner
Stewart Kerr
Konstantin Khlestov
Markis Kido
Ingo Kindervater
Jürgen Koch
Andrei Konakh
Koo Kien Keat
Petr Koukal
Kuan Beng Hong
Rupesh Kumar
Guilherme Kumasaka
Sony Dwi Kuncoro
[edit]Michael Lahnsteiner
Ville Lång
Thomas Laybourn
Lee Chong Wei
Lee Hyun-Il
Lee Jae-Jin
Lee Wan Wah
Lee Yen Hui Kendrick
Lee Yong-Dae
Jean-Michel Lefort
Martyn Lewis, Disambiguation: Martyn Lewis (badminton)
Liao Shang-Shiun
Lin Dan
Lin Woon Fui
Sergio Llopis
Michał Łogosz
Carlos Longo
Martin Lundgaard Hansen
[edit]Stilian Makarski
Vladimir Malkov
Jose Vicente Martinez
Rune Massing
Keita Masuda
Michal Matejka
Robert Mateusiak
Simon Maunoury
Frederic Mawet
Kaveh Mehrabi
Vladimir Metodiev
Bobby Milroy
William Milroy
Mohd Tazari Mohd Fairuzizuan
John Moody, Disambiguation: John Moody (badminton player)
Maxime Mora
Lukasz Moren
Joe Morgan, Disambiguation: Joe Morgan (badminton player)
Raul Must
[edit]Yousuke Nakanishi
Kestutis Navickas
Ng Wei
Patapol Ngernsrisuk
Tien Minh Nguyen
Quang Minh Nguyen
Alexandr Nikolaenko
Albertus Susanto Njoto
[edit]Lars Paaske
Rodrigo Pacheco
Alexandre Paixao
Ian Palethorpe
Dicky Palyama
Pashupati Paneru
Eric Pang
Guilherme Pardo
Park Sung-Hwan
Joachim Persson
Luka Petric
James Phillips Disambiguation: James Phillips (badminton player)
Andrej Pohar
Boonsak Ponsana
Mihail Popov
Sudket Prapakamol
Stanislav Pukhov
[edit]Klaus Raffeiner
Jonas Rasmussen
Marcel Reuter
Koen Ridder
Neven Rihtar
Nathan Robertson
Kristian Roebuck
Alexandr Russkikh
[edit]Magnus Sahlberg
Shuichi Sakamoto
Thomas Sanave
Hendry Kurniawan Saputra
Shoji Sato
Dean Schoppe
Miha Sepec Jr.
Inigo Serrano
Hendra Setiawan
Ali Shahhoseini
Shon Seung-Mo
Andrew Smith, Disambiguation: Andrew Smith (badminton)
Ross Smith, Disambiguation: Ross Smith (badminton)
Roman Spitko
Matevz Srekl
Anup Sridhar
Svetoslav Stoyanov
Ronald Susilo
Wojciech Szkudlarczyk
[edit]Przemysław Wacha
Ahmed Waqas
Glenn Warfe
Nova Widianto
Hendra Wijaya
Yohan Hadikusumo Wiratama
Jurgen Wouters
[edit]Cristina Aicardi
Aki Akao
Agnese Allegrini
Nigin Amirpour
Ekaterina Ananina
Britta Andersen
Duang-Anong Arunkesorn
Mia Audina
Kamila Augustyn
[edit]Oznur Caliskan
Sathinee Chankrachangwong
Cheng Shao-Chieh
Cheng Wen-Hsing
Chien Yu-Chin
Chin Eei Hui
Chor Hooi Yee
Chou Chia-Chi
Mateja Cica
Jeanine Cicognini
Rachel van Cutsen
[edit]Grace Daniel
Nathalie Descamps
Diana Dimova
Evgenia Dimova
Nursel Dogan
Paulien van Dooremalen
Du Ying
[edit]Ha Jung-Eun
Tracy Hallam
Piret Hamer
Sophia Hansson
Rachel Hindley
Yu Hirayama
Eriko Hirose
Huang Sui
Susan Hughes, Disambiguation: Susan Hughes (badminton player)
Hwang Hye-Youn
Hwang Yu-Mi
[edit]Ella Karachkova
Donna Kellogg
Maja Kersnik
Nadiezda Kostiuczyk
Ku Pei-Ting
Malgorzata Kurdelska
Shruti S. Kurian
[edit]Filipa Lamy
Anna Larchenko
Florence Lavoie
Perrine Lebuhanic
Nguyen Nhung Le Ngoc
Lee Hyo-Jung
Lee Hyun-Wa
Lee Kyung-Won
Emelie Lennartsson
Li Li, Disambiguation: Li Li (badminton player)
Li Yujia
Lim Pek Siah
Liu Fan Frances
Valerie Loker
Tania Luiz
[edit]Sarah MacMaster
Miyuki Maeda
Julia Mann
Dolores Marco
Yoana Martinez
Emma Mason
Tomomi Matsuda
Paulina Matusewicz
Monthila Meemek
B.R. Meenakshi
Carina Mette
Mooi Hing Yau
Kaori Mori
Sutheaswari Mudukasan
Natalie Munt
Trupti Murgunde
[edit]Anne Marie Pedersen
Patricia Perez
Johanna Persson
Sara Persson
Behnaz Perzamanbin
Pi Hongyan
Karin Piotrowski
Shannon Pohl
Gresya Polii
Salakjit Ponsana
Simone Prutsch
[edit]Weny Rahmawati
Tine Rasmussen
Fransisca Ratnasari
Huwaina Razi
Charmaine Reid
Helen Reino
Anna Rice
Tina Riedl
Silvia Riera
Claudia Rivero
Anastasia Russkikh
Juhl Kamilia Rytter
[edit]Maja Savor
Mette Schjoldager
See Phui Leng
Reiko Shiota
Sumina Shrestha
Eva Sladekova
Valeri Sorokina
Patty Stolzenbach
Satoko Suetsuna
Tammy Sun
[edit]Marina Yakusheva
Ysang Wei, Disambiguation: Yang Wei (badminton player)
Yip Pui Yin
Yu Fang
Yu Yang
[edit]Description of the symbols
[edit]Gold class article
- Articles with this symbol are flagged by me as articles which are nearly complete; a decent look, lots of information available, up-to-date, history, honours and achievements. The article also has external links and references to make the information trustable.
Silver class article
- Articles with this symbol are flagged by me as an almost complete article. The article may not be 100% up-to-date, there may be more to tell about the subject and his/hers achievements, or there is a lack in external links and references.
Bronze class article
- Articles with this symbol are flagged by me as a decent quality article, which has a structure which is above average good articles. These articles have passed the status of a stub, but are still in need of more information.
good article
- Articles with this symbol are flagged by me as a good article with decent quality standards. These articles can be seen as an example for other articles. The articles may still be stubs and are able to improve. They also may be in need of a clean-up, but at least they contain information, an image and an infobox.
minimum standard article
- Articles with this symbol are flagged by me as a minimum standard article. This is how all articles at least should look like. They have decent information on the subject and an infobox. They're short of an image, which can upgrade them into a good article.
A-class stub
- Articles with this symbol are flagged by me as an A-class stub. They have decent information and an image, but are still in need of an infobox.
B-class stub
- Articles with this symbol are flagged by me as a B-class stub. They have decent information, but are still in need of both an image and an infobox.
C-class stub
- Articles with this symbol are flagged by me as a C-class stub. They do not have many information and are in need of improvement. Most of these articles only have one or two sentences and no information on achievements or whatsoever.
Needs to be checked/created
- Articles that haven't been checked/categorized yet, or still need to be created.