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Spongetaco is me, I am Spongetaco, you do not know me, you will never know me, you can't know me, it is against the civilisation of apple sponge bacteria on the 6th string of my banjo.
 Example - €33.72 - Average price of 37 conterfeit polo-shirts from Turkey converted from new Lira.
  - I enjoy the comedy in my own insanity
  - Learning how to act insane is funny
 Jared - "You must harness the power of the mumblebee inside of you"
 Bob - "Dude, you're such a girl....."
 Jared - "What are you saying, you have a shazmanoid!"
 Bob - "Point taken...."

It's all about the cubes.

  |||||||/  ..........Naturally

What came first, the pineapple or the Rubik's cube?

More importantly, does Alfred Fartworthy cARE as much as I do?

Who doesn't?

(Strange out-of-key game show musics play)

Out of all the realities, and all the lifestyles, why was I stuck with the repetitive one?

?=-18+Hugh to the approximation of Nose*@03:00, 10 May 2009 (UTC)

Resulting in undeniable, unquestionable flatulence.........

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 /////-----@@03:00, 10 May 2009 (UTC)~         \/\      /\/   
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Sh1p G0 ß00/\/\......,..,,,

Not exactly what i drew but it loox kool regardless.


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