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Ian "Spectere" Burgmyer
Date of birth November 15 1984
Location Struthers, Ohio, USA
Geek Code GIT/L/MU d- s: a-- C+++$ UBL*++>++++$ P+>+++ L+>++ E- W+++ N o? K--? w+$ O-- M+ !V PS+ PE Y+ !PGP t+ !5 X+ !R tv+ b+ DI++ D+++>$ G e>++ h- !r y

About Our Hero[edit]

Ian "Spectere" Burgmyer is a wild and crazy guy from Struthers, OH with way too much time on his hands. In his spare time he enjoys playing video games (most notably: first-person shooters, side scrollers, and RPGs), reading random Wikipedia articles, posting on web forums, being a geek, and writing about himself in the third-person. He would like all of you to know that his super cool friend named gawd somehow found this (now that he just found out for himself, that is).

Contact Information[edit]


The best way to get in touch with Ian is via e-mail.

His current eddress (as of July 2008) is spectere <at> gmail <dot> com.

Web Forums[edit]

Ian frequents the following forums (using the nickname "Spectere," as some of you might have guessed):