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El Salvador Aerospace Institute (ESAI/IAES; Spanish: Instituto Aeroespacial de El Salvador) is the First National space agency Organization Founded in El Salvador, it was officially established in September 2021 [1]. However, the history of the Organization initiated in early 2012 when the Institute informally started to promote cooperation mainly to persuade the Central Government of El Salvador to launch a series of Aerospace projects. Up to date; the Institute is able to execute its master plans, which include leading the promotion & coordination in the areas of: Education, Industry, Research - Development & Innovation (R&D+I) of the space-related activities to be performed in the country. The Institute is represented by Dr. Luis Alfaro, a scientist and prominent philanthropist, whos according with the United Nation of Outer Space (UNOOSA) is actively involve in Aerospace Cluster activities [2] Dr. Luis Alfaro has been also nominated as National Point of Contact to El Salvador (NPoC) by UNISEC-Global, which is a Japanese Think Tank and International nonprofit body, consisting of local-chapters across the world. Since its establishment in November 2013 in Japan, UNISEC-Global has provided a forum every year to promote practical space development activities, mainly at university level, such as designing, developing, manufacturing, launching and operating micro/nano/pico satellites and rockets, including their payloads. University students, young researchers, their tutors and other stakeholders around the world participate in the annual UNISEC-Global Meeting. [3]

Early History


2012: From Coffee to Technological Vision


On the year 2012, ESAI started as great shift in the history of El Salvador when it was Officially Invited to support the event entitled “First Aeronautical Forum of El Salvador”. This forum was attended by Government Authorities (the Vice President of El Salvador and Chair of the Air Force of El Salvador) as well as private companies, including AVIANCA (TACA), Aeroman, Helica; Local Universities, Students, Third Parties related with the Aeronautics, Gold Sponsors and the Civil Society. At that time, ESAI launch a small presentation as VIP Guests. The result of this event, was the beginning of ESAI/IAES members to perform a series of trips across El Salvador and introduce personal experiences as a campaign to motivate the others in order to explore the fields of engineering focusing in aerospace, aeronautics and related areas.

2013-2014: The Era of First Steps


In the year 2013; ESAI was recognized by the International Community; and initiated the potential market & feasibility study over the industry to explore investments and development. As a result ESAI conclude of combining the confluence with Small Groups of Professional Salvadorans with a great dream: Create a National Space Program and demonstrate the country's capacity to breakdown paradigms of challenging the perception such as “El Salvador cannot become a technological nation of development and scientific ground”. The history of ESAI is a National Destiny; a merely case where Programs & Projects are interrelated with the aerospace. Each partner, trust & cooperation, denote confidence and support. The main target of ​the Institute, is to help the Salvadoran society through the Science & Engineering and Innovation (S&E+I). While the efforts from ESAI has been worthy, and a proof of work; its mission has broken negative perspectives. The Institute include in its Mission and Vision to cooperate in the acquisition of full capacity to Develop and Use Salvadoran Aerospace Assets, as a principle of contributing into the National Economy and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. The case of ESAI has main pillars of Research, Development and Innovation (R&D+I) which is obtain only through an intensive working plan. The large participation at International events worldwide is always a priority. ESAI; stamps the steadily conviction to stay as El Salvador Aerospace Top Priority in the country. In the early years; the Institute contribute to launch projects such as:

  • Stratospheric Balloons
  • Nano-Satellite
  • Experimental Solid Fuel Rockets
  • Technology & Training
  • Renewable Energies

2015-2017: Networking and Strengthening


Despite all the accumulated records; the Institute cannot ignore the challenges faced in the developing world, therefore particular planning is necessary to progress and catching up with the international community; the result of doing Research & Testing is the pioneering key of leaders & teams; in this regard, the cooperation at all levels, including the support by local universities, private enterprises and direct partnership with the Salvadoran Government is important in order to consolidate our vision & objectives. ESAI is the main Aerospace Think Tank of El Salvador, where engineering and ideas are developed by Salvadorans, with the unique purpose of contributing to shape the future and development through the use of Technology. The Institute was the first organization created in the entirely history of El Salvador, the concept was introduced in a Research Paper at the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) in Guadalajara, Mexico in 2016. The Research Paper from ESAI was entitled: "THE NECESSITY OF PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS AND COOPERATION DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK TO EXECUTE AEROSPACE INITIATIVES IN CENTRAL AMERICA. THE CASE OF ESAI, EL SALVADOR, CENTRAL AMERICA: NETWORKING ANALYSIS, CURRENT SITUATION AND PERSPECTIVES", and is a copyright of the Institute through the representative Dr. Luis Alfaro [4]

The IAF was founded in 1951, when scientists from the field of space research gathered in an attempt to ensure a constant dialogue between the space nations, regardless of political turmoil. In its early years, the Federation and its annual International Astronautical Congresses – better known as the IAC – were one of few fora where East and West could meet during the Space Race. In 2021, the IAF will mark its 70th Anniversary and, throughout all these years, it has continued to witness history through the remarkable achievements of its member organizations [5]

In 2016, the Institute; initiated the campaign "El Salvador - Worldwide Aerospace Projects", since then ESAI started to be promoted and included as a major Think Tanks in the United States of America, Europe, Asia and Latin America. The promotion and representation of ESAI has lead to represent its Aerospace Program across the world with presentations, collaboration projects, government authorities, private sector investment and fundaments to consolidated ESAI in other regions of the world. In Guadalajara, Mexico, ESAI introduced one of the main projects "Torogoz Sounding Rocket" which was a project with notable advances in terms of infrastructure development, design advances and successful launch campaigns. In May and June 2016, it was the first year that members of the ESAI participated in the 2016 KARI International Space Training, an international program hosted by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) headquartered in Daejeon, South Korea [6].

In addition, during the years 2016 - 2017, former members of the Institute participated as delegates and presented several technical papers in the 67th International Astronautical Congress held in Guadalajara, Mexico. The recognition of ESAI through the years is supported by the long record in workshops, lectures and exhibitions about space engineering that have been presented by members of ESAI in different events such as the United States Embassy in El Salvador’s “Space Month, 2013 & 2014”, Campus Party 2014, IEEE’s CONESCAPAN 2015, UDB’s “Semana de la Aeronautica 2013, 2014 & 2015”, UCA’s “II Congreso de Ingenieria y Arquitectura 2012” as well as many type of activities across the public, private schools and universities throughout the country and overseas [7]

Dr. Luis Alfaro (left), official representatives (right) of the European Union-Government-Romania-Education-Industrial Sectors

2018-2019: National and International Campaign


The institute made an reengineering of its Organizational Structure to lead the Aerospace Research, Development and Innovation (R&D+I) and consolidate goals, objectives and fundamental pillars accumulated through the history and merits. ESAI reconsider the leadership of Dr. Luis Alfaro, who decides to apply his working experience, mostly to promote worldwide activities in the fields of Aerospace, General Engineering, Ports, Logistics and SCM to name a few of them. Dr. Luis Alfaro is a prominent researcher who has worked for some of the larges organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS) headquartered in Washington DC, Mirae Asset (one of the largest worldwide capital market in the industry of Asset Management), Automobile Industry, Education and some other partnerships through the support of foreign governments. Dr. Luis Alfaro; is a FOUNDER MEMBER of ESAI/IAES since the beginning of its early steps. Up to date, Dr. Luis Alfaro, leads the Institute and all the Planning, Investment, Strategies as well as the (R&D+I) activities.

2020-2030: Master Plan Overview


In March 2020, ESAI started its Official Registration under the acronym ESAI/ IAES with the Central Government of El Salvador and design the planning strategy which includes dissemination of ESAI/IAES in El Salvador to catch up with the Central Government. Such strategy of ESAI/IAES persuade to consolidate and retake some of the most remarkable initiatives previously executed. The plan aims to develop programs, projects and activities as an emerging nation in Central America, thanks to the long term vision generated by ESAI/IAES while collaborating with selective MEMBERS, Groups of Nations worldwide, and others that are willing to SPONSOR ESAI/IAES to develop various Aerospace Programs & Projects. The top recognition looks to enhance the Institute not only in El Salvador but worldwide. ESAI/ IAES is acting as the First Organization among the North Triangle (Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador) in Central America to receive Honorific Mentions and classified as the top Nation that Actively Participate in Aerospace activities after Costa Rica in the Central America region. The progress of ESAI/IAES is unique and add a tremendous precedent, which clearly depicts the spirit to generate knowledge through the R&D+I, so that the country can generate Economic Growth and Efforts to make a better country with the priority to serve its local and overseas citizens.

Dr. Luis Alfaro at the center in the left side, official meeting with the Government of El Salvador, Academia and Industrial Sectors, December 7, 2020

In 2020, the efforts and worldwide recognition of ESAI/IAES was finally recognized by the Central Government of El Salvador when the Institute held an initial meeting to introduce its progress, mission, vision, strategic plan that were cited to the Casa Presidencial (CAPRES) Casa Presidencial or Presidential House, San Salvador, El Salvador, which is the main house of the incumbent President of El Salvador [8].

The above meeting was lead by the Presidential House Representatives and other Governmental Authorities from the Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología MINEDUCYT [9], Agencia de Promoción de Inversiones (PROESA) [10], Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de El Salvador (RREE) [11], entre otras autoridades y entidades.

The Master Plan


ESAI/IAES, in November 2021 in a jointly strategy with the Catholic University of El Salvador [12], announced its key strategy to exploit the potential, feasibility study and partnership with the Industry and Academia to launch a Master Plan of Investment & Cooperation, the plan include one of the largest investments in the Eastern of the country where the Academia & Industry can combine efforts to found the First National Aerospace Cluster/Hubs in the country supported by the International Community, Governments, Private sectors, Academia and People. This initiative is the biggest achievement of ESAI/IAES to contribute with the main goal called: "Education and Development without borders". The Institute is closely open for cooperation with the Central Government to coordinate a National Agenda of the Aerospace; up to date, the master plan agreement has an entirely concept of cooperation where all parties together (ESAI/ IAES, the government, private sectors and society) will determine jointly policies. Since its beginning; ESAI/IAES has always preserve the commitment to separate government activities and science.

The Concept of Clusters & Accreditation


The national and international recognition through the concept of Accreditation [13] are important not just as a formality but also to enhance the active participation and enrollment of people, companies, students, governments as well as the national & international partners. ESAI/IAES, believes accreditation support students, employers and the community in general to claim absolutely confident of the ESAI/ IAES accreditation and contribute to support training, education, technology, R&D+I investments, and so on and so forth; under the commitment of training professionals with the highest-quality, qualified labor force and recognized across the world.

In November 2021; ESAI/IAES signed a Cooperation Agreements to partner with local universities in El Salvador and support their community of students and professionals to apply a method of WIN-WIN, where the Institute plays an important part of the Aerospace industry, facilities and its continuous progress of development; such achievement allows the Institute to become the First National Institution that works to consolidate the stamp and footprint of the Aerospace Program.

The Sustainable Development Goals


ESAI/IAES is a permanent member at the The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, in order to provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. The United Nations promotes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries (developed and developing nations) - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty, access to education, technology, human rights and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

ESAI/IAES-United Nations-IAC-IAF-Official Representation and Scientific Document Presentation, Guadalajara, Mexico, September 2016

The ESAI/ IAES in the early years initiated as an office created by a group of Salvadoran Professionals, mostly graduated overseas; and always attached to operate through the support of different entities either from the public and private sectors.

Presentation at Congress


The bill for the foundation of a Legal Framework is originally conceived by Dr. Luis Alfaro and Victor Aleman. It is a draft project reviewed by the Central Government of El Salvador. The developers are working a bill to Congress whose main purpose is, according to Dr. Luis Alfaro, promote private investment and facilitate the creation of multinational aerospace companies in the country.

Submission and Presentation to the Legislative Assembly/Senate of El Salvador


El Salvador lacks a legal framework to regulate the Aerospace industry, academic programs, feasibility of competition in the market, and other parameters to align the Aerospace into the national and international basis; only the Autoridad de Aviación Civil (El Salvador) or Civil Aviation Authority of El Salvador (AAC)[14] has some coverage related with the concept of Space but is boundary is more belong to Aeronautics; such situation presents limitations not just for the legal operations but also to denote among other nations the commitment of El Salvador to actively participate from technology in the Aerospace Industry. The institute makes efforts to avoid protests and concerns of some sectors that could displease at not totally able to understand the sophisticated world of aerospace or being awareness to properly consult before being presented to the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador [15] for a vote.

The Institute, equally works toward the consolidation for a bill to be approved by the Asamblea Legislativa de El Salvador or Legislative Assembly/Senate of El Salvador and president of the Committee on Science and Technology of the nation, requesting the organization of forums to identify any concerns and disagreements. In general, the approve of the ESAI/ IAES and coordinatION by the Academia de Ingeniería (English: Engineering Academy) made a new initiative of law for the Salvadoran Congress. To this proposal some comments are being included, (particularly from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, and other Consejo Consultivo de Ciencias (Science Advisory Board of the Presidency of the Republic).

Other Activities


The ESAI/ IAES is in its early stages of identifying and defining other needs and objectives. It is currently holding forums to develop clear goals and strategies in the aerospace industry sector. The Institute currently works in the project of its First Nano-Satellite as a goal of innovation.

See also



  1. ^ "Bylaws of ESAI/IAES, Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Development of El Salvador and National Press of El Salvador (Imprenta Nacional)" [Imprenta Nacional - Government of El Salvador]. Government of El Salvador Websites (in Spanish). 7 September 2021. Retrieved 9 December 2021. {{cite news}}: Check |archive-url= value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ "Dr. Luis Alfaro, nephew of the Ex-President of the Republic of El Salvador, leads in the high hierarchy of the Aerospace Institute of El Salvador" [Luis Alfaro - UNOOSA] (PDF). UNOOSA Website. 23–25 September 2016. Archived from the original on 2019-11-30. Retrieved 29 March 2021.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: date format (link)
  3. ^ "National Point of Contact to El Salvador - Dr. Luis Alfaro - Science & Technology". UNISEC-Global. Archived from the original on 2019-11-30. Retrieved 2020-04-05.
  4. ^ "Dr. Luis Alfaro - IAF - Research Paper - First Aerospace Institution of El Salvador - Science & Technology". IAF-IAC - Guadalajara, Mexico 2016. Retrieved 2016-09-26. {{cite web}}: Check |archive-url= value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. ^ "IAF history - Science & Technology". IAF-IAC - 70th Anniversary. Retrieved 2021-03-29. {{cite web}}: Check |archive-url= value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  6. ^ "Korea Aerospace Research Institute".
  7. ^ "SGAC - El Salvador Aerospace Institute History - Top Projects & Programs of Science, Technology and Innovation". SGAC-ESAI - El Salvador ESAI/IAES Anniversary. Retrieved 2017-04-30. {{cite web}}: Check |archive-url= value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  8. ^ "Historia Presidencia de la República de El Salvador - 2019-2024". PRESIDENCIA DE LA REPÚBLICA (in Spanish). Retrieved 2021-03-29. {{cite web}}: Check |archive-url= value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  9. ^ "MINEDUCYT". MINEDUCYT (in Spanish). Retrieved 2020-04-30. {{cite web}}: Check |archive-url= value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  10. ^ "PROESA". PROESA (in Spanish). Retrieved 2019-08-11. {{cite web}}: Check |archive-url= value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  11. ^ "RREE". RREE (in Spanish). Retrieved 2020-08-30. {{cite web}}: Check |archive-url= value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  12. ^ "UNICAES". UNICAES (in Spanish). Retrieved 2021-12-09. {{cite web}}: Check |archive-url= value (help)CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  13. ^ Accreditation, formal demonstration and quality. "Accreditation Body".
  14. ^ Autoridad de Aviación Civil, (AAC). "Historia de la AAC".
  15. ^ Legislative Assembly of El Salvador, (Asamblea Legislativa). "Congreso de El Salvador".

