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User:Soul Fighter

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They say it' fine to help each other so I threw in some of my knowledge about Soul Calibur 2 Weapon Master Character Names that were missing. I like this series so I feel great when I help adding something that's not there but I know it' there and it's true as far as I know and have seen it. That means I won't make up names or other stuff because I like. Hope you like them and I ask or pleed that you review the stuff I placed to see that is true an edit it if there's anything wrong or miss spelled.

Feel free to write opinions of what i do or place.

I may add other stuff I believe are facts. Check them too and edit or delete if they are not good. Don't worry I wont' get mad but don't delete all or i'll feel sad.

I checked what I added. Cool. I'll keep aporting whatever I find missing. Thanks!

Found pictures about Lizardman, Assassin and Berserker for Soul Calibur 2


They can be found here: http://www.planetgamecube.com

Lizardman is in here: http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/803/4/th/14540.jpg Assassin is here: http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/803/4/th/14542.jpg Berserker is here: http://www.planetgamecube.com/media/803/4/th/14541.jpg

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Legal Information All original content, code, graphics and logos on Planet GameCube.com, and Shiggy.net websites are protected by U.S. and International copyright laws and may not be copied without the prior express written consent of PlanetGameCube.com. It is forbidden for any original content on PlanetGameCube.com or Shiggy.net, in any form or medium, in whole or part, to be modified, reproduced or published without the prior written consent of PlanetGameCube.com. The data that is forbidden from these actions includes, but is not limited to, text, HTML, graphics and logos. All other trademarks, logos, and images are the property of their respective and rightful owners. PlanetGameCube.com is copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Planet GameCube. If there is any question or comment regarding our copyright notice, please email support@planetgamecube.com.

The entire contents of this Web site, unless otherwise noted, are Copyright © 1999-2006 Planet GameCube. All Rights Reserved. ™ and © for all products, characters, and indicia related thereto which are contained herein are owned by the companies who market or license those products. This Web site is not endorsed, sponsored, nor otherwise affiliated with Nintendo. It has been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and knowledge. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form without consent from Planet GameCube is prohibited.

We could make an article or modify the existent ones of Berserker, Assassin and the generic Lizardman much like the articles about Link, Spawn and Heihachi so we could have a picture and an article of all 53 characters of the world of Soul Calibur so the users can review a more concrete information.

I have a problem. I don't have an e-mail account and yet don't know how to work in getting permission from other sites about borrowing legaly their data so I want to ask a fellow wikipedian editor that works with this stuff to lend a hand in asking for the permission to planetgamecube.com. I provided the link were the pictures are but we need the permission. Can a fellow wikipedian lend a hand in this situation? please! Thank you to anyone that could help me with this.