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User:Someone the Person/sandbox

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First movement


The first movement begins with a bold statement on trumpets and cornets, full of vast leaps and harmonic changes:

  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trumpet"
  \clef treble
  \time 3/2
  \tempo "Moderately fast, with vigor" 2 = 88-92

  bes'1\f ~ bes'4. a'8
  \tuplet 3/2 {
    bes'4\accent c''4\accent des''4\accent
  } des''2.\accent ces''8 beses'8
  aes'4.( des'8) des'4\accent ees'4\accent ges'2\accent
  ~ ges'8 f'8\staccato bes'8\staccato ees''8\staccato d''4.\accent( c'8) c'2
  ~ \tuplet 3/2 {
    c'4 f'4 bes'4
  } a'4\accent( g4) ~ g8 fis8 b8 bes8
  a4.( d'8) des'4.( ges'8) f'4.( bes'8)
  b'4.( e''8) e''2.\< f''4\!\tenuto\accent(
  d''4 e'4 cis''2\<) f''4\!\tenuto\accent( d''4
  e'4 cis''2\<) f''4\!\tenuto\accent( d''4 e'4
  \numericTimeSignature \time 2/2
  cis''4. d''8 b'4. cis''8
  bes'2) r2

This theme is accompanied by arpeggiations in simultaneous duple and triple rhythms in the woodwinds. It is repeated and then succeeded by a quieter section revolving around a five-note ostinato first heard in the 1st oboe:

  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"oboe"
  \clef treble
  \time 3/2
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  \tempo 2 = 88
  f''8\mf( e''8) des''8 aes''8 f''2.

The final theme of the exposition is a winding melody played on the woodwinds, initially unaccompanied but then joined by a counter-theme on the brass in its subsequent repetitions:

  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
  \clef treble
  \time 3/2
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  \tempo 2 = 88
  r8 f'8\p( e'8 f'8 ges'4 f'8 ges'8 ces''4 bes'8 ces''8
  aes'8 g'8 d'4) ees'4( d'8 ees'8 aes'4 g'8 aes'8
  f'8 e'8 b4) c'8( f'8 bes'8 a'8 gis'8 b'8 e''8 dis''8
  d''4 a'8 d''8 des''4) ges'8( ces''8 bes'8 aes'8 ges'8 f'8
  \numericTimeSignature \time 2/2
  e'4 b8 e'8 ees'4 bes8 ees'8
  d'8 a8 bes8 c'8 cis'4 a8 aes8
  \time 3/2