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Greetings and welcome to my user page. I’m a student attempting to get into software engineering, computer engineering or something similar. Often, in my free time I’ll play video games and/or watch various forms of media.

During my time on Wikipedia I may end up contributing towards topics such as programming, computers, video games and other topics that may be somewhat related. Although I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to contribute to topics that seem to be already well established on Wikipedia. Hopefully at the very least I'll learn something.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my user page.

Article Critique


I've been interested in video games for a very long time, so I figured a Wikipedia page for a game I like would be a perfect idea for this article critique. I scanned through a few pages on some of the games I play, but they all seemed like many other wikipedians had already done a fantastic job. However, when I visited the Factorio page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: there was no mention of the campaign, lack of information on user-made content, and nearly half of the sources cited were from Factorio's own website.



While searching for a page to critique I had noticed several other video game pages under the gameplay section there's often a subsection talking about the campaign if there is one. There isn't such a section on the Factorio page. Even though at least one of the campaigns is primarily a tutorial, I think the rest are worth mentioning on the page. One of the campaigns is just a set of puzzles involving the conveyor belt systems and robotic arms that take items off the conveyor belts; the goal is to take items from a starting position and deliver them only to their designated goals.

User-made Content


The page only seems to mention the mods, but fails to talk about any other user-created content. In Factorio players can make their own maps, playable scenarios and mods. The user-created maps allow a player to start the game with a factory. The primary goal in Factorio, at least currently, is to launch a rocket containing a satellite into space. When playing a scenario, the primary goal often changes.



Nearly half of the citations on the Factorio Wikipedia page direct to Factorio's website, so they may be a little bias. Some of the citations are at least four years old and as the game is still in development, some of the citations used on the Wikipedia page could be outdated. Adding new citations from other sources would reduce any concern for bias or outdated information on the article.



Overall I think the Factorio page needs some work. The page already gives a basic idea on what Factorio is about, but it also leaves out quite a few things that are in the game.