I'm currently working on a script intended to create short articles on political parties on a variety of wikipedias simultaneously. However, in order for the technique to work I need help with translations to various languages. If you know Russian, please help by filling in the blanks. Do not translate the italic parts (X-party, X-country, etc.). If you disagree with the translation provided by another editor, please motivate your change on the talk page.
X-party is a political party in X-country.
[edit]- X-party — политическая партия X-country in genitive
X-party was a political party in X-country.
[edit]- X-party — политическая партия, существовавшая в X-country in prepositional
liberal political party
[edit]- либеральная политическая партия
socialist political party
[edit]- социалистическая политическая партия
Social Democratic political party
[edit]- социал-демократическая политическая партия
communist party
[edit]- коммунистическая партия
nationalist political party
[edit]- националистическая политическая партия
- национал-освободительная политическая партия
The party was founded in 2005.
[edit]- Партия была основана в 2005 г.
The party was founded in 2005 by X-person.
[edit]- Партия была основана в 2005 г. X-person in instrumental.
The party was founded in 2005 through the merger of X-party and Y-party.
[edit]- Партия была основана в 2005 г. путём слияния X-party in genitive и Y-party in genitive.
The leader of the party is X-person.
[edit]- Глава партии — X-person in nominative.
- Руководитель партии — X-person in nominative.
- Лидер партии — X-person in nominative.
The leader of the party was X-person.
[edit]- Same as above if only the latest leader should be mentioned and no date is specified.
[edit]- Глава
- Руководитель
- Лидер
[edit]- Председатель
General Secretary
[edit]- Генеральный Секретарь
The party publishes X-Magazine.
[edit]- Партия выпускает журнал X-Magazine in accusative.
- Партия выпускает газету X-Newspaper in accusative.
The party used to publish X-Magazine.
[edit]- Партия выпускала журнал X-Magazine in accusative.
- Партия выпускала газету X-Newspaper in accusative.
The youth organization of the party is x-org.
[edit]- Молодёжная организация партии — x-org in nominative.
The youth organization of the party was x-org.
[edit]- Same as above if no date is specified.
In the 2005 parliamentary election the party got 1000 votes (1%, 3 seats).
[edit]- Партия набрала 1000 голосов (1%, 3 места) на парламентских выборах 2005 г.
1 seat; 21 seats; 31 seats, etc.
[edit]- 1 место
2, 3, 4 seats; 22, 23, 24 seats, etc.
[edit]- 2 места
5-20 seats; 25-30 seats; 35-40 seats, etc.
[edit]- 5 мест
The party contested the 2005 parliamentary election, but without winning any seat.
[edit]- Партия принимала участие на выборах в парламент в 2005 г., но не получила мест.
But the party failed to win any seat in the parliament.
[edit]Note that you cannot start a new sentence with "но".
- Но партия не получила мест в парламенте.
In the 2005 presidential election the candidate of the party, X-person, won by getting 1000 votes (50%).
[edit]- На президентских выборах 2005 г. кандидат партии X-person in nominative победил, набрав 1000 голосов (50%).
In the 2005 presidential election the candidate of the party, X-person, got 1000 votes (1%).
[edit]- На президентских выборах 2005 г. кандидат партии X-person in nominative набрал 1000 голосов (1%)
The party has 2 seats in the European Parliament.
[edit]- Партия занимает 2 места в Европейском парламенте.
The party is affiliated to the Socialist International.
[edit]Translation may be inaccurate; please re-check.
- Партия связана с Социалистическим Интернационалом
Liberal International
[edit]Translation may be inaccurate; please re-check.
- Либеральный Интернационал
The party was dissolved in 2005.
[edit]- Партия была расформирована в 2005 г.
In 2005, the party merged into the Y-party.
[edit]- В 2005 г. партия объединилась с Y-party in instrumental.
Category:Political parties in X-country
[edit]- Категория:Политические партии X-country in genitive