From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Name: Uhh... I forgot.
Age: 456.78
Location: Earth, of course!'
Gender: *Ahem* SnoopyGirl
Sunshine by Robin McKinley
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
My Wonderful Little Userboxes
This user's favo rite colo r is purple.
>?< | This person doesn't understand how to read manga (but may like to learn to) and requires counselling after every attempt of comprehension. |
 | This user thinks time zones are evil. |
SPAMARAMA! | This user is the creator of Spam! |
 | This user is an art lover. |
 | This user likes the company of hamsters. |
1+1=3? | This user does not understand mathematics. |
ART | This user's favourite subject is Art. |
This user may get around to being a professional procrastinator. Someday. Maybe.
 | This user is a jokester or comedian. |
ubx-5 | This user uses entirely too many userboxes. |
 | This user is evil, and frequently says mwhahaha! |
 | This user is a Guitar Hero, which is way more impressive than real guitar. |