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User:Snealri/Chicken or the Egg?

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Chicken or the Egg?[1][edit]

The egg actually did come first
Scientific classification

To begin with, we must examine a few facts. We must understand evolution, and the fact that there are intermediate species during evolution. We must also understand that according to science, the first species on the Earth were microscopic single-celled organisms. As some of us know, these single-celled organisms began to evolve to adapt to the harsh Earth conditions. First, these organisms were bacteria, thus creating the Arcahe- and Eu- bacterial kingdoms. Then a portion of these evolved into the viruses and protists. Then, some of the protists then evolved into the last three kingdoms, Fungi, Plant, and Animals. Now to the question, which actually came first, the Chicken or the egg? Well, we cannot say that chickens came first. We can only say that there were intermediate species of chickens before the egg was lain. It was this intermediate specie that laid the egg for the chicken that we now know and love. Thus, concluding the arguement that the egg actually did come before the chicken. And if you say that the intermediate species of chickens can be considered a chicken, then can you say that a monkey is a human? No. A monkey, according to science, is an intermediate form of the human, but we do not consider them humans. Thus, the same for the chicken.

But according to the Bible, the Torah, God created all beings. Therefore, according to the Torah, we CAN say which came first.

Let’s imagine that you visited Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden on the very day they were created. The world is six days old, and the first human beings are not even one day old yet. And yet, they are fully grown and intelligent beings. Obviously Adam and Eve did not start life as babies, for who would look after them? And so while their passport would indicate that they were born today, their bodies would indicate that they were fully matured adults.

This is because the world was created complete. Out of nothing, G-d made a world ready to inhabit, and then created mature human beings to live in it. G-d created trees, not seeds; adults, not babies; mountains, not molehills.

The old question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, is answered by the Torah. G-d made chickens, not eggs.

The first organisms to live on the face of the Earth probably did not need oxygen to survive, were unicellular, and could survive in some of the most extreme environments.
Scientific classification
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