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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a visual basic script for adding cleanuplistings to the wiki for a specific project.

The script requires that you have XP (or higher) with VBS installed (this is installed on most Windows machines). For large projects (70k articles), it will take 250MB+ of RAM (VBS isn't the most efficient, and neither is IE).


  • Updated June 2013 to support toolserver CSV data changes and add 3 second delay to allow login.


  1. Open a plain text editor, such as notepad
  2. Copy and paste the code below into notepad
  3. Add your username, password, project, and project page between the " and ". Example below:
user = "sampleuser"'username
userpass = "this is where password goes"'password
project = "Australian rules football"'As called on toolserver
projectpage = "Wikipedia:WikiProject Australian rules football/Cleanup listing data"
  1. In notepad, select File->Save as and select "All files" at "File Save as Type"
  2. Enter the title cleanuplistingtowiki.vbs and select save in a directory.


  1. Double-click cleanuplistingtowiki.vbs. It will open an IE window, log you into Wikipedia, and create a preview of the table.
  2. Select 'Save Page' from the preview. Done!

If you have any questions, please ask at my talk page at: User talk:Smallman12q


Option Explicit
Dim user, userpass, project, projectpage
user = ""'username
userpass = ""'password
project = "Australian rules football"'As called on toolserver
projectpage = "Wikipedia:WikiProject Australian rules football/Cleanup listing data"
'To do
'* Check login success
'* Wscript.Echo progress
'* Error Handling

''''''Do Not edit below'''''''''''
Dim oIE
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
With oIE
    .Visible = True
        .navigate ("http://toolserver.org/~svick/CleanupListing/CleanupListing.php?project=" + 

project + "&format=csv")
End With
Do Until oIE.ReadyState = 4  'readystate 4 = done loading
    wscript.sleep 200
'Split by lines
Dim arrLines, lines, strLinecount
arrLines =  Split(oIE.Document.body.innerText,vbCrLf)
lines = UBound(arrLines)
strLinecount = -1
Dim articles()
ReDim articles(lines)
Class Article
   Public Name
   Public Importance
   Public Clas 'Class is reserved keyword
   Public Count
   Public Oldest
   Public Categories
   Public sCategories
End Class
'Process eachline
Dim strLine, pieces
For Each strLine in arrLines
        strLine = Mid(Left(strLine,Len(strLine) - 1),2) 'Remove first and last "
        pieces = Split(strLine,Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34)) 'Split by ","
        if strLinecount=-1 Then 'Skip 1st line
        'Add article & its cats to array
        Set articles(strLinecount) = New Article
        With articles(strLinecount)
                .Name = "[[" + pieces(0) + "]]"
                .Importance = pieces(1)
                .Clas = pieces(2)
                .Count = pieces(3)
                .Oldest = pieces(4)
                '.Categories = Split(pieces(5),",")
                .sCategories = pieces(5) 'String alone, more mem though
        End With
        strLinecount = strLinecount + 1
        End If
'Make wikitable
dim ts 'wikitable
set ts=new FStringCat
 ts.push("{| class=""wikitable sortable"" border=""1""" + vbCrLf &_
"|+ [http://toolserver.org/~svick/CleanupListing/CleanupListing.php?project=" + Escape(project) 

+ " Cleanup by articles] posted " + CStr(DateValue(Now)) + vbCrLf &_
"!#" + vbCrLf &_
"!Article" + vbCrLf &_
"!Importance" + vbCrLf &_
"!Class" + vbCrLf &_
"!Count" + vbCrLf &_
"!Oldest" + vbCrLf &_
"!Categories" + vbCrLf &_
"|-" + vbCrLf)
Dim i
For i = 0 to (lines - 1)
        ts.push( "|" + CStr(i + 1) + vbCrLf &_
        "|" & articles(i).Name + vbCrLf &_
        "|" & articles(i).Importance + vbCrLf &_
        "|" & articles(i).Clas + vbCrLf &_
        "|" & articles(i).Count + vbCrLf &_
        "|" & articles(i).Oldest + vbCrLf &_
        "|" & articles(i).sCategories + vbCrLf &_
        "|-" + vbCrLf)
Erase articles
'Wikitable done

With oIE
    .Visible = True
    .navigate ("https://wiki.riteme.site/w/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin")'&returnto=" + 

End With
Do Until oIE.ReadyState = 4  'readystate 4 = done loading
    wscript.sleep 200
With oIE.Document.forms("userlogin")
                .wpName.Value = user
                .wpPassword.Value = userpass
End With
Do Until oIE.ReadyState = 4  'readystate 4 = done loading
    wscript.sleep 200

wscript.sleep 3000 'Wait 3 seconds to make sure logged in
'Go to edit page and do preview
With oIE
    .Visible = True
    .navigate ("https://wiki.riteme.site/w/index.php?title=" + projectpage + "&action=edit")
End With
Do Until oIE.ReadyState = 4  'readystate 4 = done loading
    wscript.sleep 200
With oIE.Document.forms("editform")
                .wpTextbox1.Value = ts.ToString()
End With
'The standard looped concatenation is slooooooooooooow, this will make it 1000x faster
'This portion is under the http://www.codeproject.com/info/cpol10.aspx The Code Project Open 

License (CPOL)
class XLink
    public datum
    public nextXLink
    private sub Class_Initialize
      set nextXLink=nothing
    end sub
end class
class FStringCat
    private sp
    private ep
    private l
    private accum
    private sub Class_Initialize
        set sp=nothing
    end sub
    public sub push(what)
        accum=accum & what
        if len(accum)>2800 then
            if(sp is nothing) then
                set ep=new XLink
                set sp=ep
                dim oep
                set oep=ep
                set ep=new XLink
                set oep.nextXLink=ep
            end if
        end if
    end sub
    public function toString()
        if l=0 then
            exit function
        end if
        ep.datum=ep.datum & accum
        while l>1 
            dim ptr
            set ptr=sp
            dim nsp
            set nsp=new XLink
            dim nep
            set nep=nsp
            dim nl
            while not (ptr is nothing) 
                if  nep.datum=""  then
                    if ptr.datum<>"" then nep.datum=nep.datum & ptr.datum
                    set nep.nextXLink=new XLink
                    set nep=nep.nextXLink
                end if
                set ptr=ptr.nextXLink
            set sp=nsp
            set ep=nep
    end function
end class