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Lietuvos Skauciu Seserija


Lietuvos Skauciu Seserija(Lithuanian Scouts Sisterhood) was created first in Lithuania in 1918, but as soon as the organization "Lietuvos Skautija" was growing not only in Lithuania but rapidly spreading to the United States; this resulted in the scout movement progressing more than ever. The purpose of this program is to maintain the strong Lithuanian culture, use scouting principles that are learned to flourish in everyday life and to guide others to become well developed citizens of Lithuania. [1]



Lithuanian Scouting was first developed by Petras Jurgela in the capital of Lithuanian- Vlilnius. [2]This resulted in the organization spreading its way to all the corners of Lithuania which included Kaunas and Klaipeda as well. While sea scouts took over the Klaipeda area due to the sea being in close proximity, land scouts mainly began within the biggest cities of Lithuania. However, the first camp was created in 1926 within the pine forests of Palanga where Aleksandras Stulginskis was the Chief scout in charge.

During the year of 1933, the Lithuanian scouts held an international camp to celebrate 15 years of scouting.Unfortunately, during the duration of the camp; a sailboat sunk causing three young ones to die. This caused an impact on Lithuanian society due to the air scout movement being established in order to honor their deaths.

Around 1940, The Soviet Union occupied Lithuanian which not only stripped the freedom of Lithuanian citizens but also caused the Lithuanian scout movement to be halted. This caused many scouts to be deported to Siberia and a countless number of them to move West either to the United States, Canada and England. [3]Those who moved west started to spread Lithuanian scouting to different areas of the world other than just Lithuania.

The very first Australian Lithuanian scouts arrived in 1947 in Australia on a ship called "General Heinzelman". This ship brought displaced persons from a refugee camp in Germany where there were a total of 46 Boy Scouts and 7 Girl Scouts.[4] While traveling on the ship, both the girl and Boy Scouts entertained themselves with camp fires and Lithuanian folk songs. The camp within Australia flourished and determined the start of Lithuanian scouting.

Then, when 1990 came around and Lithuania gained their independence back, the scout movement sparked again which resulted in different scouting groups being formed but eventually all merging to form into Lietuvos Skautija

Scouting Rules:

  1. A scout is always truthful and keeps their word
  2. A scout is loyal to their god and country
  3. A scout is useful and helps their close ones[5]
  4. A scout is a friend to their brothers and sisters in scouting
  5. A scout is polite to others
  6. A scout is natures friend
  7. A scout is obedient to their parents and elders
  8. A scout is cheerful
  9. A scout is thrifty
  10. A scout is sober with their words and actions

Age Requirements:

Land Scouts
Age Range Uniform/Tie/ Summary
Cub Scouts(kubas) 6-10 Orange scout tie and T-shirt&These scouts usually attend with a guardian
Scouts(Skautai) 10-14 Yellow scout tie/khaki shorts& This group starts to learn independence[6]
Venture Scouts 14-18 Maroon tie/ Khaki shorts/ beige shirt& works hard to become leaders
Rovers(Vyresni Skautai) 17-30 Blue tie for girls and purple for boys/ khaki shorts& This group is completely independent and works hard to guide others
Sea Scouts
Age Range Uniform/Tie/Summary
Junior Sea Scouts(Beavers 6-10 Light Blue Tie&These scouts usually attend with a guardian
Sea Scouts(Juru Skautai) 10-14 Bright blue tie with navy shirt and navy shorts& This group starts to learn independence
Sea venture Scouts 14-18 Black tie with navy shirt and navy shorts& works hard to become leaders
Rovers(Vyresni Skautai) 17-30 Navy/Dark blue tie with amber attached and navy shirt and navy shorts& This group is completely independent and works hard to guide others



When attending the summer camps available for Lithuanian scouting all over the world, there are varieties of traditions that will be present.

1. Campfires every night with Lithuanian folk songs sung: During the summer camps that take place in Lithuania, Australia, Canada, USA and etc, campfires are made by the scouts where Lithuanian folk songs are sung that date all the way back to the 2nd millennium. These ritual songs were songs that were used to mourn the loss of husbands that went to war or sing about love between young lovers. These songs are still sung today in order to still represent and carry on the Lithuanian tradition.

2. Flag raising every morning and Flag lowering every evening: In order to honor the Lithuanian, American and Scout organization flag; every morning and evening the flags are either raised or lowered along with a flag ceremony that occurs two times a day. During the duration of the flag ceremony, all the scouts(land and sea scouts) line up with their full uniforms and honor the flag as well as singing both the national anthem for Lithuania and America. [7]This plays a major importance due to expressing the pride that the scouts have in being both American and Lithuanian.

3. Celebrating Sea day(Juros Diena) on July 30 by the lake: Since most of the Lithuanian scout camps located all over the world fall under the last week of July, Sea day is celebrated by the nearest body of water on July 30.[8] Throughout the course of the day, Sea scouts are specifically honored along with a flag ceremony on the shore. Sailboats are taken out along with paddle boards and canoes. Those who go out the lake drop a flower crown in the center of the lake in order to honor the death of sailers and captains in Lithuania. This day plays a major role in Lithuanian society due to not only Lithuanians celebrating this event but also the border countries that include Latvia and Estonia.

4. Ceremonies for other scouts receiving a higher rank tie: When being a part of the Lithuanian scouts organization, ceremonies are held in order to honor those who are receiving a higher rank tie. As you get older and wiser in the scouting world, it is necessary that you put in lots of hard work to receive your next tie. For each tie that you earn, different responsibilities and obstacles are faced in order to rank higher. While majority of the ceremonies are held at the summer camps that the organization sets up, the ceremonies also take place in your local town. Throughout the duration of these ceremonies all of the land or sea scouts from your area gather where the individual kisses both the Lithuanian and American flag and recites the scouting code that they learn and follow for their higher ranking. However, the ceremony differs for both land and sea scouts due to where the sea scouts get honored in the water after receiving their new tie and land scouts don't. After the ceremony ends all the other scouts congratulate the individual and celebrate with food and prizes.

Badge for all scouts part of the scouting organization



thumb Lithuanian scouting sisterhood began progressing in 1926 and continued growing until 1940 when the Soviet Union occupied Lithuania. As soon as Lithuania gained their independence back in 1990, the sisterhood of Lithuania flourished with gaining support from the Lithuanian girl guides that were in exile.[9] The purpose of reforming Lithuanian Girl Scouts was to help keep the culture and language of Lithuanian alive. Immediately afterwards, the World Association of Girl Guides And Girl Scouts and the World Organization Of The Scout Movement reunited to develop SAGNO in order revive scouting throughout Europe. However, those females that decided not to join that specific scouting program; created their own organization called "Lietuvos Skauciu Seserija- Lietuvos(LSS)". Ever since the organization was constructed, all women are allowed to join without any requirements. With the organization growing each year and still thriving, age branches are established to separate the the large amounts of scouts. All in all, as of 2012 the organization contains approxiametly 1,800 members that are all striving to keep the Lithuanian traditions living on for decades.[10]



In order to honor the establishment of Lithuanian Scouts, Jamboree camps are held all over the world either every five or ten years to credit how Scouting has impacted Lithuanian culture and society. The major difference between the yearly camps and the Jamborees is the amount of people that attend. For example, The Lithuanian scout Jamboree that was in Vilnius, Lithuania contained an estimated amount of 2500 scouts that traveled to the camp from varieties of countries.[11] With an increased member of scouts, the benefits include meeting new people from different countries and learning the new/different traditions and morals that they follow when it comes to scouting. Another benefit includes celebrating the special occasion of the progression of scouting and honoring all the significant individuals who made it happen. As of 2018; there was a camp held in Custer, Michigan where scouts joined together to sing traditional songs and carry on the Lithuanian culture for generations to come. [12]

Long term effects on Lithuanian Society:


The intended purpose of Lithuanian scouting is to develop individuals into hard workers and teach them that they have to work for their goals. Also, when being involved in a scouting program, you are taught skills that will guide you into a more successful future. For instance, helping others always is a major concept that is taught when attending the camps and scout meetings. This can guide you into receiving better job opportunities and being a better employee due to your cooperation skills.[13] When looking at the scouting rules, it is significant to follow them which will in exchange help shape who you are as an individual and cause others to follow in your footsteps.

  1. ^ "https://www.guidestar.org/profile/36-2552776". www.guidestar.org. Retrieved 2019-04-24. {{cite web}}: External link in |title= (help)
  2. ^ "Apie Mus". Lietuviu Skautu Sajunga. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  3. ^ draugas. "Ninety Five Years of Lithuanian Scouting". DRAUGAS NEWS. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  4. ^ Pocius, Daina (2012-07-03). "Australian Lithuanian History: First Lithuanian scout camp in SA". Australian Lithuanian History. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  5. ^ "Member Organisation - Lithuania". WAGGGS. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  6. ^ "Lietuvos Skautija", Wikipedia, 2018-12-15, retrieved 2019-05-05
  7. ^ Harmer, M. D. N. "Flag Raising 2 - Scout Ceremony No. 59 of 29". Scoutorama.com. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  8. ^ "Jūros ir Žvejų diena". day.lt. Retrieved 2019-05-01.
  9. ^ LLC, Revolvy. ""Lietuvos skaučių seserija" on Revolvy.com". www.revolvy.com. Retrieved 2019-05-01.
  10. ^ "Member Organisation - Lithuania". WAGGGS. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  11. ^ "Lithuanian Scout Jamboree 2018". www.lietuva.lt. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  12. ^ "Tautinė Stovykla". Lietuviu Skautu Sajunga. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  13. ^ "https://www.guidestar.org/profile/36-2552776". www.guidestar.org. Retrieved 2019-05-05. {{cite web}}: External link in |title= (help)