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Well, the word shebeen can be defined in various ways, according to Macmillan dictionary, shebeen originally is an illicit bar or club were excisable alcoholic beverage is being sold without any authorization. Historically, the shebeen was originated in Ireland, to Scotland and further spread into various countries until it comes down to Namibia and South Africa.

It is real that originally shebeen were operated illegally in the past, selling home- made alcohol, and they were normally aimed at providing patrons with places to meet and share ideas on political and social related matters. If one or two shebeens were found unsafe, their owners were always ordered to close down their shebeens by the headman.

In the recent month the city of Windhoek authorities made a decision to close down all unlicensed shebeens, this decision has came after another incident of limiting business hours at Herero Mall. Responding to the decision, traders at Herero Mall and unauthorized shebeens owners joined force in the fight against restrictions on their business in the capital. These two events are common; it’s clearly to even a blind eye that the two groups are fighting the same issue. Let us take a look at this, “We are all operating shebeens to sustain our families and to pay school fees.. Adding to that, Herero Mall traders have accused the Windhoek Municipality of discriminating them when they were given to operate only from 07HOO to 19HOO, saying that other shebeens are operating differently. But honestly, the shebeens that are allowed to operate differently, it is due to the fact that they are licensed, and they demonstrate safety, and that is what the law of this country entails.

Ideas against shebeens closure and the Herero mall trade hours reduction


The chairperson of the Herero mall Traders’ committee has again made another statement insisting that shebeens whether big or small, should be treated and regulated in the same manner, urging that they should be allowed the same operating hours. It was really right that he demands equality, but coming to lawfully he real missed something, he seemed not to understand the cause of the matter, which was to ensure that all shebeens operating are licensed, and once that is achieved, then equality that they are demanding is justified.

The biggest misunderstanding came about after shebeen owners, and Herero Mall Traders committee held a meeting with Khomas Regional Governor Samuel Nuuyoma, officials from the ministry of safety and security, the management of the of Windhoek and the representatives from other relevant authorities held a meeting to discuss on the closing down of illegal shebeens and the reduction on the operating hours. The main leading issue toward the misunderstanding was that, some of the Media attended the meeting went on publishing that; the results from the meeting were in favor of the unlicensed shebeens. Media particularly, The New Era, The Namibian sun had their article reading that shebeens owners should continue operating, but must ensure that they acquire shebeen licenses at the later stage.

Ideas for shebeen closure and Herero Mall trade Hours reduction


Meanwhile, speaking at a media briefing the next day afternoon, Inspector-General of the Namibian Police Force (Nampol), Lieutenant-General Sebastian Ndeitunga, proceeded saying that the police would continue enforcing the Liquor Act of 1998 by closing down all illegal shebeens operating in the capital and Khomas Region as whole.

He said crime records shows that the majority of violent crimes such as armed robbery, rape, murder and violence against women and children are caused by people under influence of alcohol. He even continued saying that the fast increase in the numbers of shebeens in residential areas are great concern to many Namibians, particularly those that are closer to the schools and houses. “It has come to the attention of the police force that there are “rumours” that some government ministries or cabinet ministers have authorised unlicensed shebeen operators to continue with their illegal working” Such rumours are devoid of any truth.” (Kanguatjivi, 2012). All the statements made by the police officials are real showing that they are determined to fulfil their work with no doubts or discriminatory manners. The huge question drawn from that issue now is, whether the Namibian Police Force is doing the right thing, when closing down unlicensed shebeens and reduces the operating hours for Herore Mall Traders? To answer this question, one have to think careful, one have to focus not only at one side of the issue, but have to look at two different angle of the matter, individual have to look at what the supreme law of the country entails, and then again to the social- welfare of the shebeen owners and the members of the public as whole.

Personal views


If individuals analyzing the matter happen to focus only on the reasons presented by the shebeens owner and their representatives, he/she may end up accusing the police force. Because according to them, shebeen seems to be the only source of income, and only the way to reduce the country’s unemployment rate. But the problematic issue here is that those shebeens are illegal and they are the biggest contributor to many unlawful actions and again, the time extent ion being demanded by the Herero Mall Traders is not allowed, and anything which is not approved or illegal, being practiced in this country can only proceed if and only if it’s not detected by the police force, once detected, then it will be brought at its end by the police force with immediate effect.
We cannot blame the police force so heavily on this matter, just because of the feelings that shebeen operators or Traders will suffer financially once their unlawful operation is brought under control. If we keep defending illegal practices, then our children’s may in the future end-up defending the murderers, rapists and other offenders, just because they can reason against their bad actions. There is a good saying in the constitution that, “ignorance of the law excuse no man” individuals cannot be excused because they are stealing apples to satisfy their hunger, its true are stealing to sustain themselves from starving, but its unlawful, therefore they should be questioned.
Namibia is a democratic country and everyone is entitled to the freedom of expression, alternatively, if the shebeens owners, the Herero Mall Traders and the members of the public are of the opinion that the law is wrongly made, they should just approach the law makers and file their requests for amendments on the wrongly-made acts.



The law in Namibia is drafted by the legislatures, brought to the parliament for approval and accepted by all citizens of the country, so if mistakes are found, everyone can stand and raise his/her perspectives and changes will be made. The police officials are there to do their duties, which is to maintain law and order of the country and it must be accepted as such.


