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Olupito villages


Olupito village is in the okalongo constituency in Omusati region. It is about 3 kilometer from the town of Okalongo. It is bordering which other village like Onaidjimba at the north Olupandu at the south, Ondobe yefidi at the west and Onandaba at the east. The village has got about hundred houses and 2000 residence.

The residences


The residences are speaking the same vehicular language which is oshimbadja. This village was name olupito by the founder who came from angola in the early 1917. The founder was from the town called Lobito that is where the name is derived from. The village is under the leadership of Mr Paulus Shaendama. Mophani trees are the dominant species in the village and residences are depending on mahungu as the sources of food which is cultivated successfully in the village.

The way Of Living


People are leaving traditional way and dress their traditional dresses when there is a function like wedding and Olufuko, they eat their traditional food e.g. Mahangu porridge and Mopane worm and oshiwambo chicken just to mention few. They do drink (omaludu) a traditional beer using a cup called (eholo) or etapo. There are beautiful attraction natural resources like trees and big area for animal’s grazing e.g cattle goat. During rained season pond use to be flooded and this bring same happiness to residence because flood bring same food life fish.

Village Project


There is Tukwafeni project in the village for producing rice and it is head by Prisiku Hitilasha. The project started harvesting in 2011 and it is expecting a bumper harvest this year. There is a government school in the village called John shekudja combined school.



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