Languages and Writing Systems
AIM-Able | This user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not seriously use it. Ever. |
 | Ths usr cn rd & rt usn txt lng |
1337-X | This user has a good grasp of 1337 but prefers to contribute using proper words to bridge the gap between 1337 speakers and normal computer users. |
IntS-1 | This uxor is a lamer at Internet slang, but still lieks to throw in teh occasional "lol" or "omg" on his blog. |
Anime and manga
This user wishes that dubbed anime could have better actors.
単行本 | This user reads manga in a Tankōbon form. |
雑誌 | This user reads manga chapter-by-chapter in a magazine. |
デス ノート | This user prefers to keep their notes in their watch. |
This user is not a half pint or a midget!
Gundam Pilot | This user could've been a Gundam Pilot if they knew what courses to take. |
犬夜叉 | This user is not afraid to use his Tessaiga. |
ANBU | This user is an ANBU. |
NE RV | This user is a member of
This user wants to capture a Pokémon.
 | This user knows that PKMN does not mean Pikmin, Pink Monkey, or any other silly, worthless thing that you can think of. It only has one true meaning. |
Aura is with this user.
This user plays the Pokémon RPGs and other related video games.
#151 | This user is a Pokémon Evolutionist and believes that Mew is the origin. |
翠星石 | This user is devoted to the third doll, Suiseiseki. |
Ciel | This user is a fan of Ciel. |
Kohaku | This user is a fan of Kohaku. |
Hisui | This user is a fan of Hisui. |
A I R | This user's other self is waiting in the Air. Gao! |
カノン | This user has been waiting in the snow for seven years. Ugū! |
ネギま! | This user teaches magic English in Japan. |
This user's tears have been taken away.
ゼロ | This user would like to be whipped by Louise. |
Quirks about the English language
snuk | This user says snuck. |
…in. | Ending a sentence with a preposition is something that this user is okay with. |
to too two | This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two. |
English | This user knows that 'to' is pronounced /tʊ/, not /a/. |
who(m) | This user uses either who or whom in the object case. |
if & whether | This user knows how to use "if" and "whether" correctly. |
than then | This user understands the difference between using "than" and "then." |
their there they're | This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling! |
your you're | This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you're in need of help. |
their, to, your, its, ...
This users english is far from being perfect!.
Latin Plurals: "Data is are..."
This user uses "data", "media", "memoranda", "criteria", and "agenda" as the plurals of "datum", "medium", "memorandum", "criterion", and "agendum".
English Singulars: "The data is..."
This user recognizes that "data", "media", and "agenda" have become incorporated into English as singular nouns.
Majority ≠ right
This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake.
. The | This user does not put two spaces after a full stop. |
A, B, and A and B | This user uses the serial comma unless its inclusion is confusing. |
Wheaties, Cheerios, and Rice Chex
This user prefers the cereal comma.
its & it's | This user understands the difference between its and it's. So should you. |
its it's | It's really not that hard to use each word in its proper manner. |
its | This user understands the difference between its (of it) and it's (it is or it has). |
its & it's | This user thinks ohh, if you want it to be possessive, it's just i-t-s, but if it's supposed to be a contraction, then it's i-t-apostrophe-s... Scalawag. |
’s | Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice. |
US vs. UK | This user uses logical quotation marks. Internal punctuation leads to factual errors. It's not a style issue! |
"..!" | This user believes that punctuation should always come on the inside of quotation marks. |
ANAL 4 | This user advocates good grammar usage. |
Pickyness Pickiness | This user changes the adjective ending "y" to "i" to form nouns with "-ness". |
Preferences and Interests