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Agalactia [New Latin, from Greek agalaktiā, lack of milk : a-, without; see a–1 + gala, galakt-, milk.] is a debilitating disease infecting mainly sheep and goats. Its main cause is infection with M.agalactiae. Infected animals usually get infected utters, causing abnormal lactation and death. Agalactia may also be non-pathogenic and non-fatal.

Non-pathogenic aglactia


Aglactia that is not caused by pathogens is usually caused by stress during childbirth or malnutrition. The disease in not species specific and can afflict most mammals. The best way to avoid this form of Aglactia is to place the mother in a non stressful evnironment before childbirth and

(1) http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/factsheets/pdfs/contagious_agalactia.pdf