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Shmuel C. Shapira MD MPH is a Full Professor of Medical Administration at the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine. Professor Shmuel Shapira is currently the Deputy Director General of the Hadassah Medical Organization, Director of the Military Tract of the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine[1], and former Director of the Hebrew University Hadassah School of Public Health. [[File:

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Professor Shapira received his medical degree from the Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Medicine. He successfully completed two residencies in Anesthesiology and in Medical Administration at Hadassah University Hospital, as well as advanced training in pain management and obstetric anesthesia. Professor Shapira is Lieutenant Colonel (Res.) in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and served as the IDF Head of Trauma Branch.

Professor Shapira serves as an authority on Terror Medicine (a term he coined) [2][3], trauma, emergency medicine and military medicine. He instructs medical students, physicians, EMS, medical leaders and rescue teams on terror medicine, management of mass casualty's events, military medicine, advanced trauma life support and risk management. 

Prof. Shapira has published many publications on trauma, terror medicine, military medicine and mass casualty management. Professor Shapira is the editor of the textbooks: Essentials of Terror Medicine [4], Best Practice for Medical Management of Terror Incidents [5], Medical Response to Terror Threats [6] and Pathophysiological and clinical aspects of pain [7]. Professor Shapira is a Chair and a member of several Israel National committees and councils. He is an author of more thaen 120 scientific publications.

Prof Shapira edited the following Books:

Pathophysiological and clinical aspects of pain. 
Essentials of Terror Medicine.       
Best practice for medical management of terror incidents. 
Medical Response to Terror Threats.
  1. ^ Shapira SC, Vinker S, Razin E and Ash N. 2010. Military medicine tract: the need and the vision. Harefuah 149:89-90.
  2. ^ Shapira SC and Cole LA. 2006. Terror medicine: birth of a discipline. J Homeland Secur Emerg Manag 3: www.bepress.com/jhsem/vol3/1ss2/9
  3. ^ 2. Shapira SC, Hammond JS and Cole LA. 2009. Essentials of Terror Medicine. New-York, Springer.
  4. ^ Shapira SC, Hammond JS and Cole LA. 2009. Essentials of Terror Medicine. New-York, Springer.
  5. ^ Shapira SC. 2009. Best practice for medical management of terror incidents. Jerusalem, Shapira.
  6. ^ Richman A, Shapira SC and Sharan Y. 2010. Medical Response to Terror Threats. Amesterdam, IOS Press.
  7. ^ Magora F and Shapira SC. 1991. Pathophysiological and clinical aspects of pain. Tel Aviv, Reshafim.