I'm currently a student, CS major, Bostonian, Wisconsinite, typography geek, and lover of knowledge. I worship in the Cult of Vi. You can also find me on github. I find that life is a series of tradeoffs, usually between "how much time will I spend automating this monkey switch" and "how much time will I spend just flipping the damn thing O(ambiguous) number of times."
I'm looking into how to help expand with the Dictionary article, which has mediocre to good reviews and is marked by multiple projects as high priority; specifically adding material with respect to non-English language dictionaries
I speak and write German, and lived in the country for a year as a high school student; the chief limit of my use of the language is that my working vocabulary has atrophied somewhat since returning to America several years ago
I'd like to work translating to share knowledge and reliable sources between the English and German Wikipedias