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Technological Infrastructure


Functional Tiers




In general, websites have three functional tiers: presentation, processing, and data. Each of these tiers is responsible for one or more aspects of creating the web page as it appears on the user's monitor. The presentation tier is the tier that is closest to the end user. It occurs on the browser of the user and displays the page to the user. The processing tier is the middle tier. Here, the information is broadcast from the site's servers to the user's browsers. On the processing tier, the site's data is manipulated into a form that can be displayed on your browser in the presentation tier. The third information tier, the data tier, is furthest from the end user. This is the tier where the data from the website it stored. While the data tier stores the information, the processing tier takes that data from the data tier and translate it into HTML. This HTML is then read and presented by the browser on the presentation tier.


File:DeviantART Info Tiers.jpg
Tiers of deviantArt



deviantART has the same functional tiers as other web sites. In the data tier, all of the information and data from the site is stored on deviantArt's servers. This is data includes things like user's log-in information or the data about pieces of media. Once a page is requested by the user, the data is requested from the data tier. The data gets passed through the processing tier where it becomes manipulated into HTML code that the presentation tier can read. Lastly, the webpage is displayed on the user's browser in the presentation tier. This process of the user requesting a page on their browser, finding the data in the data tier, manipulating and sending it through the processing tier, and displaying the page through the presentation tier occurs very quickly. The standard template of the presentation, processing, and data tiers remains intact on the deviantART website.

Major Features




At their most basic, the functions of a web site are the things that can be done on the site. They can include logging in, communicating, or uploading content. A feature is the end-user aspect of a function and is what the user does to to utilize the function. Therefore, when a user interacts with a feature on a site, they are utilizing that feature's function. Each function has a purpose, a user interface, a procedure the user can do to use the feature, an algorithm that dictates the interactions on the user's browser and the site's servers, and an impact on the data in the data tier.

Features are the end-user aspect of functions. The back-end aspect of functions include algorithms and programming. Functions are simplified into algorithms which indicate the actions and interactions of the browser and server. The algorithms instruct what will happen at each tier. These algorithms are then simplified into a programmed code.

Shows how functions can be decomposed to algorithms which can be decomposed to programming

The six most prominent functions of deviantART are logging in, browsing deviations, uploading deviations, shopping, reviewing deviations, and customizing a profile. These six functions define the activity on deviantART. By examining each function, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of deviantART - its purpose, its complexity, and its popularity. Most of the activity on deviantART falls into one of the following functions, making them the most important functions on the site. These functions provide an overview of the architecture of the information and processes behind deviantART.


deviantART uses a thin client for their website. Everything is processed in their server and not the user's computer. Thus, you need to access the server by logging in with your ID. The login box is at the top of any page and by hovering your mouse over it, you can see the fields to type in the username and the password. You can also be logged in even if you closed the browser by checking the box called "Stay logged in". Logging in allows users to upload media, create collections, and follow the works of other artists.

File:DeviantART Login.png
The login section of the deviantART

Searching is one of the most important functions of browsing. On the top center and top left corner of deviantART page, there is a search box where users can search for arts and media. When users type keywords into the search box and hit the "Search" button, a number of results related to the keywords will show up. The search function is to help users find the media they want among hundreds of thousands of media on deviantART.

thumb|center|A search box of deviantART [1]

The user interface is quiet simple. There is a box users can type words into and a button called "Search". These two search boxes are displayed on every deviantART page. The one on the top left corner is a general search box searching everything on the deviantART website, and the one below it return results only in the category where users are. For example, if a user is at deviantART's Shop page, the second search box will only search things in the deviantART Shop, but not from all of deviantART.

The idea behind search is indexing. Indexing is an alphabetical or numerical list of terms with links back to information that’s described by that term. Every picture or media has index on deviantART. When user performs a search, the deviantART server will search that query(which is what the user types) and find the matching index and return pictures or media linked to that query. The search function uses almost all deviantART information types including media, users, groups, etc. so it can provide more comprehensive results.

Upload Media

deviantArt’s main purpose is the facilitation of media sharing; people go to deviantART to share and find media pieces. One function on the site that facilitates this process is uploading media. These pieces of media are called “deviations” and “can be images, literature, film, or Flash”, as defined by deviantArt.[2] The process of uploading deviations is free and deviants are able to upload an unlimited number of deviations. Once uploaded, these deviations can be viewed by anybody. This provides artists with simple, easy exhibition space.

The process for uploading media consists of the deviant clicking on the submit button on their profile page. Once the user clicks this button they are brought to a new page with many text boxes. The user must input information into these text boxes about the deviation they are trying to upload.

On this page, the user is prompted for a title for their deviation. They can then choose the category, or categories, they feel apply to their deviation from a drop-down list of categories and sub-categories. Next, they are prompted to upload the file. This is done by clicking on the upload file button and choosing a file. The user is then prompted to choose a gallery in which the deviation will be displayed. If the user has not created a specific gallery, the default gallery for submissions is the deviants featured gallery. The user is then asked to provide a description of their piece and keywords to describe their piece. The description provides the deviant the opportunity to give the viewers of the image an insight into the deviation or the deviant. The keywords provide the site's search index with connections between those words and this piece. Therefore, when a deviant searches for a deviation with those keywords, they can be connected to this particular deviation. Users then have the option of un-checking a box to allow or disallow comments. The default behavior of this box is checked; this allows other deviants to comment on the deviation. The user must un-check to box in order to disallow comments on their piece. Since the default of the box is checked, this is considered an opt-out feature since the user must go through a procedure (un-check the box) to disallow comments.

Next, the user must check one of the three boxes to denote if their piece has mature content. Mature content is defined by deviantART as "anything which contains nudity, excessive violence, blood, gore, or any other potentially upsetting or offensive material." [3] deviantART also notes that "controversial pieces revolving around religion, political opinions and other similar sensitive subject matters" could be defined as mature. [4] When noting whether their piece is mature, deviants have the options of choosing "Yes (strict)", "Yes (warning)", or "No". By choosing either yes option the image will be concealed under a warning thumbnail for people who have opted out of viewing mature content as part of their profile settings. The "Yes (strict)" setting will allow only deviants over the age of 18 to view the image. The "Yes (warning)" setting will allow users over 13 years of age to view the image after clicking through a warning message. All deviations tagged as mature content will be hidden from users who are not members or who are not logged in.

Deviants must then choose under what type of license they wish to release their work. They choose the type of license from a drop-down list provided by the deviantART site. This license will indicate to other deviants under what conditions they may use the deviation. This choice is to protect the artist's work and their rights to their work.

The deviant must then check a box to indicate that they agree to the Terms of Service of deviantART. Then they must click the "Submit" button. After clicking "Submit" they will be asked to agree to the deviantART submission policy. After all of these steps are completed, the deviation will uploaded to deviantART.

All of the information that deviants provide as they submit their deviations gets sent from the deviant's browser to the servers of deviantART. Here, the data is stored in databases. Later, when a user wants to view the deviation and all the information that was submitted about it by the artist, the data is pulled up from the databases and sent to the viewer's browser.


Once on deviantART, users can shop for a deviant's prints or for deviantART merchandise. To shop for deviantART merchandise, the user clicks on the "T-Shirts and Gear" button on the homepage at the top left corner. From here they are brought to a page where they can narrow down their search through a hierarchy based on the type of merchandise they are looking for. Once they have narrowed down their options, the merchandise that falls within the chosen categories is displayed. Below the name of the piece of merchandise is an image of the merchandise. Diagonally across the top of some of these images is a banner denoting if the item is new or on sale. To learn more information about a piece of merchandise, the user must click on the image. They are then brought to a new page. At this new page, they can look at more images of the merchandise, read a description of the item, check price, size, and availability, upload user images of the merchandise, be linked to related merchandise, add to a wishlist, favorite, view comments on the merchandise, see who has favorited it, share the image of the merchandise over social media, and purchase the merchandise. During the process of purchasing the merchandise, the quantity, size, gender style (Men's or Women's), and currency are specified. Users add the item to their 'cart' and continue to shop or proceed to 'check-out'. The 'check-out' process of deviantART is highly similar to other online retailers. Users must be registered with deviantART in order to make a purchase.

Users can also purchase prints of deviants pieces. To do this, users choose the 'Prints Shop' button at the top left corner of the homepage. From here, they can narrow down their search by categories and subcategories or by the type of print (Wall Art or Art Gifts). The types of prints have additional subcategories from which to choose. Once the user decides to purchase a particular piece, they can click the image of the piece to be brought to a page with more information. Here they can read the artist's description of the piece, view other pieces from the artist, add to wishlist, view the original deviation, and check out more from the artist. If they decide to purchase the piece, they choose the specifics of the print. For example, the user can choose to have a fine art print printed on paper or canvas and if they want a frame and the type of frame they want. Once they are satisfied with their choices, they add the print to their 'cart' or proceed to 'check-out'. The 'cart' and 'check-out' user interfaces are the same for merchandise and print purchases.

The purchasing information of users in stored in the databases of deviantART. When users make a second purchase, deviantART is able to pull up the information they submitted previously. If the user changes any of the information, deviantART's database will update with the new information. The databases must also update the information about the merchandise that is being displayed to the user. If an item or size is out of stock, deviantART will note this to the user and make it so that an order cannot be placed for that particular item or size. This updating between the data tier and the presentation tier of deviantART ensures that the user is being shown the most accurate information.

The prints shopping feature of deviantART is a way for deviants and deviantART to make money. Deviants are paid 20% of the price of the deviation when a print is purchased. [5] This helps some artists make money off of their work. deviantART also makes money by working as in infomediary in this process. With all of the information they have on their site, they can connect potential sellers with potential buyers. For their services as an infomediary, deviantART takes a percentage from transaction.

The shopping function overall allows deviantART to make a profit. By selling merchandise with their logo on it, deviantART is also experiencing the benefit of additional market. The more people wearing the deviantART logo, the more people will see the deviantART logo and be inspired to visit the site. This could then lead to an increased profit for deviantART.


deviantART has its own currency called points. 80 points are equivalent to one US dollar. [6] Points can be purchased and used for purchases on deviantART or given to other deviants. Points can only be given or received my deviants and there are numerical limits on the number of points that can be used in a single transaction or given within a year. Additionally, all points transactions among deviants are non-reversible and points cannot be transferred back to currency. [7] By having the point system, deviantART is able to make the experience of using the site more immersive and make the site more self-supporting.


Users can review media on deviantART through commenting, critiquing and adding media to favorites. The purpose of reviewing is to provide feedback for the artist of the deviation. It also provides an opportunity for viewers of a piece to express an opinion about the deviations they view.

Add to Favorites

On the webpage for each piece of media, there is function called Add to Favorites that allows users to save media to their profiles. The purpose of this function is to allow users to bookmark certain images and be able to refer back to them in the future. thumb|right|Add to Favorites

The user interface of this feature is a simple green, rectangular button with a yellow star that exists on the webpage of a piece of media. Users click on this button when they want to save the image or demonstrate interest in the form of media. Another purpose of this function is to allow users to connect with each other by sharing media and creating an online community. The button allows the uploader to get an idea for the communities' opinion of his or her artwork. The information types related to this function are deviants. When a user presses the Add to Favorites button, they create a link on their deviant page under the subsection Favorites that links back to the original picture. When the user no longer wishes to have a picture as a favorite on the profile, the button display changes and displays "Remove from Favorites". Additionally, the user can use deviantWATCH and follow the deviant themselves, so that the user has access to all the work and not just a singular piece. thumb|right|Remove Favorites

Comment on Media

Once deviations are uploaded to deviantArt, other deviants are able to go through and comment on the deviations. One purpose of commenting on the media is to provide user feedback for the artists. Deviants can use the site as a place to receive responses and critiques for their work. Another purpose of commenting on media is to help other users find valuable pieces. Deviations that have good reviews indicate to other users that this particular piece is worth examining. When viewing the deviation, there is a comment box directly underneath the piece. People wishing to provide feedback on the image merely have to type their comment there. These comments are then displayed for public view beneath the comment box. Additionally, people can add an emoticon from a list that includes depictions of ‘love’, ‘joy’, ‘wow’, ‘mad’, ‘sad’, ‘fear’, and ‘neutral’. Later, by clicking on one of the emoticons in a legend displayed below the comment box but above the displayed comments, deviants can choose to only read the comments associated with one emotion.


Only premium users that pay a fee to deviantART can use the feature called critiquing. This allows users to share criticisms about a work of art posted on deviantART. Critiquing deviants comment on aspects of the deviation like its originality or quality.

Customize Profile Page
Edit Page button to customize profile page

The main control panel for a user (colloquially, a deviant), the profile page allows users to customize their own personal page, which other deviants may view and contribute to. Within the profile page exists several functions called widgets, and these widgets are separated into four categories:

  • Art Zones relate to deviations in relations to you.
  • Personal Zones relate to information pertaining to you.
  • Misc. Zones relate to all other possible functions and uses.

By default, each profile is created with two art zones, three personal zones, and two misc. zones, making up the basics of deviantArt, such as submitting and favoriting artwork, journal entries and personal info, and comments and watchers. If a deviant upgrades to a premium account, they are given access to other widgets. Additional widgets vary in function, from allowing one to create polls to linking their deviantART account to a twitter account. Premium members are also given the ability to create their own widgets, to fully customize their profile page tabs.

The user interface is clean and easy to understand. Near the top of a profile appears a deviant’s username and avatar. To the right are five buttons labeled Profile, Gallery, Prints, Favorites, and Journal. The profile shortcut is the main page that can combines aspects of the other four shortcuts, though they are convenient in making it easier for other deviants to look at specific portions of a deviant’s profile. For example, clicking “Gallery” will reveal a page that shows all of the deviant’s art submissions in order of latest date, with the option to browse a specific gallery of that user on the right.

Profiles have several info types that can be associated with them. The most obvious ones are featured under the profile page, such as whether the deviant is a premium member, how long they have been ad deviant for, their username, name, sex, age, location, how many submissions or journal entries they have made, and total page views.

Due to the customization aspect of the profile page, it lacks a true organizational structure, as this can be determined by the deviant themselves. If one wanted to, widgets could be arranged in an index-based manner.

Information Infrastructure


Information Model




One way to organize and diagram information is to create an information model. When creating an information model, the information type, attributes, and values are diagrammed. All information has a type. A type, as the name would indicate, is indicates the general kind of information you are modeling - like 'person' or 'article'. Each type has one or more attributes. These attributes are pieces of information that describe, or are connected to, that type. Each attribute has one value. The values are the specific pieces of information for the general attribute. All the values of a type combine to define an information item. An item is a specific example of a type. For example, a type could be a 'website'. Attributes could be 'url' or 'title of site'. For the 'url' attribute, the value could be 'http://www.wikipedia.org/'. For the 'title of site' attribute, the value could be 'Wikipedia'. The information item would the website of Wikipedia because all of the values are describing the site.

When diagramming information models, it is also worth noting that each value has a value pattern. This is the style in which the computer is expecting to receive information. For example, the value pattern of a phone number is a certain pattern of numbers. If the program asks for the user to input a phone number and the user inputs a word, the program should recognize that a word does not match the value pattern for the attribute. The program can therefore conclude that the user input is an invalid value and provide the user an opportunity to re-submit the value.

It is also possible to model relationships between information types. A map of the relationships between information types is called a schema. By viewing a schema it is possible to understand how the different types of information for a site are related. An understanding of these relationships encourages an understanding of how the site organizes itself and its information.

Info Types and their Relationships


Because each information type is in the same information system with the common goal to create, store, and display information, one information type is often related to another type. For example, devientART has information types media, deviant, group and so forth. A deviant can upload, comment on and share a media while belonging to one or more groups. A group can have a lot of media. All information types are somehow related to each other to form a complete information system.

deviantArt Types and Relationships Between Types

This schema shows the relationships between information types on deviantART. It shows how the information types are related to each other. By looking at this schema, it becomes obvious that deviants are at the center of this information system.

Individual Users and Groups

deviants can choose to join groups, which in turn, can send invites to other deviants. Deviants in the same group are connected by a common interest. Though non-group members can still view journal entries and the group galleries (if the group is public), they will be unable to take part in discussions until admitted.

Some deviants in a group have special titles that grant them group powers that normal deviants lack. Founders and co-founders can assign titles to other members, moderators mediate and watch for inappropriate behavior from their members, journal writers can write group journal entries, etc.

Individual Users and Journal Entries

One relationship on deviantART is between individual users and journal entries. Users have the ability to post their opinions or thoughts in the form of a journal entry. Each user can display their interest in a journal entry by adding it as a favorite, commenting or sharing it on another social networking site.

Individual Users and Media

Another relationship between types on deviantART is the relationship between the individual users and the media. It is upon this relationship that many of the interactions on deviantART are based. Individual users are able to upload media, comment on media, add a piece of media as a 'favorite', look at media, search media, or purchase media.

Group and Media

Groups can have media themes. That means that all of the deviations that are posted, submitted, or discussed in this group, are in relation to this theme. Groups also have featured deviations and a gallery with deviations that were submitted to, and accepted by, the group.

Merchandise and Media

Selling prints, T-shirt, and gears is a method of income for deviantART. There is a special place on deviantART called deviantART shop where users can shopping products. Also, when users browsing each media, related prints, T-shirt and products will show up.





One of the main information types on deviantART is Media. The media are the deviations that are uploaded to the site. The deviations get displayed prominently at the center of the site and each deviation has many attributes.

Diagram and Discussion

Information model of type media

In the diagram to the right, it is obvious that media, or deviation, is at the center of this information model. This is because media defines the type and all of the attributes and their values are related to that type. Attributes of media are shown by the bubbles directly connected to the Media bubble. These attributes are the work itself, its title, the artist, the category to which the piece belongs, the description of the piece, the license, the statistics, and the metadata.

Some of these attributes have additional, more specific attributes connected to them. The statistics attribute contains the more specific attributes of the number of comments on the piece, the number of favorites, the number of downloads, and the number of views. An attribute of the number of downloads is the number of downloads today and an attribute of the number of views is the number of views today. The metadata has the more specific attributes of when it was submitted, the image size, and the resolution.

By examining this information model, it becomes obvious that the information type is at the center of the information model. Each attribute is an attribute of that type and contains a piece of information about that type.

Example and Discussion


Attribute ---> Value Pattern

Media Work ---> file (.doc, .jpg, .png, .gif, . . . etc.)

Artist (Deviant) ---> username (20 characters max)

Categories ---> word or phrase (chosen from a list)

License ---> phrase and accompanying description (chosen from a list)

Description ---> paragraph(s)


  • Comments ---> integer (tracked by computer)
  • Views ---> integer (tracked by computer)
  • Views Today ---> integer (tracked by computer)
  • Favorites ---> integer (tracked by computer)


  • Submitted ---> Date (Month Day, Year)
    • If submitted within current year ---> Date (Month Day)
    • If submitted within 24 hours ---> Time since upload (Hours Minutes)
  • Image Size ---> Integer (Measured in bytes by computer)
  • Resolution ---> Integer and Integer (Measured by computer)

From this example, it becomes obvious that each deviation has many different attributes and values attached to it. A lot of information is stored in connection with each deviation. The amount and depth of this information is to provide deviants with the best experience possible while they are dealing with deviations. The uploader of the image can keep track of their statistics for views and downloads and use this to ensure that they are receiving proper credit for their deviations. Viewers of the image can find out a lot of information about the deviation and its artist just from looking at the deviation. This wealth of information ensures that both the uploader and viewer of this image have the easiest and best possible experience while dealing with the media on deviantART.





On deviantART users are called deviants. They can upload media, comment on photos, add favorites to interact with the website and its other users. Each user has a profile that displays all their activity on the website.

Diagram and Discussion


The diagram on the right displays deviants as the center of the group representing the information type, deviant, and its attributes branching off it. The main attributes prominent for users are password, email, location, username,location,name, gender, birthday, length of membership and the statistics that go along with the user. deviantART records each user's deviations, comments, page views,favorites,and forum posts.

Types and attributes for Deviants

Example and Discussion


Attribute ----> Value Pattern

  • Username----> one word (20 characters max)
  • Name----> a few words
  • Location ----> country
  • Gender----> male or female
  • Birthday----> date
  • length of membership ----> integer (years)
  • email ----> aaa@bbb.ccc
  • password ----> > 8 characters
  • Member Type ----> Member or Premium Member
  • Statistics:
    • Deviations ----> integer (tracked by computer)
    • Comments ----> integer (tracked by computer)
    • Page Views ----> integer (tracked by computer)
    • Favorites ----> integer (tracked by computer)
    • Scraps ----> integer (tracked by computer)
    • Critiques ----> integer (tracked by computer)
    • Forum Posts ----> integer (tracked by computer)

There is a lot of information involved with the user and their activities on deviantART. It is organized in a manner in which the statistics are under one tab on the profile. In the case of deviants, one item represent all the information(value patterns) collected about one user.





A group on deviantART is a group of users(deviants) who share similar taste gather together. A group has attributes of name, members, focus, media, location, type, number of watchers and date of formed. thumb|center|A group of deviantART [8]

Diagram and Discussion


Example and Discussion


As the diagram showed above, attribute focus has value such as art creation, art collection, resources, social. Media has values such as photographic, digital media, film and so on.

Journal Entries




Journal entries can be created by individual deviants, in which they can write down anything. Entries can be further expanded by Mood options, allowing you to display what mood you had when making the entry as an emoticon and what you were doing at the time with a simple interface. This can be customized to be displayed at the top or bottom of your page. To make finding specific entries easier, a search query is present in the journal slot of the profile page.

Diagram and Discussion

Journal Entry attributes

Journal entries have several attributes.

  • Author
  • Title
  • Date published
  • Number of comments
  • Number of views
  • Number of favorites
  • Skin (background)

Number of comments, views, and favorites are dependent on other deviants, who can easily do either of these three things and build up those particular attributes' values. Title, and Skins are customizable values while the date is a static value.

Like individuals, groups can also publish journal entries. Group administrators can grant the "Journal Writer" title to one of its members, giving them the ability to write journal entries on the group's journal page. Though the content may be different, the basic interface and attributes are still the same.

As a whole, the journal entries can be used for a variety of purposes, whether it's simply to speak out one's mind, advertise or advocate, or to even just create discussion for a particular topic, that many carry on within the comments.

Example and Discussion


Attribute --> Value Pattern

  • Author --> Username (characters, 20 max)
  • Title --> Words
  • Date: --> Day, MM/DD/YYYY, Hours:Minutes AM/PM.
  • Comments --> Integer
  • Views: --> Integer
  • Favorites --> Integer
  • Skin: --> Code



thumb|left|Orange box shows where the merchandise is



thumb|left|The list under products only shows in the T-Shirts & Gear page Merchandise is in deviantART can be separated into two different types. First type of merchandise is the photos and canvas they sell under Print Shop. Second type is general merchandise under T-Shirts & Gear. Print Shop merchandise are basically artwork made by deviants. You can buy the artworks in either a canvas form or a photo. You can choose from different sizes as well.

Diagram and Discussion

Relationship in between merchandise

Example and Discussion


Print Shop

Attributes Value Pattern
Title Phrase
Author Username
Size Integer x Integer(set)
Frame Espresso or Jet or Nothing
Artist's statement Paragraph

T-Shirt & Gear

Attributes Value Pattern
Name Phrase
Price $Double
Quantity Drop down
Gender / size Drop down
Details Comment:Integer Favourites:Integer
Views total:Integer today:Integer
Description Paragraph

Organizational Structures




There are four main types of information structure: hierarchy, index, sequence, and links. All four of these types and can be found on deviantArt. Hierarchies occur when it is possible to apply different filters to narrow down the on-screen content and create sub-categories. Indexes are lists of contents or keywords from within a piece. Indexes are always either alphabetical or numerical. Sequences are a progression of options that are placed in a particular order. They might be placed based on the time they were created or added or in the order that the creator of the site would like the user to view them. Links are one-to-one connections between two pages. If a user clicks on a link, they will be brought to the web page to which that link is connected.

Hierarchy - Category

File:DA Categories.jpg
List of categories in deviantART

Categories describe the mediums that artworks can be submitted as. Deviants can click on a category, which takes them to a page listing art from that category, along with a new set of subcategories to further filter their browsing options.


Categories are listed in a hierarchical setting, ordered by which form of media is more commonly viewed (digital art at the top, scraps at the bottom). The category list may appear strange at first as it lacks an obvious index-based ordering but in time, many deviants quickly familiarize themselves, putting no thought into browsing a particular category. When clicked on, categories open up subcategories to further define the exact medium of an image.

Hierarchy - Merchandise


Another example of a hierarchical organizational structure can be found through the 'T-Shirts & Gear' button under the Browse heading at the top left of the deviantART home page. Once users click on the 'T-Shirts & Gear' button, they are presented with options within the category of 'T-Shirts & Gear'. These options are 'deviantWEAR Tees', 'Hoodies and Jackets', 'dA PRO Series and Bags', 'Emoticon Gear', 'Stocking Stuffers', 'Trollface', 'Activewear', 'Little Deviants', 'Holiday Bundles', and 'Limited Poster Series'. By choosing additional options they are able to filter the displayed merchandise until the options displayed are closest to what the user is looking for. This application of filter upon filter is an example of a hierarchical organizational structure. This particular hierarchy is organizing the images of displayed merchandise. Organizing these images in a hierarchy allows users to apply filters to narrow down their search. By doing, this they are able to find the specific types of merchandise for which they are looking.

Illustrates hierarchical organization of merchandise on deviantART

In the picture, the different levels of hierarchy can be seen. The user first clicks on 'T-Shirts and Gear'. From there, they are given the ten options illustrated in the image. Once they choose one of these options they are brought to a page displaying the merchandise that fit the specifications they chose through the hierarchy. For example, a user could chose "T-shirts & Gear". Then, they could apply the "Hoodies and Jackets" option. These options filter the merchandise displayed to best match the user's preference.


This hierarchy also provides an example of 'bread crumbs'. As the user applies different filters, the options the user has chosen are recorded along the top of the page. These bread crumbs are reminiscent of the bread crumbs in the children's story of Hansel and Gretel. In the story, the children leave bread crumbs behind them with the intention of using these bread crumbs to find their way back if they get lost in the woods. The purpose of the bread crumbs displayed along the top of the page is similar. If users get lost among the search results or want to go back and change some of their applied filters, they can use the bread crumbs to help figure out how far they need to return. The bread crumbs indicate to the user what subcategory of merchandise they are in and the larger categories they already refined to get to where they are. This form of hierarchy is effective in helping users to narrow down the options for merchandise and to keep track of the filters that they used to refine their options.

This particular hierarchy has many sub-categories at the first sub-level of the hierarchy. This plethora of options provides the user with an excellent ability to filter the displayed merchandise. However, this is the only sub-level of the hierarchy. Therefore, the user is not able to apply more filters. While more filters would enable the user to further filter their search for merchandise, the subcategories that deviantART utilizes are successful in narrowing down the displayed merchandise. The intuitive simplicity of the system also makes for easy use.

Index - Sub-categories


Subcategories appear after a deviant clicks on a category from the browse list on the left of deviantART's front page. They branch from the category to help a deviant search for a particular style of said category. For example, if I wanted to look for digital drawings, I'd go under the category Digital Art and look for the Drawings subcategory. If I wanted drawings of people, I'd click the people's subcategory under Drawings.

Small portion of the category hierarchy/index

Suppose I wanted to look up digital draws of dogs. I'd first select the category, Digital Art. This will limit my browsing options to deviations tagged as digital art. From there, I can choose drawings, to limit my selection specifically drawn digital art. Under Drawings, the Animal category will limit the images I'm browsing to animals.


Subcategories are listed as an index-ordered hierarchy. Deviants can open subcategories by clicking on a main image category. From there, they can refine their browsing options twice: once for a style, and twice for subject matter. Though the subcategories are a prominent example of an organizational structure, most people find it more intuitive to use the search query at the top of the page. Because this structure is located on the left of most deviantART pages, it's easy to switch categories and browser a different topic.

Sequence - Polls

File:DeviantART Poll Main.PNG
The front page of the deviantART poll

A sequence is a list of things that is meant to be read or displayed in a meaningful way. In deviantART.com, the poll section is in sequential order. The polls are organized by the date it was posted.

File:DeviantART Poll.PNG
An example of a poll

There are options to choose from in the middle of the page and a vote button below it to finalize the response as shown in the picture.

File:DeviantART Poll After.PNG
After choosing one of the options

As of now, any poll before December 2003 is closed and cannot be voted on. However, any poll that was made in December 2003 and onward is open to vote for anyone. After voting on one of the options in a poll, you will be shown to the results page where it will show the statistics on how many deviants voted on which option and what the percentage is.

Sequence - Daily Deviations


Another instance of sequences in deviantART is the daily deviations. Daily deviations are displayed at the bottom of the main page and are placed in order according to staff preference.


thumb|center|700px|Daily Deviations


Deviations are submissions of a works of art to the website deviantART. DeviantART defines daily deviations as "a small assortment of submissions are chosen each day by a select group of staff/volunteer members who wish to showcase an image which they found impressive or otherwise interesting enough to deserve being brought to the attention of the community-at-large" [9]. Daily deviations are a progression of deviations in a particular order chosen by deviantART staff members. Daily deviations is one example of the channels listed on deviantART. Along with daily deviations, there are two other channels called newest and popular. The information type within this sequence includes media(pictures, wallpapers, etc.).


Displaying ads is a important way to make money for deviantART and many websites. On deviantART website, ads are showed on every page, usually on the right side of a page.

File:Ads on deviantArt.png



A link basically is hyperlinks that lead to information. Ads are a kind of links because when users click on ads, they are redirected to external websites of advertiser. Advertisers will pay for information provider, in this case is deviantArt, money based on number of views or clicks of their ads.

Because both advertiser and deviantART want users to pay attention to ads, ads are often on the place where is easy to notice. Ads sometimes can be annoying, but ads also keep the website for free.


