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User:Serban Epure

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Sherban [Serban] Epuré was born in 1940 in Bucharest, Romania. Initially trained in electronics, he switched to painting in the 1960s. Beginning in 1967, he pioneered the use of algorithms and geometry in art.[1] In 1986 he incorporated the Macintosh computer and related technologies into his practice.[2][3] He has lived and worked in New York since 1980.



Studies at the Polytechnic Institute and the I. Ranghetz Institute for Radio and Television, Bucharest, Romania.
Private studies with C. C. Constantinescu and H. H. Catargi, Romanian painters of the School of Paris in the 30's.

Courses at the School of Visual Arts, New York, 1983.



In 1966, one of the principal initiators of the "Apple Meadow movement" ["Miscarea de la Poiana Marului"].[4] Starting in 1967, conceived the life-long project, "Intrinsic Art",[5]which developed into three main strands [according to the nature of the respective algorithms], defined as S-Bands ( Sherban's Bands),[6] Meta-Phorms (Meta+Metaphor+Forms)[7] and sculptures [binary and protruded].



• Many solo, group, national and international exhibitions among which:
1971 Paris Biennale 7th edition, presented by France
1973 Paris Biennale 8th edition
• 1973 the Edinburgh Festival[8]
• 1973 the Sigma9 Festival Bordeaux, France
• 1974 "Painting and Cybernetics", inaugural installation and extensive solo exhibition, part of the Art and Energy show, the New Gallery, Bucharest
• 1995 to 2001 the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, New York Digital Salon [in New York and its European venues]
• 2004 Digital Selections, the Digital Salon at the Schick Art Gallery
• 2004 First Beijing International New Media Art Exhibition Millenium Museum, Beijing
• 2005 Siggraph 32nd edition
• 2006 Siggraph 33rd edition, and/or Siggraph 2006 Wall Art
• 2008 Imaging by Numbers. A historical view of the Computer Print,[9]
• 2009 The first American "S-Bands'" presentation the Digital Salon, New York



• 1982 to 1992 an S-Band paper sculpture was produced for purchase by the Museum of Modern Art, NY [MoMA]
• the Mary & Leigh Block Museum permanent collection, Evanston, Illinois
• the Victoria and Albert Museum
the Demarco Digital Archive
• the National Gallery, Bucharest, Romania



• 1971 Youth Award of the Union of the Romanian Fine Artists, Bucharest

• 1973 Fine Art Competition Platres, Cyprus

• 1985 Art Director's Club 64th Annual Exhibition
• 1987 Annual Director's Club 34th Exhibition and Typography 9
• 1994 The “Ionel Jianou” Special Distinction for the Advancements of Creative Arts, The Romanian-American Academy



Many articles promoting computer art[10] and artist statements [11]
• 2006 An Artist's Journey in Art and Science: From behind the Iron Court to Present-Day America, Leonardo, the Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, October, vol. 39, #5, (the MIT Press, Boston, Ma.) pp.402-409 and 436
• 2006 Siggraph: Sketches
• 2007 Anna Ursyn and Terrence Masson, The History of Computer Graphics and Digital Art Project [Epuré]
• 2010-2012 Intrinsic Art vol.1-9, 700 pages, full color monograph, limited artist edition



• 1986 The Anthology of the Romanian Artists in the West. p. 73 by Ionel Jianou, ISBN-0-912131-00-5
• 2006 Bruce Wands, Art in the Digital Era, London, Thames and Hudson, pp. 10 & 33, ISBN 0-500-23817-0
• 2014 The Digital Museum



• 1971 Richard Demarco: ... "Epuré is that rare bird, the mathematician and the poet in one": Catalogue for "Romanian Art Today" exhibition, part of the Edinburgh Festival
• 1973 Jacques Lonchampt ..."Alongside the fundamental works like Sherban's Epuré's analysis of marked outlines which call to mind Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawings books..., Art and Computer at Sigma of Bordeaux, Le Monde, Paris, November 30


Leonardo Magazine biography card
Artist website
Meta-Phorms' site
S-Bands' site
the Demarco archive
New York Digital Salon
Siggrah 32nd edition
Siggraph 33rd edition


  1. ^ Adrian Rogoz, Programmatic Art with or without computer; Epuré's S-Bands, machines generating aesthetic forms, Science and Technique Revue, Bucharest, Romania, June 1971,
  2. ^ William Gibbons, MACMAG, HOW Magazine, Sept/Oct 1988, Vol.III, # 6, pp.110&114
  3. ^ Louisa Simone, Artistic Software, HOW Magazine, Ianuary/February, NY, 1989, pp.24-27
  4. ^ The Apple Meadow School- Școala de la Poiana Mǎrului , Brasov Art Museum, Romania, 2013, ISBN 978-606-9303-7-1.
  5. ^ Intrinsic Art is a synthesis of art's fundamentals, mathematics, philosophy and advanced technologies
  6. ^ first article dedicated to S-Bands in Arta Review # 7, Bucharest, Romania, 1970,
  7. ^ L'ordinateur au service de l'art, Connaissance des Arts, #264, 1974, Paris
  8. ^ About Richard Demarco's and Cordelia Oliver's involvement in the Edinburgh Festival and their pioneering views that art is international and without boundaries
  9. ^ A survey of the computer's use to create and print digital art illustrated by the work of 38 American and European artists
  10. ^ Romania 1970-1976
  11. ^ Siggraph33, 2006 // Siggraph32, 2005 // Leonardo Magazine, vol.34, pp.524, 2001