[edit]Fon-1 program later 1970s. Moved to Fon-2 in response to the US SDI in 1983.
1st ground based test of Fon-1 in 1984 (space shuttle story re: terra-3)
Space-based test of Fon-2. Polyus. Space station scheduled for launch in 1987. System to disperse a barium cloud to interfere with directed energy weapons. Launched 15 May 1987 - failed launch. Polyus also known as 17F19DM Skif-DM.
Podvig et al
[edit]2 projects - ASAT needs SKKP
IS submitted late 1950s TsSO-P radars
1st test 20 october 1968 space interceptor cosmos-249, target 248
1st successful intercept of c-248 on 1 nov 1968 after launch of second interceptor cosmos-252.
ground command in Moscow. space interceptor control & 6 launchers in Baykonur.
combat duty /commissioned 1st july 1979 3 more test launches. last interceptor cosmos-1379 18/6/1982.
ASAT programme suspended Aug 1983.