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Current Bibliography:

1. J. F. Steffensen, J. P. Lomholt, 1983, Energetic cost of active branchial ventilation in the sharksucker, Echeneis naucrates, Journal of Experimental Biology, 1983 103: 185-192;

2. Kidokoro, Yoshiaki. Grinnell, Alan. Eaton, Douglas. "Tetrodotoxin Sensitivity of Muscle Action Potentials in Pufferfishes and Related Fishes." J. Comp. Physiol. 89 (1974): 59-72.

3. J. H. Nadler, A. Lin, A. J. Mercer, M. Culler, K. A. Ledford, R. Bloomquist, 2013, Structures and Function of Remora Adhesion, Materials Research Society, 2013 Vol. 1498.
