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User:SciBirb24/Kattspek Dictionary

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SciBirb24's Wikipedia Sandbox Kattspek Dictionary


ys gon be ei lyl dictionry onnn t wikipediaja; mey make ei program tae help mi wyt wynn t orthography af t kattspek xatzeid changes; liek a , (1,23) wyl be ei woourrd n ani instanc af t word wyl be changed wyn characters at alphabet yndex 1 & 23 chang! t kattspek started tae diverg yn march 12020 n has 2 forms; anglo / new form, which ys kept tae be mor aenglysc but constantly influenc by t major kattspek n odre languagleidsja. t major kattspek ys t one directly from t march 12020 , nei hold bak , influenc from a variety aff leid . started as a myx af t german n implementation of typos yntae t leid , includyn speakyn , n gradually included mor leidslei polysc, scots, welsc, frenc, spanysc, icelandyc, auld aenglysc, britonyc, etc ¡ t anglo angloket xatzeid mey evolv yntae yts own lyl kattspek tae'e ¡ ei loop af t corruption n endles mixyn; makes mi a byt sad. tae'e dynamyc, mi fear dys leid nei documented yn tae futur or anitynn! memries n hystroy lost ! :(

basyc wourd stufja (words yn [] are yn ei alternate skrypt for restrycted keyboards)

  1. The; T, Tyḥ [t, tyhh]
  2. That, That's; Ðat, Ðaß, ꝥ, Ða [dat, dass, da]
  3. This; Ðyß [dyss]
  4. To; Tæ [tae]
  5. As; Ệz, Ệ(ḥ) [ez, e(hh)]
  6. Some; Per [per]
  7. Have; Av [av]
  8. Us; Wýynn [wyyynn]
  9. Our; Vynn [vynn]
  10. Too; Tæ'yḥ [tae'yhh]
  11. There; Ær [aer]
  12. A; Ệý [eyy]
  13. No; Nệý [neyy]
  14. Yes; Ja [ja]
  15. Here; Ýyr [yyyr]
  16. Their; Ệýŕ [eyyjerhh]
  17. You; Jy(ḥ) [jyhh]
  18. Are; År, Ŕ [aar, jerhh]
  19. If; Yf, Yv [yf, yv]
  20. We; Wý [wyy]
  21. In; Ynn [ynn]
  22. For; Výýyr [vyyyyyr]
  23. Through; Tẅh [tuuh]
  24. Well; Wệl [wel]
  25. Been; Pynn [pynn]
  26. All; Ål [aal]
  27. You're; Jre, Jår, Ệŕ [jre, jaar, ejerhh]
  28. Is; Yß [yss]
  29. It; Yt, Yð [yt, yd]
  30. Like; Lệý [leyy]
  31. They're; Ðệýŕ [deyyjerhh]
  32. They; Ðệý [deyy]
  33. I, Me, My; Mi [mi]
  34. What is; Ƿyß [hwyss]
  35. What; Wv̈t [wut]
  36. Or, AKA; Ö [oe]
  37. Of, From; Våμ, Ö', Af [vaamm, oe', af]
  38. On; Ånn [aann]
  39. Yet; Ệtᷣ(ø,v̈ḥ) [ett(o,uhh)]