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User:SchreiberBike/Workspace/Described by

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Fill in full names in Lepidoptera articles where only a last name is used the form: "described by Xxxx in".

To do

  • Nielsen and Traugott-Olsen
  • Nielsen and
  • Nietner
  • Nieuwenhuis
  • Nowicki
  • Nuss
  • Nye
  • O. Hofmann
  • Oberthür (Oberthur)
  • Obraztsov
  • Ochsenheimer
  • Oiticica
  • Okano
  • Orhant
  • Orfila
  • Osthelder
  • Owada
  • Özdikmen*
  • Packard
  • Pagenstecher
  • Pan et al.
  • Parenti
  • Parra
  • Pastrana
  • Pathania and Rose
  • Pearsall
  • Peck
  • Perty
  • Petersen
  • Peyerimhoff
  • Philippi
  • Phillips and Solis
  • Philpott
  • Pierce
  • Pinhey
  • Piskunov
  • Pitkin
  • Plötz
  • Poey
  • Ponomarenko
  • Ponomarenko and Ueda
  • Popescu-Gorj and Constantinescu
  • Poujade
  • Powell
  • Prout (sister)
  • Pryer
  • Pugaev and T. T. Du
  • Püngeler
  • R. W. Fereday
  • Ragonot
  • Rambur
  • Razowski
  • Rebel
  • Redtenbacher
  • Régo Barros (Rego Barros)
  • Reich
  • Reichenbach
  • Riedl
  • Riley
  • Rindge
  • Ritsema
  • Röber (Rober)
  • Robinson
  • Robinson and Robinson
  • Roepke
  • Roesler
  • Roesler and Küppers
  • Romieux
  • Rose
  • Rose and
  • Rossi
  • Rössler (Rossler)
  • Rothschild
  • Rothschild and Jordan
  • Rougeot
  • S. X. Wang
  • S. X. Wang and Z. Zheng
  • Saalmüller
  • Saito
  • Sakamaki
  • Saldaitis and Ivinskis
  • Saldaitis, Ivinskis and Borth
  • Saldaitis, Ivinskis and Churkin
  • Sallé
  • Sasaki
  • Sato
  • Sattler
  • Sauber
  • Saunders
  • Sauter
  • Say
  • Schaufuss
  • Schaus
  • Schawerda
  • Scheven
  • Schmidt
  • Schouten
  • Schrank
  • Schrottky
  • Schultze
  • Schulze
  • Scoble
  • Scopoli
  • Seitz
  • Sepp
  • Shibuya
  • Sinev
  • Sinev and Sruoga
  • Skinner
  • Slamka
  • Song, Xue and Han
  • Smith (J. B. Smith, J. E. Smith)
  • Snellen
  • Solis (Solís)
  • Solis and Adamski
  • Solis and Yen
  • South
  • Speidel
  • Speidel and Hanigk
  • Speidel and Mey
  • Sruoga
  • Staudinger
  • Stephens
  • Sterneck
  • Stoll
  • Stoneham
  • Stonis and Diškus
  • Stainton
  • Strand
  • Strecker
  • Stretch
  • Stringer
  • Sugisima
  • Sullivan
  • Sulzer
  • Sung and Chen
  • Suzuki
  • Swainson
  • Swinhoe
  • Svensson
  • Szent-Ivany (Szent-Ivány)
  • Tams
  • Taylor
  • Tessmann
  • Thomas
  • Thunberg
  • Todd
  • Toll
  • Toulgoët
  • Traugott-Olsen
  • Travassos (and, etc.)
  • Treitschke
  • Turati
  • Turner
  • Tutt
  • Ueda
  • Ureta
  • Van Eecke
  • van Gijen
  • Vári (Vari)
  • Vargas
  • Viidalepp
  • Viette
  • Vincent
  • Vollenhoven
  • W. Li
  • W. Li and H. Li
  • Walia and Wadhawan
  • Wallengren
  • Walsingham
  • Walsingham and Hampson (&)
  • Wang
  • Wang and Li
  • Wang and Sung
  • Wang and Wang
  • Wang, Li and Chen
  • Warren
  • Watson
  • Watson and Goodger
  • Wehrli
  • Werny
  • West
  • Westwood
  • Weymer
  • Whalley
  • White
  • Wichgraf
  • Wileman
  • Wileman and South
  • Wileman and West
  • Wilkinson
  • Wiltshire
  • Wocke
  • Wolff
  • Xue
  • Yakovlev
  • Yang
  • Yazaki
  • Yoshimoto
  • Yoshiyasu
  • Zagulajev
  • Zeller
  • Zerny
  • Zetterstedt
  • Zhang and Li
  • Zhang, Li and Wang
  • Zheng
  • Zhuang, Owada and Wang
  • Zimmerman
  • Zincken


  • Bethune-Baker - 2017-07-05 – 99 done
  • Busck – 2017-07-08 - 170 done
  • Diakonoff – 2017-07-14 - 218 done
  • Dognin – 2017-07-22 - 404 done
  • Druce (Hamilton Herbert) - 2017-07-25 - 4 done
  • Druce (Herbert) - 2017-08-08 - 334 done
  • Druce (Herbert) (15-Cyanopepla) (16-Eucereon) (14-Argyroeides) (9-Hyalurga) (9-Hypocrita) (9-Saurita) (8-Erupa) (3-Pseudosphex) (5-Dysschema) (5-Crocomela) (8-Gymnelia) - 2017-08-09 - 101 done
  • Dyar – 2017-08-19 - 446 done +≈16
  • Barnes and McDunnough - 2017-08-28 - 94 done (1 ok)
  • Barnes and Busck - 2017-08-28 - 13 done
  • A. Blanchard and Knudson - 2017-08-29 - 3 done
  • Blanchard and Knudson - 2017-08-29 - 5 done
  • Amsel - 2017-09-05 - 260 done (1 ok)
  • Asselbergs - 2017-09-06 - 14 done
  • Balinsky - 2017-09-07 - 52 done
  • Blanchard (Émile) - 2017-09-08 - 5 done
  • Aurivillius - 2017-09-19 - 756 done
  • Barnes - 2017-09-21 - 4 done (1 ok)
  • Barnes and Benjamin - 2017-09-21 - 6 done
  • Berg - 2017-09-22 - 28 done (2 can't tell)
  • Berio - 2017-09-22 - 15 done
  • Bradley - 2017-09-25 - 63 done
  • Dyar and Heinrich - 2017-09-25 - 7 done
  • Leraut - 2017-09-29 - 71 done
  • P. Leraut - 2017-09-29 - 8 done
  • Beutenmüller - 2017-10-08 - 3 done
  • Butler - 2017-10-11 - 323 done
  • Agassiz - 2017-10-15 - 44 done (1 ok)
  • C. and R. Felder - 2017-10-15 - 2 done
  • C. Felder and R. Felder - 2017-10-16 - 1 done
  • C. Felder, R. Felder and Rogenhofer - 2017-10-16 - 61 done
  • Felder and Rogenhofer in 1875 - 2017-10-17 - 34 done - all but first 2 "(Fregatte Novara)"
  • Filipjev - 2017-10-18 - 7 done
  • Felder and Rogenhofer in 1874 - 2017-10-18 - 3 done "(Fregatte Novara)"
  • Felder (Cajetan) - 2017-10-20 - 3 done
  • Arita - 2017-10-22 - 13 done
  • Arita and Heppner - 2017-10-22 - 20 done
  • Heppner - 2017-10-22 - 16 done
  • Bremer - 2017-10-23 - 9 done
  • Bremer and Grey - 2017-10-23 - 7 done
  • Capps - 2017-10-23 - 25 done
  • Caradja - 2017-10-25 - 165 done
  • Caradja and Meyrick - 2017-10-27 - 13 done
  • Chambers - 2017-10-30 - 69 done
  • Chen, Song and Wu - 2017-10-31 - 9 done
  • Chrétien - 2017-11-03 - 66 done
  • Christoph - 2017-11-04 - 68 done
  • Clarke - 2017-11-04 - 6 done
  • Clemens - 2017-11-04 - 55 done
  • Cockerell (Theodore) - 2017-11-05 - 343 done (1 ok)
  • Bassi (Graziano) - 2017-11-08 - 76 done
  • Bassi (M. C.) - 2017-11-08 - 1 done
  • Bleszynski (Błeszyński) - 217-11-10 - 270 done
  • B. Landry - 2017-11-18 - 13 done
  • B.Landry and J.-F.Landry - 2017-11-18 - 2 done
  • Landry - 2017-11-18 - 21 done
  • Landry and * - 2017-11-18 - 9 done
  • Birket-Smith - 2017-11-19 - 8 done
  • Coquerel - 2017-11-19 - 7 done
  • Cramer - 2017-11-19 - 60 done
  • Haimbach - 2017-11-29 - 4 done
  • Alphéraky (Alpheraky, Alphéraki, Alferaki) - 2017-12-05 - 8 done
  • Bassi and Mey - 2017-12-05 - 6 done
  • Box - 2017-12-05 - 10 done
  • Chen, Song and Yuan - 2017-12-05 - 4 done
  • Clench - 2017-12-05 - 4 done
  • D. Lucas - 2017-12-06 - 9 done
  • Daniel - 2017-12-06 - 60 done
  • de Freina - 2017-12-06 - 8 done
  • de Freina and Witt - 2017-12-06 - 6 done
  • de Joannis - 2017-12-06 - 14 done
  • Joannis - 2017-12-07 - 55 done (standardize as de Joannis - 2017-12-09 - 267)
  • de Nicéville - 2017-12-10 - 4 done
  • Denis (Jacques) - 2017-12-10 - 6 done
  • Denis and Schiffermüller (Denis and Schiffermuller) - 2017-12-10 - 12 done
  • Diakonoff and Arita - 2017-12-10 - 5 done
  • Distant - 2017-12-11 - 30 done
  • Dognin - 2017-12-11 - 8 more done
  • Donovan - 2017-12-11 - 5 done
  • Doubleday - 2017-12-11 - 5 done
  • Drury - 2017-12-11 - 18 done
  • Duponchel - 2017-12-12 - 21 done
  • Durante - 2017-12-13 - (Antonio Durante) 13 done (Silvana Patricia Durante) 2 done
  • Draudt - 2017-12-13 - 66 done
  • Durante and Panzera - 2017-12-13 - 2 done
  • Durante, Abramovich & Lucia - 2017-12-13 - 2 done
  • Bates (Marston) - 2017-12-22 - 2 done
  • Danilevsky (Danilevski) (Lepidoptera) - 2017-12-24 - 11 done
  • Danilevsky (Coleoptera) - 2017-12-24 - 37 done
  • Erschoff (Erschov, Erschow, Yershov) - 2017-12-27 - 25 done (standardize as Erschoff - 26)
  • de Toulgoët (de Toulgoet) - 2017-12-29 - 184 done
  • Toulgoët (Toulgoet) - 2017-12-30 - 56 done (standardize as de Toulgoët - 114)
  • Duckworth - 2018-01-02 - 4 done
  • Duckworth and Eichlin - 2018-01-02 - 3 done
  • Agenjo - 2018-01-09 - 2 done
  • Arora - 2018-01-09 - 3 done
  • Arora and Mandal - 2018-01-09 - 1 done
  • Becker - 2018-01-10 - 19 done
  • Common - 2018-01-10 - 28 done
  • Common and McFarland - 2018-01-10 - 1 done
  • E. Wollaston - 2018-01-10 - 4 done (clarify as Edith - 13)
  • Wollaston - 2018-01-10 - 34 done
  • Edwards - 2018-01-11 - 13 done (3 ok)
  • H. Edwards - 2018-01-13 - 22 done (standardize as H., W. H. - ≈55)
  • Billberg - 2018-01-14 - 1 done
  • Ely - 2018-01-14 - 6 done
  • Esper - 2018-01-14 - 4 done (1 ok)
  • Eversmann - 2018-01-14 - 16 done
  • Bang-Haas - 2018-01-14 - 14 done
  • Bänziger (Banziger) - 2018-01-21 - 9 done
  • Chen - 2018-01-21 - 3 done
  • F. Q. Chen, S. M. Song and C. S. Wu - 2018-01-21 - 8 done
  • Song, Chen and Wu - 2018-01-21 - 10 done
  • Chen and Wu - 2018-01-21 - 3 done
  • Chen and * - 2018-01-21 - 1 done
  • Song and Chen - 2018-01-22 - 25 done
  • Wu (Megachile Yan-Ru Wu) - 2018-01-22 - 17 done
  • Wu (Lecithoceridae Chun-Sheng Wu) - 2018-01-22 - 21 done
  • Wu and Park - 2018-01-23 - 25 done
  • Wu and Liu - 2018-01-23 - 20 done
  • F. Walker - 2018-01-23 - 2 done
  • Walker - 2018-02-08 - 1368 done (remove "F. Walker" & "Walker, F." 52) (2 ok)
  • Boisduval - 2018-02-17 - 63 done
  • Bryk - 2018-02-17 - 24 done
  • Martínez (Martinez) - 2018-03-01 - 10 done
  • Beutelspacher - 2018-03-02 - 4 done
  • Burmeister - 2018-03-03 - 39 done (link fixes 11)
  • Curtis - 2018-03-12 - 6 done
  • Derra - 2018-03-12 - 3 done
  • Fabricius - 2018-03-14 - 193 done (3 ok)
  • Falkovitsh (Falkovitsch, Falkovitch) - 2018-03-15 - 23 done (standardize as Falkovitsh - 9)
  • Nupponen - 2018-03-15 - 11 done
  • Falkovitsh and Bidzilya (Bdzilya) - 2018-03-15 - 12 done (standardize as Bidzilya - 1)
  • Bidzilya - 2018-03-15 - 20 done
  • Bidzilya and Mey - 2018-03-15 - 14 done
  • Bidzilya and Li - 2018-03-16 - 13 done
  • Bidzilya and Karsholt - 2018-03-16 - 2 done
  • Bidzilya and Budashkin - 2018-03-16 - 2 done
  • Fawcett - 2018-03-16 - 5 done
  • Ferguson - 2018-03-16 - 11 done (1 ok)
  • Ferguson and Schmidt - 2018-03-16 - 2 done
  • Dubatolov - 2018-03-18 - 30 done
  • Dubatolov and Kishida - 2018-03-17 - 10 done
  • Dubatolov and Bucsek - 2018-03-18 - 5 done
  • Dubatolov and * - 2018-03-16 - 6 done
  • Černý (Cerny, Cerný) - 2018-03-18 - 32 done
  • de Vos - 2018-03-19 - 19 done
  • de Vos and van Mastrigt (Mastrigt) - 2018-03-19 - 6 done
  • de Vos and Suhartawan - 2018-03-19 - 10 done
  • Fang - 2018-03-19 - 16 done
  • Fang and Cao - 2018-03-19 - 1 done
  • Fernald - 2018-03-20 - 19 done
  • Fletcher T. B. - 2018-03-20 - 3 done
  • Fletcher - 2018-03-20 - 17 done (1 ok) (standardize as T. B., D. S., W., J., etc. - 444)
  • Bruand - 2018-04-10 - 3 done
  • Forbes - 2018-04-11 - 24 done
  • W. T. M. Forbes - 2018-04-11 - 9 done (standardize as Forbes - 16)
  • Forster - 2018-04-11 - 5 done (5 ok)
  • Elwes - 2018-04-12 - 5 done
  • Freyer - 2018-04-12 - 6 done
  • Fruhstorfer - 2018-04-12 - 4 done
  • Fryer - 2018-04-12 - 4 done
  • G. Semper - 2018-04-12 - 4 done
  • Semper - 2018-04-12 - 12 done (standardize as Semper - 24)
  • Gaede - 2018-04-14 - 92 done
  • Arenberger - 2018-05-30 - 4 done
  • Basquin (and) - 2018-05-30 - 3 done
  • Berger - 2018-05-30 - 16 done (1 ok)
  • Bingham - 2018-05-30 - 13 done
  • Bivar de Sousa and Quartau - 2018-05-30 - 1 done
  • Bouyer (T.) - 2018-05-30 - 11 done
  • Braun - 2018-06-02 - 63 done
  • A. F. Braun - 2018-06-01 - 2 done (standardize as Braun - 6)
  • Brèthes (Brethes) - 2018-06-02 - 8 done
  • Buchsbaum - 2018-06-02 - 2 done
  • Chu and Wang - 2018-06-03 - 35 done
  • D. Y. Xue and H. X. Han - 2018-06-06 - 2 done
  • Dall'Asta - 2018-06-06 - 1 done
  • Dall'Asta and Poncin - 2018-06-07 - 14 done
  • Darge - 2018-06-07 - 9 done
  • Darge and Minetti - 2018-06-07 - 1 done
  • de Joan - 2018-06-07 - 3 done (standardize as de Joannis - 6)
  • Dewitz - 2018-06-07 - 7 done
  • Diaz and Solis - 2018-06-07 - 1 done
  • Dierl - 2018-06-07 - 7 done
  • Dohrn - 2018-06-07 - 3 done
  • Du and Li - 2018-06-07 - 13 done
  • Dufrane - 2018-06-07 - 10 done
  • Dugdale - 2018-06-07 - 9 done
  • Hoffmann - 2018-06-08 - 6 done
  • Falkovich - 2018-06-08 - 2 done
  • Fuchs - 2018-06-08 - 60 done
  • Fujisawa - 2018-06-08 - 6 done
  • Gaedike - 2018-06-21 - 77 done
  • Gaedike and Becker - 2018-06-21 - 5 done -
  • Gaedike, Kuroko and Funahashi - 2018-06-21 - 1 done
  • Ganev - 2018-06-22 - 5 done
  • Gao, Zhang and Wang - 2018-06-22 - 3 done
  • Gaskin - 2018-06-22 - 52 done
  • Gentili and Solis - 2018-06-22 - 5 done
  • Gerasimov - 2018-06-22 - 7 done
  • Germar - 2018-06-22 - 69 done
  • Geyer - 2018-06-23 - 7 done
  • Ghesquière (Ghesquiere) - 2018-06-23 - 46 done
  • Gibeaux - 2018-06-23 - 10 done
  • Gielis - 2018-06-23 - 16 done
  • Clark - 2018-06-24 - Sphingidae 8 done, Formicidae 10 done, Perciformes 2 done (4 ok)
  • Gistel - 2018-06-24 - 6 done
  • Godart - 2018-06-24 - 2 done
  • Godman and Salvin - 2018-06-24 - 2 done
  • Goeze - 2018-06-24 - 1 done
  • Goodson and Neunzig - 2018-06-24 - 7 done
  • Neunzig - 2018-06-24 - 34 done
  • Neunzig and Solis - 7 done
  • Neunzig and Leidy - 1 done
  • Brown - 2018-06-25 - 4 done (3 ok)
  • Gozmány (Gozmany) - 2018-06-25 - 166 done
  • Gozmány and - 2018-06-25 - 2 done
  • Lienig and Zeller - 2018-06-26 - 2 done
  • Graeser - 2018-08-07 - 3 done
  • Griveaud - 2018-08-07 - 57 done
  • Grose-Smith - 2018-08-08 - 4 done
  • Grote - 2018-08-09 - 71 done
  • Grote and Robinson - 2018-08-09 - 6 done
  • Grünberg - 2018-08-13 - 14 done
  • Guenée (Guenee) - 2018-08-15 - 158 done
  • Guérin-Méneville (Guérin-Meneville, Guerin-Meneville) - 2018-08-16 - 93 done
  • Guillermet - 2018-08-17 - 12 done
  • Candèze - 2018-10-18 - 3 done
  • Collenette - 2018-10-18 - 4 done
  • Dumont - 2018-10-18 - 3 done
  • Gerstaecker (Gerstäcker) - 2018-10-18 - 27 done
  • Hampson - 2018-11-03 - 2115 done (2 ok)
  • Bouvier - 2018-11-26 - 9 done
  • Conte (Le Conte, LeConte) - 2018-11-28 - 219 done
  • Ebert - 2018-11-28 - 2 done
  • Eecke - 2018-11-28 - 2 done
  • Eitschberger - 2018-11-28 - 2 done
  • Gray - 2018-11-28 - 3 done (8 ok)
  • Harris - 2018-11-28 - 4 done (4 ok)
  • Harvey - 2018-11-28 - 5 done
  • Hartig - 2018-11-28 - 4 done
  • Haworth - 2018-11-28 - 10 done
  • Haxaire and - 2018-11-28 - 3 done
  • Hayden - 2018-11-29 - 9 done
  • Hayes - 2018-11-29 - 2 done
  • Hedemann - 2018-11-29 - 3 done
  • Heinemann - 2018-11-29 - 3 done
  • Heinrich - 2018-11-30 - 41 done
  • Herbulot - 2018-11-30 - 17 done
  • Herrich-Schäffer - 2018-12-02 - 108 done
  • Allen and Holloway - 2019-01-16 - 1 done
  • Nässig, Holloway and Beeke - 2019-01-16 - 1 done
  • Holloway - 2019-01-16 - 144 done
  • Brechlin - 2019-01-16 - 2 done
  • Eitschberger * - 2019-01-16 - 13 done
  • Heylaerts - 2019-01-16 - 10 done
  • Hodges - 2019-01-17 - 172 done
  • Clerck - 2019-01-23 - 6 done
  • Bastelberger - 2019-04-14 - 4 done
  • Cassino - 2019-04-14 - 2 done
  • Debauche - 2019-04-14 - 14 done
  • Holland - 2019-04-15 - 60 done (moths) 5 done (fleas)
  • Hopffer - 2019-08-08 - 2 done
  • Bartel - 2019-08-08 - 14 done
  • Cassino and Swett - 2019-08-09 - 7 done
  • De Geer - 2019-08-09 - 3 done
  • Grum-Grshimailo - 2019-08-09 - 4 done
  • Hopp - 2019-08-09 - 82 done
  • Horak - 2019-08-09 - 6 done (Lepidoptera) 9 done (Mordellidae)
  • Houlbert - 2019-08-09 - 8 done
  • Hübner (Hubner) - 2019-08-10 - 74 done (1 ok)
  • Hudson - 2019-08-10 - 6 done
  • Huemer - 2019-08-10 - 5 done
  • Huemer and - 2019-08-10 - 35 done
  • Hulst - 2019-08-11 - 62 done (1 ok)
  • Hutton - 2019-08-11 - 2 done
  • Ignatyev and Zolotuhin - 2019-08-11 - 1 done
  • Zolotuhin - 2019-08-11 - 14 done
  • Zolotuhin and Witt - 2019-08-11 - 1 done
  • Inoue - 2019-08-11 - 21 done
  • Inoue and Yamanaka - 2019-08-11 - 2 done
  • Inoue, Munroe and Mutuura - 2019-08-11 - 1 done
  • Inoue, Yamanaka and Sasaki - 201-08-11 - 4 done
  • Issiki - 2019-08-11 - 25 done
  • J. C. Shaffer - 2019-08-12 - 30 done
  • J. C. Shaffer and Munroe - 2019-08-12 - 7 done
  • J. C. Shaffer and Solis - 2019-08-12 - 3 done
  • Shaffer - 2019-08-12 - 5 done
  • J. F. G. Clarke - 2019-08-12 - 113 done
  • Clarke (Gates) - 2019-08-12 - 27 done
  • J. K. Yang - 2019-08-12 - 2 done
  • Yang and Mao - 2019-08-12 - 1 done
  • Jaenicke and Mey - 2019-08-12 - 6 done
  • Janse - 2019-08-13 - 173 done
  • Clarke - 2019-08-14 - 49 done
  • Joicey and Talbot - 2019-08-14 - 39 done
  • Talbot - 2019-08-14 - 14 done
  • Jones - 2019-08-14 - 31 done
  • Jordan - 2019-08-15 - 206 done
  • Jörgensen (Jorgensen, Jørgensen) - 2019-08-16 - 18 done
  • Tshistjakov - 2019-08-20 - 2 done
  • Laguerre - 2019-09-24 - 2 done
  • D. Jones - 2019-09-29 - 13 done (standardize Jones as E. D., F. M., N., & W. W. - 130)
  • Erichson - 2019-09-30 - 68 done
  • Field - 2019-09-30 - 17 done
  • Fitch - 2019-09-30 - 4 done
  • Fleming - 2019-09-30 - 6 done
  • Fragoso - 2019-09-30 - 13 done
  • Frivaldszky - 2019-09-30 - 4 done
  • Haynes - 2019-10-01 - 3 done
  • Häuser and Boppre - 2019-10-01 - 5 done
  • Hulstaert - 2019-10-01 - 8 done
  • K. T. Park - 2019-11-02 - 50 done
  • Park - 2019-11-05 - 203 done (standardize name as Park - 323)
  • Kaila - 2019-11-05 - 18 done
  • Kapur - 2019-11-05 - 4 done
  • Karisch - 2019-11-05 - 14 done
  • Karsch - 2019-11-05 - 15 done
  • Karsholt - 2019-11-05 - 4 done
  • Kaye - 2019-11-05 - 43 done
  • Kearfott - 2019-11-05 - 25 done
  • Kenrick - 2019-11-06 - 28 done
  • Kim - 2019-11-06 - 2 done
  • Kirby - 2019-11-06 - 37 done
  • Kiriakoff - 2019-11-07 - 157 done
  • Kirpichnikova - 2019-11-07 - 6 done
  • Yamanaka - 2019-11-07 - 53 done
  • Kirsch - 2019-11-07 - 20 done
  • Kirti - 2019-11-07 - 15 done
  • Kishida - 2019-11-07 - 10 done
  • Klages - 2019-11-07 - 10 done
  • Klots - 2019-11-08 - 17 done
  • Klug - 2019-11-08 - 58 done
  • Knaggs - 2019-11-08 - 1 done
  • Koch - 2019-11-08 - 7 done
  • Köhler (Kohler) - 2019-11-09 - 6 done
  • Kollar - 2019-11-10 - 8 done
  • Kotzsch - 2019-11-10 - 2 done
  • Kühne (Kuhne) - 2019-11-10 - 74 done
  • Kun - 2019-11-10 - 12 done
  • Kuznetsov / Kuznetzov - 2019-11-11 - 13 done
  • B. K. Byun - 2019-11-11 - 3 done
  • C. S. Wu - 2019-11-11 - 18 done
  • Hannemann - 2019-11-11 - 12 done
  • Freeman - 2020-01-07 - 2 done
  • Eliot - 2020-02-04 - 8 done
  • Hardwick - 2020-02-04 - 2 done
  • Hewitson - 2020-02-04 - 2 done
  • L. Sonthonnax - 2020-03-04 - 4 done
  • La Harpe - 2020-03-04 - 3 done
  • Lafontaine - 2020-03-04 - 5 done
  • Lane - 2020-03-12 - 6 done
  • Lange - 2020-03-12 - 5 done
  • Laporte - 2020-03-12 - 2 done
  • Lathy - 2020-03-12 - 4 done
  • Latreille - 2020-03-13 - 12 done
  • Laszlo - 2020-06-29 - 38 done
  • Le Cerf - 2020-06-29 - 10 done
  • Le Moult - 2020-06-29 - 3 done
  • Lederer - 2020-07-02 - 88 done
  • Leech - 2020-07-02 - 74 done
  • Lefèvre - 2020-07-02 - 6 done
  • Legrand - 2020-07-03 - 33 done
  • Lemaire - 2020-07-04 - 15 done
  • Lepeletier - 2020-07-04 - 15 done
  • Lewin - 2020-07-04 - 5 done
  • Lewvanich - 2020-07-05 - 7 done
  • Li and Li - 2020-07-05 - 17 done
  • Li, Hu and Wang - 2020-07-05 - 1 done
  • Li, Li and Nuss - 2020-07-05 - 20 done
  • Li and Wang - 2020-07-05 - 3 done
  • Li and Zheng - 2020-07-06 - 48 done
  • Li, Zhen and Kendrick - 2020-07-06 - 3 done
  • Li, Zhen and Mey - 2020-07-07 - 7 done
  • Li and Zhen - 2020-07-07 - 9 done
  • Li - 2020-07-08 - 18 done
  • Liu - 2020-07-08 - 9 done
  • Lower - 2020-07-10 - 197 done
  • Linnaeus "Phylum Arthropoda" - 2020-07-12 - ~60 done
  • Lucas - 2020-07-13 - 87 done (standardize Lucas as T. P., H. or D. - 107)
  • Lvovsky - 2020-07-14 - 26 done
  • Linnaeus -"Kingdom Plantae" -"Class Mammalia" -"Class Aves" - 2020-07-16 - 32 done
  • Linnaeus -"Kingdom Plantae" - 2020-07-20 - 89 done
  • T. P. Lucas - 2020-07-22 - 23 done
  • H. Lucas - 2020-07-22 - 3 done
  • M. Wang and Yazaki - 2020-07-23 - 1 done
  • Mabille - 2020-07-23 - 53 done
  • Machado - 2020-08-09 - 6 done
  • Macleay - 2020-08-10 - 60 done
  • Maes - 2020-08-10 - 70 done
  • Mann - 2020-08-10 - 24 done
  • Marion - 2020-08-11 - 66 done
  • Martin - 2020-08-11 - 8 done
  • Marumo - 2020-08-11 - 5 done
  • Maassen - 2020-08-11 - 12 done
  • Matsumura - 2020-08-12 - 58 done
  • McCabe - 2020-08-12 - 3 done
  • McDunnough - 2020-08-12 - 18 done
  • Mell - 2020-08-13 - 12 done
  • Ménétries (Menetries, Ménétriés, Ménetriés) - 12 done
  • Mey - 2020-08-13 - 47 done
  • Meyrick - 2020-09-12 - ~3,260 done
  • Burmeister - 2021-01-11 - 1 done (4 ok)
  • Durrant - 2021-01-11 - 12 done
  • Michener - 2021-01-11 - 11 done
  • Miller - 2021-01-12 - 9 done (27 ok)
  • Millière - 2021-01-12 - 5 done
  • Minet - 2021-01-12 - 3 done
  • Mironov - 2021-01-12 - 2 done
  • Miyake - 2021-01-12 - 2 done
  • Montrouzier - 2021-01-12 - 22 done
  • Moore - 2021-01-14 - 341 done
  • Moriuti - 2021-01-14 - 16 done
  • Möschler (Moschler, Moeschler) - 2021-01-15 - 92 done
  • Motschulsky - 2021-01-15 - 72 done
  • Müller-Rutz (Muller-Rutz) - 2021-01-15 - 6 done
  • Munroe (and Mutuura) - 2021-01-19 - 271 done
  • Murtfeldt - 2021-01-19 - 4 done
  • Mutuura (and Munroe) - 2021-01-19 - 15 done
  • N. Omelko and M. Omelko - 2021-01-26 - 2 done
  • Omelko - 2021-01-26 - 10 done
  • Nagano - 2021-01-26 - 3 done
  • Nässig - 2021-01-26 - 5 done
  • Neumögen (Neumoegen) - 2021-02-11 - 14 done
  • Nel - 2021-02-11 - 10 working
  • Varenne - 2021-02-11 - 1 done
  • Newman - - 142 working


  • 2017-08-20 - 1,792
  • 2017-08-28 - 1,902
  • 2017-09-05 - 2,167
  • 2017-09-19 - 2,994
  • 2017-09-21 - 3,004
  • 2017-09-29 - 3,196
  • 2017-10-11 - 3,519
  • 2017-10-18 - 3,671
  • 2017-10-31 - 4,020
  • 2017-11-18 - 4,950
  • 2017-12-09 - 5,213
  • 2018-01-02 - 5,734
  • 2018-01-14 - 5,902
  • 2018-02-08 - 7,414
  • 2018-03-20 - 8,045
  • 2018-06-08 - 8,525
  • 2018-06-25 - 9,080
  • 2018-11-03 - 11,652
  • 2018-12-02 - 12,098
  • 2019-04-15 - 12,532
  • 2019-08-16 - 13,644
  • 2019-11-11 - 14,734
  • 2020-07-22 - 15,735
  • 2020-09-12 - 19,450
  • 2021-01-19 - 20,334


  • A. Conte - 2 (can't find any other name)
  • Becker - 1 (can't be sure which Becker)
  • Bhasin - 1 (probably G. D. Bhasin)
  • Blanchard - 59, in Lepidoptera 6 (no easy way to tell which Blanchard)
  • Chen and Chiang - 2 (names too common)
  • Chou and Xiang - 1 (may be Chou Io and Xiang He)
  • Clarke - 104 (most John Frederick Gates, but name is so common must be done manually)
  • Daniel - 3 (some other Daniel describing Coleoptera near 1900)
  • Dohrn - 1 (can't tell which Dohrn)
  • Druce – 176 (no easy way to tell which Druce)
  • E. L. Martin – 2 (can't find any other name)
  • F. Hoffmann - 1 (probably Fritz)
  • Fang - 3 (can't be sure it's Cheng-Lai Fang)
  • Felder - 65 (can't tell which without reading German) (It's possible, that in the books written by F, F & R, that some species descriptions were written by a subset of authors and I've messed some stuff up.) (I've also found many where Felder is credited, but the LepIndex says C. Felder and R. Felder.)
  • Filipjev - 3 (no easy way to tell which Filipjev)
  • G. Ebert - 2 (probably Günter)
  • Harris - 1 (probably Thaddeus William)
  • Hering (E. Hering, M. Hering) - 95 (21, 2) (too many Herings)
  • Hudson - 1 (probably George H. Hudson)
  • Hutton - 1 (probably Frederick Wollaston Hutton)
  • Inoue - 137 (similar names used by several people)
  • Inoue and Kobayashi - 1 (can't be sure)
  • Janet - 1 (hints of A. Janet, but can't find original from Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde)
  • K. Fujisawa - 6 (can't find any other name)
  • Kosakjewitsch - 1 (can't find any other name)
  • Krüger - 1 (can't tell which Krüger)
  • M. Hoffmann - 5 (can't find any other name)
  • Sick - 4 (can't find any other name)
  • Fragoso - 1 (Lepidoptera 1953 can't find any other name)
  • H. Lucas - 3 (can't find any other name)
  • Katô (Kato) - 3 (probably Masayo Kato but can't be sure)
  • Lucas - 1 - (doesn't fit any Lucas I can find)
  • Machado - 1 - (probably A. Machado, but nothing fits 1913)
  • Omelko - 7 - (two Omelkos and need to be able to read Russian to distinguish)
  • Nel - 2 - (A. Nel, probably André)