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Since 2011 I am working on wikipedia. But now I have decided to make an account. Only logged in you can (unfortunately) cooperate properly. I am Born 1965 and i am Swiss. I am a Truckdriver and also a part time firefighter. So my main interests (apart from my loved family) Are old Swiss Trucks, made in Switzerland. And everything about firefighting. The Part Saurer in my nikname stands for the Swiss Truck brand Saurer.. And because this brand did not exits anymore :-( like the Dinosaurs...... But wait its just Sauer.. this is in german also a word used for angry moode.. well I am angry because all the nice Truck Brands of Switzerland, Saurer, Berna, FBW , Bucher, Mowag did not exist anymore (or in case of Bucher & Mowag did not build trucks anymore).

FBW Truck
FBW Truck
MOWAG fire engine
Saurier is the short version of Dinosaur in german..so now you knew my Name "Saurer Saurier

Sauer-Saurier (talk) 17:08, 21 September 2018 (UTC)